Differences between present simple, past simple and present perfect - take the quiz

Jaký je správný tvar slovesa „go“ v minulém čase prostém?
Která z těchto vět je v předpřítomném čase?
I eat breakfast every morning.
She has visited Paris before.
They will go to the beach tomorrow.
We are playing soccer right now.
Doplňte správný výraz do mezery: I _______ my homework yesterday.
Která věta je v přítomném čase prostém?
He is running in the race.
They have been studying for hours.
We play soccer every weekend.
She had already left when I arrived.
Správný tvar slovesa „eat“ v minulém čase prostém?
Doplňte mezeru: She _______ her birthday party last week.
Která z vět je v předpřítomné čase prostém?
We will go shopping tomorrow.
He has already finished his homework.
They were playing basketball yesterday.
I am going to the movies tonight.
Správný tvar slovesa „write“ v přítomném čase průběhovém?
Doplňte mezeru: They _______ to the zoo last weekend.
Která z vět je v přítomném čase prostém?
I have been studying all night.
She plays the piano every day.
They had already left when we arrived.
We will be going on vacation next month.
{"name":"Differences between present simple, past simple and present perfect - take the quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Jaký je správný tvar slovesa „go“ v minulém čase prostém?, Která z těchto vět je v předpřítomném čase?, Doplňte správný výraz do mezery: I _______ my homework yesterday.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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