APUSH Stuff 2

Who wanted separation of church and state?
No one, ‘twas a very religious time
When was the Second Great Awakening and who kickstarted it?
1830s; Jefferson
1840s; James McGready
1830s; James McGready
1840s; Jefferson
What events characterized the Second Great Awakeining?
Relatively small but numerous indoor private gatherings
Massive outdoor gatherings of thousands of people
Large but indoor gatherings with normally up to a couple hundred people
Relatively small but numerous outdoor gatherings
What two sects of Christianity were expanded during the Second Great Awakening?
Methodist and Catholicism
Methodist and Baptistism
Catholicism and Baptistism
Methodists and Nondenominational
Who were the two main people of the Methodists, how was the religion spread, and what did they believe?
John Wesley in Europe and Francis Asbury in America; circuit breakers; free individuals make own decisions and emotionalism
John Adams and Francis Asbury; circuit breakers; free individuals make own decisions and emotionalism
John Wesley; circuit breakers; decision made by main leaders
John Wesley in Europe and Francis Asbury in America; circuit breakers; main preachers make decisions for whole sect
What charactized Baptists?
Less emotional and individualistic; not many sects; had a hierarchy of people that made decisions for whole community; preachers typically from community
More emotional and individualistic; creation of multiple sects; each sect wanted to make its own decisions so no hierarchy of people that made decisions; preachers typically not from community
Less emotional and individualistic; many sects created; heirarchy of people that made decisions for all sects; preachers typically from community
More emotional and individualistic; many sects created and each sect made own decision, not heirarchy; preachers typically from community
What was the Cane Ridge Ridge Revival Meeting (Bourbon, Kentucky)?
Biggest revival meeting; both whites and blacks attended
Only even relatively large revival meeting; only whites attended
Biggest revival meeting; only whites attended
Only revival meeting in which all attendants were black
What happened during Secret Slave meetings and what religion did they prefer?
Planned violent slave revolts; deism
Planned violent slave revolts; Christianity
Preached hope and freedom, made music, and sang; Christianity
Preached hope and freedom, made music, and sang; Islam
Who was Nat Turner?
A white land owner that lead meetings warning other slave owners of the unavoidable slave revolt
Lead a very small and inconsequential slave revolt
Former slave that gained freedom in the North
Led largest slate revolt prior to Civil War
Who started the first black church, what was it called, and where was it?
Richard Allen; Bethel Church; Pennsylvania
Richard Allen; Bethel Church; New York
Nat Turner; Bethel Church; Pennsylvania
Nat Turner; Bethel Church; New York
How much did Jefferson pay for the Louisiana Territory, who did he purchase it from, and who led the expedition to explore it?
$6 million; Spain; Louis and Clark
$15 million; France; Louis and Clark
$10 million; France; Louis and Clark
$6 million; Spain; Louis and Clark
Why was Jefferson a little “iffy” about the Louisiana Purchase for a little bit?
It was harder to control and it cost way too much
It cost way too much and he was afraid it would dilute Federalist vote
It was harder to control and he was afraid it would dilute Federalist vote
It was harder to control and annoying to explore
What did Britain do prior to the War of 1812 that pissed the US off?
They attacked France
Tried to stop US chip and board it and when it refused the British ship attacked it
They attacked many of our ships
What was the name of the ship from the previous answer?
USS Chesapeake
USS Philadelphia
USS Boston
USS Fuck Britain
What did Jefferson put on all trade with Britain, was it effective, why or why not, and whose economy did it ruin?
An embargo; yes, Britain couldn’t get the supplies it needed; Britain
An embargo; no, Britain had stockpile; France’s
An embargo; yes, Britain couldn’t get the supplies it needed; Spain
An embargo; no, Britain had stockpile; New England’s
What did the state legislature of New England threaten to do if Jefferson didn’t remove Embargo?
Attack other states
Stop trade with rest of states
What was Jefferson’s response?
Removed embargo and passed Non-Intercourse Act
Removed embargo and passed Judiciary Act
Kept embargo and passed Non-Intercourse Act
Kept embargo and tole New England to go fuck themselves
What did the Non-Intercourse Act state?
No one was allowed to have sex
US would trade with everyone except US and France
Us would trade with everyone except Britain
Us would trade with everyone except France
What did Macon’s Bill No.2 state?
We were going to war with Britain
We were going to war with Britain and France
We would open trade with whoever stopped messing with us first
We would only open up trade if they both stopped messing with us
What two people led the Indian resistance and what town did they create?
Sacagawea and Tecumseh; Native Town
Tecumseh and The Prophet; Prophet’s Town
Sacagawea and The Prophet: Native Town
King Philip and Tecumseh; King’s Town
What was Tenskwatawa’s other name and what did he want?
The Prophet; get rid of any resemblance of American life in tribes
The General; get ride of any resemblance of American life in tribes
The General; kill all Americans that encroached upon his way of life
The Prophet; get rid of hostility between American settlers and tribes
What was Tecumseh’s goal?
