Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Thu, 30 Sep 21
[2109.13923] S. A. R. Horsley: Time modulated media with digital meta-atoms
[2109.13931] Giulia Zorzi, Luca Berta, Stefano Carrazza et al.: A framework for quantitative analysis of Computed Tomography images of viral pneumonitis: radiomic features in COVID and non-COVID patients
[2109.13980] Gang Wang: Influences of the Transverse Motions of the Particles to the Recombination Rate of a Co-propagating Electron-ion System
[2109.13987] Layton A. Hall, Ayman F. Abouraddy: A universal angular-dispersion synthesizer
[2109.14006] G.L. Malli, W. Loveland: Relativistic effects for the reaction Ubq + 6 CO = Ubq (CO)6 or Ubq (OC)6:Prediction of the existence, atomization energy, and isomerization energy of the isomers Ubq (...
[2109.14008] K. T. A. Assumin-Gyimah, D. Dutta, D. S. Hussey et al.: Neutron Phase Contrast Imaging of PbWO$_{4}$ Crystals for G Experiment Test Masses Using a Talbot-Lau Neutron Interferometer
[2109.14027] Kevin B. Borsos, Desmond H.Y. Tse, Paul I. Dubovan et al.: Frequency tuned bipolar oscillating gradients for mapping diffusion kurtosis dispersion in the human brain
[2109.14050] Pavel A. Andreev: Microscopic model for relativistic hydrodynamics of ideal plasmas
[2109.14053] Yudong Yao, Henry Chan, Subramanian Sankaranarayanan et al.: AutoPhaseNN: Unsupervised Physics-aware Deep Learning of 3D Nanoscale Coherent Imaging
[2109.14074] Rodrigo A. Vargas-Hernández, Jake R. Gardner: Gaussian Processes with Spectral Delta kernel for higher accurate Potential Energy surfaces for large molecules
[2109.14085] Stefano Marin, M. Stephan Okar, Shaun D. Clarke et al.: Generalization of the Maier-Leibniz Doppler-Shift Method for Gamma-Ray Correlations in Fission
[2109.14087] Jonathan Franceschi, Lorenzo Pareschi: Spreading of fake news, competence, and learning: kinetic modeling and numerical approximation
[2109.14109] Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Vladimir V. Konotop: Floquet defect solitons
[2109.14113] Shah Tanvir ur Rahman Chowdhury, John P. Perdew: Spherical vs. Non-Spherical and Symmetry-Preserving vs. Symmetry-Breaking Densities of Open-Shell Atoms in Density Functional Theory
[2109.14127] Dieter Bothe, Matthias Niethammer, Christian Pilz et al.: On the molecular mechanism behind the bubble rise velocity jump discontinuity in viscoelastic liquids
[2109.14129] Ismael A. Elayan, Rishabh Gupta, Joshua W. Hollett: $Δ$NO and the complexities of electron correlation in simple hydrogen clusters
[2109.14168] Sen Yang, Joshua A. Allen, Chuchuan Hong et al.: Multiplexed long-range electrohydrodynamic transport and nano-optical trapping with cascaded bowtie photonic crystal cavities
[2109.14202] Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, Denghui Pan et al.: A Robust and Novel Linear Fiber Laser Mode-locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution in All-polarization-maintaining Fibers
[2109.14221] R. Joel England, Levi Schachter: Beam-Beam Interaction in a Dielectric Laser Accelerator Electron-Positron Collider
[2109.14273] Osamu Kamigaito: Scale invariance of electrodynamics in radio-frequency linear accelerators
[2109.14277] Baptist Piest, Vera Vollenkemper, Jonas Böhm et al.: Red- and blue-detuned magneto-optical trapping with liquid crystal variable retarders
[2109.14289] Tao Cai: Large-scale Vortices in Rapidly Rotating Rayleigh-Bénard Convection at Small Prandtl number
[2109.14296] Sanket Das, Tarak N. Dey: Phase-dependent controllable field generation in a ring cavity resonator
[2109.14298] S.Ramakrishna, J.Hofbrucker, S.Fritzsche: Photo-excitation of atoms by cylindrically polarized Laguerre-Gaussian beams
[2109.14324] A. Samalan, S. Basnet, L. Bonechi et al.: End-to-end simulations of the MUon RAdiography of VESuvius experiment
