TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 11

Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
precipitation (n)
All of the above
drought (n)
Long period of no precipitation
Long period of war
Long period of peace
Long period of creation
famine (n)
Extreme lack of food
Extreme lack of rain
Extreme lack of land
Extreme lack of work
omen (n)
render (v)
To change
To transform
To alter
All of the above
arable (adj)
Bad for farming
Good for building on
Good for farming
Sold for farming
arid (adj)
Lacking moisture
No water
All of the above
abandon (v)
To return to often
To give up and leave
To abide by always
To transform quickly
downfall (n)
Sudden loss of knowledge
Sudden loss of wealth and power
Sudden plethora of problems
Sudden abundance
destitute (adj)
Lacking nothing
Lacking everything
Lacking time
All of the above
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
The _______________ has lasted more than five years. Even now there is no rain.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
The homeless man on the corner is obviously _______________ for a myriad of reasons.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
_______________ can be any form of water that falls from the sky, for example snow, rain, sleet or hail.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
Long ago, a king’s position was always precarious. His _______________ could happen at any time.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
From an _______________ , agrarian people could infer many things, such as a year of rain or a year of drought.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
A dead battery will _______________ a cell phone unusable.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
Petra had to _______________ the idea of completing her university degree in two years instead of four.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
“Feast or ______________ ” is a common expression analogous to “Times are either really good or really bad with no in between.”
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
Some believe that _____________ land is more valuable than gold.
Word List:
• drought • famine • precipitation • omen • render • arable
• arid • abandon • downfall • destitute
Arizona is quite _______________ .
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
A drought means a long period of no precipitation. Because there is no precipitation, the soil becomes arid. Consequently, once fertile land is rendered unarable. This, in turn, leads to famine. Drought has caused the downfall of many civilizations. People had to abandon the land inasmuch as they were left destitute. Many believed that droughts were omens from the Gods.
{"name":"TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 11", "url":"","txt":"Directions: √ Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1) multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each. √Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process. √ When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. √ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on. √ For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence. √ Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction., Quiz#1   Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer., carnivore (n)","img":""}
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