Environmental Legislation and Agencies

A vibrant and informative illustration showing elements of environmental protection, such as national parks, wildlife, and conservation symbols, with a backdrop of natural landscapes in Guyana.

Test Your Knowledge on Environmental Legislation

Welcome to the Environmental Legislation and Agencies Quiz! This quiz is designed to enhance your understanding of environmental laws, principles, and the agencies responsible for protecting our natural resources.

Join us and discover:

  • The core functions of the Environmental Protection Agency
  • The significance of the 'polluter pays' principle
  • Key protected areas in Guyana
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ProtectingNature101
The Environmental Protection Act was enacted so as to provide for the management, conservation, protection and improvement of the environment. What is the name of the agency that was established in order to carry out the functions of the Environmental Protection Act?
Biodiversity Protection Agency (BPA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Community Conservation Authority (CCA)
Ministry of the Environment (MoE)
Select ALL of the systems and programmes that were created under the environmental protection act.
National Parks System
Protected Areas System
Wildlife Protection Management Programme
Clean Water Supply Programme
The Environmental Protection Agency must
Prevent or control pollution
Reward those that do not pollute
Reward those that do pollute
Use the natural resources of the enviroment
Which of the following describes the ‘polluter pays’ principle?
The polluters must pay the government who will then decide whether the amount is acceptable with regard to the pollution that has been caused by the polluters.
The polluter will have to sell their business because the level of pollution being caused in unacceptable.
The polluters must bear the costs of the measures to be taken in order to reduce pollution that have been decided upon by public authorities, ensure that the environment is in an acceptable state and should compensate citizens for the harm they suffer from pollution.
The polluters must apologize for the damage that they have caused to the environment and must apologize to those citizens that have been excessively affected.
The Protected Areas Act was enacted in order to provide for the protection and conservation of Guyana’s natural heritage. Select ALL of the following which form the objectives of this act.
To provide for the conservation of biological diversity, natural landscapes, seascapes and wetlands.
To protect the cities of Guyana from harm due to environmental hazards
To give appropriate recognition to the conservation efforts and achievements of Amerindian Villages and Communities.
To stop the development and creation of protected areas
Which of the following descriptions best fit the ‘inter-generational equity’ principle?
The present generation must work to ensure that the level of development only provides for the present generation as each generation must work for themselves.
Each generation must tell their children about the importance of protected areas in Guyana
Children in school must be taught about the importance of protecting certain areas of Guyana
The present generation should ensure that the health, diversity and productivity of the environment in maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations.
There are certain areas of Guyana that are denoted as Protected Areas. There are some notable locations. Which Protected Area is located in Georgetown?
Kaieteur National Park
The Programme Site of the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development
The Botanical Gardens and Zoological Park
The National Cultural Centre
The National Parks Commission Act was enacted to create a commission with the responsibility of the maintenance of public parks. Which of the following are parks within the jurisdiction of the National Parks Commission? Select ALL parks that are within the jurisdiction of the commission.
The National Park
The Kaieteur National Park
The Lusignan Golf Course
The National Stadium
What is a function of the National Parks Commission?
To ensure that any place with the word “Park” in its title is maintained according to the standards set out by the commission.
To maintain and regulate use of any designated park so as to leave it unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
To advertise the availability of accommodation in parks in Georgetown, Guyana.
To buy lands that can be converted into Parks
Which government agency does the National Parks Commission collaborate with in order to achieve conservation of the natural beauty of any area of land in Guyana?
The Ministry of Agriculture
Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority
The Mayor and City Council
The National Trust
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