Quarterly Quiz Q3 2017 - Masterquiz NEW

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Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!
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  • There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated "multiple correct answers", in which case you have to select more than one good answer.
  • You have to click on 'NEXT' after each category to move on.
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Category: App Advertising
Category: App Advertising
In an ideal scenario we want to collect as much information as possible from our App advertisers. What exactly do we need to collect?
Listing, Product View, Basket and Transaction Event
Listing, Product view, Basket, Transaction and Launch event
Home event only
Download and Transaction Event
What are Universal Links, and what are they needed for?
Universal Links is a Criteo feature that the client needs to implement in the app. It allows Criteo to track sales properly.
Universal Links is a feature available in both Android and IOS. It helps with the redirect into the app.
Universal Link is an iOS feature. It allows to seamlessly redirect clicks from different environments to the client’s app.
Universal Link is a mandatory event that needs to be implemented in the app in order for Criteo to track the redirection properly.
Which of the following is the preferred integration method for App Advertising and why?
App Events SDK. It is the most accurate events tracking method as it tracks the most data.
App Events API. It allows for more flexibility internally as updates can be done without the client’s intervention.
Mobile Measurement Partners. It allows us to collect more information across all partners to fuel the Criteo engine.
No preferred integration method. It only depends on the client’s technical set-up.
A client is working with Facebook directly to promote their app. Which elements would you use to pitch Criteo’s app solution against this? (Multiple correct answers)
Facebook only displays previously-viewed products and best-selling items. This is a missed opportunity for advertisers.
Unlike Facebook, App Advertising through Criteo Dynamic Retargeting allows to accurately target audience segments.
Unlike Facebook, App Advertising through Criteo Dynamic Retargeting drives an average 28% sales due to new Product discovery
As a social network, Facebook is not able to reach users along their entire shopping journey
True or false? A client who is live on Facebook DPA for Mobile Web is automatically live on DPA for App.
False. It is necessary to activate DPA for App separately if the client wants to manage their budgets separately
False. TS needs to activate DPA for App in TOP
True. A client who is live on DPA is automatically live for both Mobile Web and App
True. Criteo can’t track Facebook DPA for App though. Clients should use their own Analytics Tool for tracking.
Category: AO
Category: AO
Which of the following accounts are eligible for AO? (Multiple correct answers)
DPA and capped budget – but only if smoothing is activated
DPA and uncapped budget - no matter if smoothing or not
DPA and uncapped budget – but only if no smoothing activated
Uncapped budget, app campaign – no matter if smoothing or not
With AO, is it possible to have different COS or CPO targets per category?
Yes, it is recommended to optimize performance
Yes, it is possible in certain cases, you should contact your local AX for recommendation
No, AO can only be set at campaign level
No, AO can only be set at advertiser level
What are the benefits of AO? (Multiple correct answers)
More convenient campaign management: no need to adapt CPCs manually
Estimated +5% Rext uplift at same performance target
Increase around +15% of high margin products displayed in banners
No missed opportunity: CPC management will immediately react to all engine improvements
Which of the following statements are TRUE about minimum CPCs and AO campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
You have to set a minimum CPC for AO campaigns and the engine will not go lower than this minimum CPC set for the campaign.
There is no minimum CPC for AO campaigns. The engine will flex CPC bids to reach the agreed target COS/CPO.
There is no minimum CPC for AO campaigns but a minimum CPC set in TOP can still remain effective for another campaign of the same client that is not AO.
You have to set a minimum CPC for AO campaigns. At the same time you can have different minimum CPCs for other campaigns of the same client that are not AO.
Which of the following describe the eligibility for ACO? (Multiple correct answers)
The campaign has to be run in CRO model for at least 7 days.
The campaign needs to have 3 or more sales per day on average in the last 30 days.
Cross-device is deployed for the advertiser
The client is live on DPA
What is the requirement when you set the target value for ACO?
The target value should be set in the range of ±20% in the last 7 days
The target value should be set in the rage of ±5% in the last 7 days
The target value should be set in the range of ±20% in the last 30 days
The target value should be set in the range of ±5% in the last 30 days
Category: Criteo Audience Match
Category: Criteo Audience Match
What is the main objective of Criteo Audience Match campaigns?
Improve lower funnel campaign performance
Drive new sales and get incremental budgets by targeting new audiences
Answer advertisers requests to use their CRM data
Improve mid funnel campaign performance
Which of the following are possible use cases for Criteo Audience Match? (Multiple correct answers)
Re-engagement (e.g. Of inactive or seasonal buyers)
Cross-selling of complementary products
Re-equipment (e.g. Shoppers who bought a product and are likely to buy again)
Up-sell (e.g. Promote bundle offers)
One of the KPIs we look at for Criteo Audience Match is the onboarding rate. What is our average onboarding rate?
Over 30%
Over 50%
Over 60%
Over 80%
What should you do when starting your Criteo Audience Match campaign?
