Yo Dawg

What can you do with the system drive?
Save backups to an external drive
Save backups to the system drive
Save backups to a network location
Issue a warning if there is not enough drive space to store a system iso
What are the backup options?
Let windows choose
Let me choose
Let another user choose
Let the administrator choose
What are the system backup locations and methods?
Which windows update has the definition: A broadly released fix for a specific problem, addressing a critical, non-security related bug?
Security update
Critical update
Service pack
Why wouldn’t you use a system restore point?
Infected by malware
Computer crashes
You accidentally deleted your google doc
Infected by malicious software
Where would you go to perform a Windows update?
Start > Control Panel > Files
Start > Games
Start > Control Panel > System and Security < Keyboard
Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update
Where should you save backups?
Network location
External Drive
What two tools are used for disk maintenance?
Disk Decrapper
Disk Cleanup
Disk Fragmenter
Disk Defragmenter.
A fragmented disk will…
Slow down disk access
Degrade overall performance.
Cause the disk to shatter
Cause files to be fragmented.
A system image includes which of the following?
{"name":"Yo Dawg", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What can you do with the system drive?, What are the backup options?, What are the system backup locations and methods?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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