Exam 3

A split image showing symbols of the four Gospels, with an open Bible, ancient scrolls, and illustrative figures representing Jesus and the apostles in a classical art style.

Understanding the Gospels Quiz

Test your knowledge of the Gospels with this comprehensive quiz that dives deep into key themes, characters, and teachings found within the texts. Perfect for students and enthusiasts alike, this quiz will challenge your understanding of this essential part of the New Testament.

Key Features:

  • 45 engaging multiple choice questions
  • Focus on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • Explore themes such as the messianic secret and the role of John the Baptist
45 Questions11 MinutesCreated by DiscoverStone42
Mark hopes to convince his readers that Jesus is
The King of the Jews
The Savior of the world
The Messiah and the Son of God
The fulfillment of Hebrew prophecy
Who opposes Jesus in Mark 1–8?
The scribes and Pharisees
Jesus’s family
People from Jesus’s hometown
All of the above
Apostolicity is a requirement for a writing to be included in the New Testament. What does that word mean?
An apostle wrote it
An apostle was the chief character in the writing
An apostle was in some way connected to the writing
None of the above
The genre of the Gospels is best understood as
Ancient biography
historical fiction
Expository writing
What is the “messianic secret”?
Jesus is not sure of his identity
Jesus believes the crowds can figure out his identity
Jesus is keeping his whereabouts a secret
Jesus’s impulse to keep his identity hidden
Which of the following is not one of the women included in Jesus’s genealogy at the beginning of Matthew?
In the four Gospels, what term appears only in Matthew’s Gospel?
Which of the following statements best describes the structural relationship between the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark?
Matthew and Mark follow the same basic outline, but Mark is more expansive.
Matthew and Mark follow the same basic outline, but Matthew is more expansive.
Matthew and Mark follow different outlines but include the same basic material.
None of the above
What is the first major teaching unit in Matthew’s Gospel?
The Instructions for the end times
The Kingdom Parables
The Sermon on the Mount
The Instructions for the Church
A beatitude is
A proverb-like saying that announces a blessing
A word that announces the end times
Sayings that deal with the power of the Spirit
A beautiful saying about creation
The genealogy in Luke’s Gospel traces Jesus’s lineage back to whom?
What does Luke emphasize in his account of Jesus’s birth?
The visit of the Wise Men
The majesty of his birth
The concern of the Romans
The humble circumstances
The synoptic problem has prompted numerous theories about?
Which of the Gospels was written in Aramaic
Which Gospel was written first
Which Gospel was found at the Dead Sea
Which of the Gospels was written for the gentiles
The Synoptic Gospels is the name given to the Gospels of
Matthew and Luke
Matthew, Luke and John
Matthew, Mark and John
Matthew, Mark and Luke
What social groups are of special concern to Luke?
Pharisees and Sadducees
Outcasts and marginalized people
Circumcised and uncircumcised people
Jews and Gentiles
The Samaritans temple was on?
Mount Zion
Mount Horeb
Mount Sinai
Mount Gerizim
This militant group sought to expel the Romans from Judea?
The Pharisees
The Sadducees
The Essences
The Zealots
The synoptic problem has prompted numerous theories about?
Which of the Gospels was written in Aramaic
Which Gospel was written first
Which Gospel was found at the Dead Sea
Which of the Gospels was written for the gentiles
The Synoptic Gospels is the name given to the Gospels of
Matthew and Luke
Matthew, Luke and John
Matthew, Mark and John
Matthew, Mark and Luke
What social groups are of special concern to Luke?
Pharisees and Sadducees
Outcasts and marginalized people
Circumcised and uncircumcised people
Jews and Gentiles
In the Gospel of John, what is the primary role of John the Baptist?
Finding a way to help Jesus’s disciples live an abundant life
Testifying about Jesus’s true identity
Teaching the Jews about true repentance
Setting an example for the disciples
What is the first of the miraculous signs that Jesus performs in John’s Gospel?
Turning water into wine
Feeding the five thousand
Healing the man born blind
Raising Lazarus from the dead
In the Gospel of John, Jesus refers to himself as all of the following except
The light of the world
The good shepherd
The second Adam
the true vine
What is the final miraculous sign that Jesus performs that also functions as the pivot point in John’s Gospel?
Turning water into wine
Feeding the five thousand
Healing the man born blind
Raising Lazarus from the dead
Each time one encounters the words “the Jews” in John’s gospel, it is best to ask:
To whom specifically is John referring?
Where are they going?
Why can’t they believe in Jesus?
When will they follow Jesus?
The following join in the arrest of Jesus only in John’s Gospel
Herod’s soldiers
Members of the Sanhedrin
Roman soldiers
In John’s Gospel the “Advocate” is:
The Roman Governor
The Holy Spirit
The High Priest
The Messiah
In the Gospel of John, Jesus refers to himself as all of the following except:
The truth
The way
The resurrection
The hope
Throughout chapters 18-19, John overwhelmingly portrays Jesus as:
a king
A redeemer
A healer
a prophet
The Passover is:
The service remembering God giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai
Also known as the Festival of Weeks
Celebrated as a reminder of God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from Egypt
The event commemorating God’s care for His people in the wilderness
During which festival does the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus’s followers?
Who is the main character in the Book of Acts?
The Apostles
The Holy Spirit
The Book of Acts appears to function as a sequel for which Gospel
According to the authors, which unfortunate event surprisingly furthers the plan of God and the plot of Acts?
The deception of Ananias and Sapphira
The cultural differences among early believers
The stoning of Stephen
The destruction of the Jewish Temple
What is significant about the conversion of Cornelius?
It is the first public conversion of a Gentile.
He is the first individual to believe in the risen Jesus outside Jerusalem
Cornelius is not interested in the Jewish faith.
He is the first person to convert because of Paul’s preaching.
Who is Paul’s primary companion on his first missionary journey?
What was the primary point of debate at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)?
What can be done about the persecutions the church keeps facing
What Jews must do to set themselves apart as Christ followers
Whether Paul should continue to minister to his fellow Jews
What the Gentiles must do to receive God’s salvation
Who are Paul’s primary companions on his second missionary journey?
Silas and Timothy
Barnabas and Mark
Peter and John
Barnabas and Peter
In what city does the Book of Acts end?
What is the miraculous sign that accompanies the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2?
The ability to speak and to understand in different languages
Earthquakes and darkness
The blind and lame are healed
The disciples see the resurrected Jesus
Mark portrays Jesus as:
The miracle-working Son of God and the long-expected Messiah
. The one who fulfills the Scriptures and is best interpreted through the Old Testament
The humble and merciful Savior of all people
The exalted one from above who reveals God to the readers
Matthew portrays Jesus as:
The humble and merciful Savior of all people
The exalted one from above who reveals God to the readers
The miracle-working Son of God and the long-expected Messiah
The one who fulfills the Scriptures and is best interpreted through the Old Testament
Luke portrays Jesus as:
The humble and merciful Savior of all people
The miracle-working Son of God and the long-expected Messiah
The one who fulfills the Scriptures and is best interpreted through the Old Testament
. The exalted one from above who reveals God to the readers
John portrays Jesus as:
The one who fulfills the Scriptures and is best interpreted through the Old Testament
The humble and merciful Savior of all people
The exalted one from above who reveals God to the readers
The miracle-working Son of God and the long-expected Messiah
The literal meaning of the Hebrew word “Messiah” is:
The Suffering Servant
The Anointed One
The Crucified One
The Savior
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