[2109.14327] K. Jiang, T. W. Huang, C. N. Wu et al.: Branched flow of intense laser light in porous media
[2109.14331] A. Samalan, M. Tytgat, G.A. Alves et al.: Upgrade of the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers for the High Luminosity LHC
[2109.14340] Lin Fu: Very-high-order TENO schemes with adaptive accuracy order and adaptive dissipation control
[2109.14341] Andrei Kulikovsky: A kernel for PEM fuel cell distribution of relaxation times
[2109.14352] Yanxian Wei, Hailong Zhou, Yuntian Chen et al.: Chiral polarizer based on encircling EP
[2109.14354] Markus Lazar, Helmut O.K. Kirchner: Generalized plane strain embedded in three-dimensional anisotropic elasticity
[2109.14365] Sebastian Malerz, Henrik Haak, Florian Trinter et al.: A setup to measure photoelectron circular dichroism from chiral molecules in aqueous solution
[2109.14384] Run R. Li, Marcus D. Liebenthal, A. Eugene DePrince III: Challenges for variational reduced-density-matrix theory with three-particle N-representability conditions
[2109.14397] Katherine R. Herperger, Jannis Krumland, Caterina Cocchi: Laser-Induced Electronic and Vibronic Dynamics in the Pyrene Molecule and its Cation
[2109.14405] Shuwei Qiu, Jinwen Wang, Francesco Castellucci et al.: Visualization of magnetic fields with cylindrical vector beams in a warm atomic vapor
[2109.14425] Riccardo Demattè, Louisa Michael, Nikolaos Nikiforakis: Reacting condensed phase explosives in direct contact
[2109.14458] Jinhui Hu, Luis A. Pérez, Juan Luis Garcia-Pomar et al.: Efficient infrared sunlight absorbers based on gold-covered, inverted silicon pyramid arrays
[2109.14460] Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro, J. B. Pendry: An Archimedes' Screw for Light
[2109.14475] Rashid G. Bikbaev, Dmitrii Pykhtin, Stepan Ya. Vetrov et al.: Model of the Tamm plasmon polariton based solar cell
[2109.14489] R.M.I.D Gamage, S. Basnet, E. Cortina Gil et al.: A portable muon telescope for multidisciplinary applications
[2109.14500] Asim Ghosh, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Dachepalli R. S. Ram et al.: Scaling Behavior of the Hirsch Index for Paper Citations, Failure Avalanches and Percolation Clusters
[2109.14506] Jia-Chen Shi, Qing-Xin Ji, Qi-Tao Cao et al.: Vibrational Kerr solitons in an optomechanical microresonator
[2109.14515] Farzan Sepahi, Nakul Pande, Kai Leong Chong et al.: The effect of buoyancy driven convection on the growth and dissolution of bubbles on electrodes
[2109.14531] Cristian Heber Zepeda Fernández, Jorge Luis Aguilar Cuevas, Eduardo Moreno Barbosa: Proton wave function in a water molecule: Breakdown of degeneration caused by interactions with the magnetic f...
[2109.14547] S. Pettinato, M. Girolami, R. Olivieri et al.: Diamond-based Detection Systems for Accurate Pulsed X-rays Diagnostics in Radiotherapy
[2109.14548] Shuhe Wang, Chenyang Li, Francesco A. Evangelista: Analytic energy gradients for the driven similarity renormalization group multireference second-order perturbation theory
[2109.14552] Cheuk-Him Yeung, Tom Shearer, William J Parnell: Silence is bliss in a Platonic relationship
[2109.14553] Yun-Sim Kim, Chol-Hyok Ri, Yun-Hyok Kye et al.: Ab Initio Thermodynamic Study of PbI$_2$ and CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ Surfaces in Reaction with CH$_3$NH$_2$ Gas for Perovskite Solar Cells
[2109.14556] Luis Baptista-Pires, Giannis-Florjan Norra, Jelena Radjenovic: Graphene-based sponges for electrochemical degradation of persistent organic contaminants
[2109.14566] Xinlu Xu, Jorge Vieira, Mark Hogan et al.: Generation of topologically complex three-dimensional electron beams in a plasma photocathode
[2109.14598] Lukas Mennel, Dmitry K. Polyushkin, Dohyun Kwak et al.: Sparse pixel image sensor
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 30 Sep 21","img":""}
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