Start with high CPC and decrease it progressively to reach ROI
Target incremental users
Exclude context 0 users
Push back users from the retargeting campaign
What are we doing to increase our onboarding match rate? (Multiple correct answers)
Daily user matching
Remove dead cookies
Match users only one time when the campaign is launched
Constantly grow Criteo's identity graph
Category: Criteo Product Feed (Google Feed)
Category: Criteo Product Feed (Google Feed)
Which clients are eligible for Criteo Product Feed?
All retail clients
Only fashion retail client
Retail and travel clients
Fashion, retail, and classified client
What are the main benefits for advertisers to update to the new feed format? (multiple correct answers)
By allowing advertisers to pass us multiple images per product, the Criteo Performance Product Feed unlocks new creative possibilities that Criteo is working on
The Criteo Performance Product Feed is the only one that is "search" ready, and will be mandatory to roll out Criteo Predictive Search
The Criteo Performance Product Feed will boost our recommendation engine's capability to detect users' intents and tastes through unified product categories and brands
Select the right definition of GTIN and MPIN (2 correct answers)
GTIN is a globally unique product identifier
GTIN is Google's unique product identifier
MPN is a universal product identifier in the global marketplace
MPN is a number that uniquely identifies the product to its manufacturer
What information does the advertiser need to pass us to consider Criteo Product Feed fully deployed?
Brand and GG category
Brand, GTIN and MPN
Brand and GTIN
Brand, GG Category, GTIN or MPN
Why is it important that we receive the brand data from an advertiser? (Multiple correct answers)
The brand data is required for Criteo Sponsored Products
The brand data will enable the engine to learn & better understand user behavior regarding product brands
It is not required or recommended that we receive brand data from an advertiser
The brand data will enable the engine to stop retargeting a shopper for a specific product once purchased, if they are not likely to buy again
Category: Video
Category: Video
On what type of inventory do we display Video Ads?
Instream only
Outstream only
Instream and Outstream
What elements can be changed or added in the Video Layout? (Multiple correct answers)
Text Colors
Shapes Colors
Clients’ music tracks
For a Criteo video ad, can a client track impressions and views (how long a video has been seen by a user)?
Yes, clients can track both impressions and views.
No, impression and view tracking are not possible with the beta. This is on the roadmap.
No, only impression tracking: the client will be able to see the number of impressions but won’t be able to track for how long a user has seen the video.
No, only view tracking: the client will be able to track the skipped ads and the ones viewed entirely.
Which publishers have we successfully integrated for video ads?
The main video RTBs
The main video RTBs and Youtube
The main video RTBs, Youtube and Facebook
The main video RTBs, Youtube, Facebook and TV
Which of the following are key selling points for Criteo video ads? (Multiple correct answers)
No added cost or time for the client: We use the client’s existing creative assets to generate the video ads dynamically.
Multiple product links: Each sequence within the video is clickable and will bring the user to the relevant areas of the client’s website.
The client’s brand is maintained throughout the video ads, including a branded intro and outro and brand colors and styles.
Video ads have the highest level of post view engagement out of any ad format. Criteo only charges the client for direct clicks on the ad though.
Category: Universal Match / Criteo User Graph
Category: Universal Match / Criteo User Graph
Why do we prefer MD5 hashed emails to CRM IDs to enable Cross-Device? (Multiple correct answers)
Because MD5 hashed emails have a match rate that is 3 times higher
Because MD5 hashed emails can be collected without the advertiser’s agreement
Because MD5 hashed emails can be stored in a user’s cookie
Because MD5 hashed emails are unique to the user across advertisers - the user matching can be done across our advertiser network
With Cross Device, how does product recommendation work?
We take into account all products seen on all matched devices for a given user
We take into account products seen on 2 matched devices for a given user
With Cross Device, we only take into account best of products
With Cross Device, we only take into account most viewed products
Which of the following statements are TRUE about user matching with Universal Match? (Multiple correct answers)
User Matching can be done across advertisers because shoppers tend to use the same email with different advertisers
As soon as 2 devices are matched and linked to the same user, all advertisers will benefit from this, no matter if the user has recently or not visited their website
The user needs to be logged-in each time to be matched
The matched Cross-Device Sales can be seen and included in the Sales column in the Management Center
How do clients benefit from Criteo User Graph? (Multiple correct answers)
Criteo User Graph helps clients improve the accuracy of their overall marketing measurement across channels
The additional cross-device identification data is provided to clients at no additional cost
Clients can leverage the cross-device identification data in Google Analytics without any limitation
Clients are free to use Criteo User Graph with their approved 3rd party attribution vendor to objectively assess media effectiveness
What are requirements to be eligible for Criteo User Graph? (Multiple correct answers)
The advertiser shares hashed emails on at least 3% of events on all their Criteo tags
X-device is deployed for the advertiser
The advertiser is using OneTag v4.1 or above
The advertiser needs to work with a 3rd party vendor with whom we have a direct integration
Category: DPA
Category: DPA
In the DPA report in Management Center, what is the Total Cost column?