Unite with settlers to fight enemy tribes
Discard hostilit with settlers and open up more trade
Unite with American settlers to fight Spanish settlers
Unit all tribes in Northwest Territory to fight settlers
What were the group of people called that drove the War of 1812 and what did they want?
Warhawks; expand territory
Warhawks; not expand territory
Civilians; hated France and wanted war with them
Civilians; hated Britain and wanted to go to war
Who were the two main people in the Warhawks?
Jefferson and Madison
Henry Clay and Madison
John C. Callhoun and Madison
John C. Callhoun and Henry Clay
When was Madison’s Presidency?
Who started the War of 1812, what did he do, and what was the result?
Indiana governor, William Henry; burned down Prophet’s Town; Indian’s joined forces with Britain
Indiana governor, William Henry; attacked British merchant ships; Britain joined forces with France
Madison; attacked British merchant ships; Britain joined forces with France
Madison, attacked French merchant ships; France joined forces with Britain
What were two things Britain did in the start of the War of 1812?
Burn down the White House in 1813 and attack Ft. McHenry
Burn down the White House in 1816 and attacked Ft. McHenry
Burn down the White House in 1814 and attacked Ft. McHenry
Burn down Ft. McHenry and attack the White House
Did the British succeed in overtaking Ft. McHenry and what else important happened there?
No; nothing except we defeated them
Yes; nothing except we lost
Yes; Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner
No; Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner
What were Madison’s three goals in the War of 1812?
Get rid of Native American problem, wanted Mexico, wanted Florida
Get rid of Native American problem, wanted Canada, wanted Florida
Get rid of Native American problem, wanted Canada, wanted Mexico
Get rid of Native American problem, wanted Canada, wanted to not have Mexico
What was Madison’s #1 priority in the War of 1812, and was it achieved?
Canada; yes
Florida; yes
Canada; no
Florida; no
Why did Madison think we would be able to get Canada and was he correct?
Thought French in Canada would join us to fight British; no
Thought French in Canada would join us to fight Britain; no
Thought British in Canada would join us to fight France; no
Thought British in Canada would join us to fight France; yes
Why was Madison not successful in getting Canada?
He didn’t care
British set up huge blockade along border with Canada
Battles in Canada were very rough, and Briatain set up blockade in West
Battles in Canada were very rough, and Britain set up blockade in East
Why did Britain want a treaty, what was it called, where was it signed, and what did it do?
Napoleon was back in France; treaty of Ghent; Belgium; reset to before war
It was tired of fighting; Treaty of Gent; Belgium; reset to before War
Napolean was back in France; Treaty of Ghent; Switzerland; forced Britain to pay for damages
Napolean was back in France; Treaty of Ghent; England; US had to pay for War
What was significant about the Battle of New Orleans?
It was the last battle of the War of 1812 before the treaty was signed; Andrew Jackson was war hero
Last battle of War of 182 even though it occurred after treaty was signed; Andrew Jackson war hero
Idk man ask someone who pays attention
What was the Hartford Convention, was it successful, and what was the result?
New York threatened to secede; yes; New York own country
New England wanted to secede; no; Federalist Party gained a lot of respect and followers
New York and New England threatened to secede; no; Federalist Party lost a lot of respect and died out
New Englands said they wanted to secede; no; Federalist Party lost a lot of respect and died out
When was the Monroe Presidency?
What did Monroe want, who did he send to get it, and did they succeed?
Canada; Andrew Jackson; no
Canada; Andrew Jackson; yes
Florida; Andrew Jackson; yes
Florida; Andrew Jackson; no
What were the two parts/points of the Adam-Onis Treaty?
US got Canada and rights in Oregon treaty; paid $5 million
US got Florida and rights in Oregon Treaty; paid $5 million
US got Canada and rights in Oregon Treaty; paid $6 million
US got Florida and rights in Oregon Treaty; paid $6 million
Why did Monroe want Oregon?
Wanted control of fur trade and Columbia River in Oregon
Wanted control of timber trade and Columbia River in Oregon
Wanted control of fur trade and Mississippi River in Oregon
Wanted control of timber trade and Mississippi River in Oregon
What was one thing that happened before the Monroe Doctrine that resulted in it occurring?
Britain threatening to come back and try to take over
Spain threatening to come in and take back over its previous colonies/territories
Latin American nations gaining independence
When was the Monroe Doctrine and what did it state?
1822; no European colonization and/or intervention in Latin America/Western Hemisphere ish
1824; no European colonization and/or intervention in Latin America/Western Hemisphere ish
1823; no European colonization and/or intervention in Latin America/Western Hemisphere ish
1820; no European colonization and/or intervention in Latin America/Western Hemisphere ish
{"name":"APUSH Stuff 2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Who wanted separation of church and state?, When was the Second Great Awakening and who kickstarted it?, What events characterized the Second Great Awakeining?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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