Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 25 Mar 22
[2203.12619] B. Eslam Panah: Charged Accelerating BTZ black holes
[2203.12640] Emma Albertini, Stephon Alexander, Gabriel Herczeg et al.: Torsion and the Probability of Inflation
[2203.12760] Mariateresa Crosta, Mario G. Lattanzi, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte et al.: On the principle of Astrometric Gravitational Wave Antenna
[2203.12766] Yu. G. Ignat'ev, A.A. Agathonov, D. Yu. Ignatyev: Cosmological evolution of a statistical system of degenerate scalar charged fermions with an asymmetric scalar doublet. II. One-component system of doubly charg...
[2203.12809] Eloy Ayón-Beato: Unveiling the electrodynamics of the first nonlinearly charged rotating black hole
[2203.12951] Lorenzo Iorio: Why the mean anomaly at epoch is not used in tests of non-Newtonian gravity?
[2203.12984] Natalia Gorobey, Alexander Lukyanenko, A. V. Goltsev: On the Birth of the Universe and Time
[2203.13252] Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Wayne Hu, Macarena Lagos et al.: Modified gravitational wave propagation with higher modes and its degeneracies with lensing
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 25 Mar 22","img":""}