Which is your Runeterran faction ?

What is most important for you?
Magic is....
A tool to be used
A weapon to be wielded
A threat to be eradicated
A toy to play with
A fine investment
A variable in a system
Part of this world
At my command
A dangerous servant
A prize to be won
The cage and the key at the same time
A source of power
The ultimate reward
Granted only to the strongest
A testament of authority
A mean to an end
Inside me waiting to disclose
The world is in danger, and the war will soon be raging around the world, what do you do?
Fight the war, it will happend sooner or later, I have to be ready
Hide and try to survive
Stay out of the matter, the buisness of others are not my concern
Study the danger, and maybe carve out of it something useful
Try to prevent the war to happen, it wold be a disgrace for all of us
Use the chaos at your advantage, when it will be time, we'll act
Speed up the process, when everything starts to fall, the strong and the cunning will claim what is theirs
Who's the one that should govern?
The Strong
The Noble
The Righteous
The Saint
The Brave
The Great
The Rich
The Ambitious
No one
The Resourceful
The Powerful
The Enlightened
The Skillful
The Good
The Cunning
The Wise
This world is...
Mine for the taking
Full of wonders
In perfect balance, and has to be protected
Not good enough
One of Many
Would you kill in order to reach your goals?
Yes, I would
No, I wouldn't
Is living in a society and looking after its needs an important part of your life?
Yes, it's my duty as a citizen
No, I look after myself and nothing else
Meh, I'm not interessed but it's not a problem either
Society is diverse, made of different classes, filled with varuous people, who have each one several needs that diverge, so what are we speaking about exactly? The question is poorly stated.
As long it helps protecting what is mine,yes why not?
I dislike crowded places, and people in general, I prefere live my life of my own, so no, society and it's needs is not an important part of my life
Wether it is or not it doesn't matter, soon enough will be all over for all of us, we're speck of dust on a rock in the middle of nothingness
Choose a climate
One as good as any
Do you think your homeland should welcome different cultures and races ?
Yes, as long they are respectful of ours, they should be welcome
Yes, as long they join us
No, external influences are dangerous, we have to protect our culture
No, contamination is good, but I think there's a place for everyone in this world
Yes, the more diverse we are the more ideas we can explore
No, it's controversial, I mean I'm not gonna stop anyone going anywere, but we should remain separated from those who aren't willing to live in harmony with us
Cultures? Races? Arbitrary nonsense, we are in this world to share it
Read these quotes, and choose the one that you feel more attuned to.
We fight for those who cannot
You'll see more with your eyes closed
It is terrible to be satisfied, the world needs us to chase dreams
They think me defeated, enchained, but I am unbowed
Fight or make room for those who will
The untamed know no fear
The focused mind can pierce through stone
Truth is worth fighting for, but beauty is worth dying for
A riddle wrapped in a mystery, is hidden within us all
Every question answered is another revealed
We do not live in hope, we work to return it
To conquer our fears, we must move forward
When memories fade and darkness surrounds you, find the strength inside
I'd rather make mistakes than make nothing at all
The only real sin is to deny a craving
It's always dark on the horizon if you only look up during storms
We are seen dancing and thought insane by those who can't hear the music
Is morality important for you?
Yes it is
No it's not
What are authority, ideals and rules to you?
The first is conquered, the second is hard won, and the last is made by the conqueror
Things to be respected
Arbitrary constructs of society, that turn out to be useful every now and then
Both are to be challenged, we can't hope to progress if we stick to tradition
The only three things that prevent us to fall into chaos
Just meaningless words if are not enforced
All of them are great when they're the product of wisdom and virtue, yet dangerous things when born from greed and resentment
What is power?
Love is power
Power is power
Knowledge is power
Determination is power
Strength is power
Focus is power
Relentlessness is power
{"name":"Which is your Runeterran faction ?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is most important for you?, Magic is...., The world is in danger, and the war will soon be raging around the world, what do you do?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/42-1389125/image-12-.jpg?sz=1200-00000003691000005300"}
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