The money Criteo pays to Facebook for impressions
The amount of money the client pays Criteo for clicks on DPA
The Criteo margin
The money Criteo pays to Facebook for impressions + the Criteo margin.
A client tracks more sales with Facebook Direct than on Facebook through Criteo. What could the reasons be? (multiple correct answers)
Facebook’s default attribution model is different: 28 days post click + 24 hrs post view
Facebook also attributes cross device sales
Facebook sales are not de-duplicated across marketing channels
Criteo tracks the exact same number of sales but due to the technical integration they show up delayed in our report
How do we buy on DPA?
Through an API
Through RTB
Through RTB and RTA
Through Criteo Direct Bidder
How does the recommendation work on DPA?
We do a user-level recommendation exactly as for the rest of our inventory
We do a user-level recommendation as for the rest of our inventory but it is done in advance instead of in real time.
Unlike the rest of our inventory, recommendation is done at audience level
Unlike the rest of our inventory, recommendation is done at audience level and in advance instead of in real time
Which of the following elements could you use to pitch Facebook Dynamic Ads through Criteo against Facebook Direct? (Multiple correct answers)
Maximum reach beyond the Facebook and Instagram ecosystem
Product recommendations: Criteo drives on average 28% of sales from products not previously viewed on-site
Kinetic Design: best brand experiences with dynamically created ads using Active Elements
Control and transparency – full control over CPC and real-time insight into performance
Category: App Install
Category: App Install
What is the main objective of our App Install product?
Increase app installs from shoppers by targeting an advertiser’s engaged shoppers with personalized ads.
Increase app installs from shoppers who have not yet engaged with the advertiser
Reduce cost per app install for our advertisers
Increase number of new customers for an advertiser by engaging mobile web shoppers with personalized ads
If the user has the app installed already, will we show them a banner? (multiple correct answers)
Yes, but we have plans to modify this behavior with R&D developments
No, we are able to exclude users who have already installed the app through cross-device matching
Yes, but once a user has installed the app following a click on one of our install banners, we will exclude them from the Install campaign
Yes, if the user already has the app (i.e. Organic download or driven by another provider), we won’t know they have the app and can target them with install banners
What is the recommended engine optimization model for App Install campaigns?
Click optimizer
Conversion optimizer
Value optimizer
Revenue optimizer
Which Mobile Measurement Partners can we work with for App Install?
Adjust only
Adjust and Kochava
Adjust, AppsFlyer and Kochava
Adjust, Apsalar, AppsFlyer, Kochava or Tune
App Install: What does deferred deeplinking do?
After clicking on the install banner, it directs the user to the app store instead of the advertiser’s mobile site
After downloading the app and opening it for the first time, it directs the user to the product that was featured in the install banner
After clicking on the install banner, it makes sure to direct the user to the correct app store
After downloading the app and opening it for the first time, it tracks the download
Category: Industry Knowledge
Category: Industry Knowledge
Which of the following is NOT a direct competitor for Criteo in commerce marketing?
Catalina Marketing
Which of the following are key differentiators for Criteo Predictive Search? (multiple correct answers)
End-to-end solution: Predictive Search encompasses all aspects of a Shopping program, all working together seamlessly to drive results to the client.
CPC performance pricing model: Criteo’s CPC business model aligns with the clients’ performance goals.
Predictive Bidding: Predictive Search sets the most accurate, sophisticated bids that represent products, users, device, and user intent as represented by search queries
Advanced Remarketing: Predictive Search re-engages with users likely to make a purchase by valuing and bidding on users, based on user context such as on-site behavior.
On a weekly call with your client where you discuss their Dynamic Retargeting campaign, the client informs you that they’re planning on running a head-to-head against Google. What should you do first?
Say you’ll call them back, and quickly start mapping out your strategy.
Send a Criteo vs. Google matrix to list all the reasons why Criteo is a better retargeting partner than Google.
Nothing, the decision has already been made.
Gather information from the client on their reason(s) behind this decision so that you can determine the best approach.
True or False: Advertisers can’t access Facebook inventory through Google.
True, advertisers running only on Google have to set up a separate campaign in order to run ads on Facebook.
True, advertisers can’t access Facebook inventory through Google unless they pay an additional fee.
False, advertisers can access Facebook inventory through Google.
False, advertisers can access all inventory through Google
True or False: Facebook evaluates purchase intent in order to inform bidding.
True, Facebook evaluates purchase intent in order to inform bidding.
True, Facebook evaluates purchase intent and user fatigue in order to inform bidding.
False, Facebook does not evaluate purchase intent in order to inform bidding.
False, Facebook evaluates user fatigue in order to inform bidding.
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