Cleaning Procedures - English 8/29

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When I empty the trash it’s OK to leave the old trash liner
When its still clean
When it just has a little dirt
C. I should always change the trash liner
It doesn’t matter where I put the person’s trashcan as long as I don’t miss any trash.
It’s OK to put a bag of trash bag on the carpet….
When my trash brute is full
Anytime, as long as the bag is not leaking
Every time, this is part of normal cleaning
I should always take a moment to check my work before leaving the area.
Only if I have time
I should do the following if I see some boxes that are NOT labeled, but it looks like it is trash/recycling?
Throw them away
Take a picture, report it to my supervisor so they can ask the tenant
Placing trashcans or trash bags on desks is OK.
I should never prop doors open
Recycling boxes don’t need to be broken down
My partner needs to borrow my keys to open a door, I should?
Never give them to anyone.
Explain the keys are my responsibility and I am not allowed to give them away.
Ask if I can help by opening the door for the person
All of the above
If I accidentally break something I should?
Report it immediately with a photo
Lie about breaking it, its probably not a big deal
I can put it back so long as no one notices it.
The first thing I do when I go into the kitchen is?
Clean the floor
Empty the trash
Work high to low on any dusting
The color rag I use in the kitchen is?
Paper towels
The chemical I should use on kitchen surfaces is?
Peroxy 15
Bio-Glass 18
It’s OK to spray chemicals directly on surfaces?
I will not have to clean dishes in the sinks.
It depends on the building. I should ask my supervisor.
I should mop the floor?
After I clean the counters
After I take the trash
Before I do anything else
Mopping the floor is the last thing I do
It’s OK to spray Peroxy 15 on wood
I should change my flat mops
At the end of my shift
As often as needed
When they are dirty
When mopping I should always
Make sure I remove all crumbs under tables and corners
Sweep first
Make sure my water and mops are clean
Start at the back of the room and work my way back
All of the above
Trash liners in kitchens should be changed?
Every time
Only when dirty
When I have time
It’s important not to use the “bottle fill” option on the dispensing system because?
This setting might cause a spill
There is too much chemical in this setting. It will make the floor streaky.
The first thing I do when cleaning the copy room is?
Wipe down open areas of counters
Empty the trash
Sweep the floor
I should touch the equipment and the machines?
I should use which color rag in the copy rooms?
It doesn't matter
Most of the time, people will leave recycling and boxes in the copy rooms, so I should pay attention to this area.
If I see boxes that aren’t marked “Trash” I should?
Throw them away anyway
Leave them until the next day and see if they are still there
Take a picture and ask my supervisor to report to the tenant and ask if it should be taken.
I am responsible for mopping the floors in copy rooms?
Not less than once per week
Whenever there is a spill
A and B
I should break down recycling boxes
When I have time
I should wipe down the conference room tables?
Every night
When I have time
When they are dirty
If the conference table is wood, I should NEVER use which chemical?
Bio Glass 18
Tribase 17
Peroxy 15
It’s not important to push in the conference room chairs?
I’m not responsible for spot cleaning glass in conference rooms?
Most spots on the glass tend to be?
All over
Around the door handles
I’m not responsible for cleaning glass, so it doesn’t matter
If I find papers and work materials on the conference table I should?
Work around the papers and do not touch anything
Move everything out of the way so I can clean
If I find half eaten catering food left in the conference room I should?
Neatly set things off to the side if I’m not sure it should be thrown away
Ask my supervisor
Take a picture to report to the customer
All of the above
I should help the vacuum technician if I see vacuuming needed in conference rooms by?
Pulling out the chair so he/she can see the problem area
Notifying the vacuum technician
A and B
This isn’t my job. He should pay attention if it needs to be vacuumed
If I see spots on glass I use which color rag?
Paper towels
It doesn’t matter where I leave the trashcan, as long as I empty it?
Each building has a different policy on desk cleaning, so I should?
Clean the desk if it’s dirty
Rearrange the persons desk so it looks organized
Ask my manager if I’m responsible for cleaning desks before I touch anything
When cleaning a desk I should never?
Move a persons personal items
Spray chemical directly on their desk
Wipe their computer screen with chemicals
All of the above
What color rag should I use when cleaning a desk?
What chemical should I use when cleaning the desk?
Peroxy 15
Bio Glass 18
Tribase 17
HQD2 Disinfectant
If I accidentally break something I should?
Report it to my supervisor right away with a photo. Just be honest.
Lie about it, it’s probably not a big deal
C. Try to fix it so no one can tell I broke anything
The computer monitors should be cleaned with what?
A very wet green microfiber
A feather duster only
I shouldn’t touch them at all
The policy on closing/locking office doors is to?
Check with my supervisor because each office is different
Lock any doors that have a lock
It doesn’t matter if I lock the doors as long as the office is clean
I should do the following after I finish cleaning an area.
Check my work
Make sure I didn’t leave any supplies behind
Turn lights off and close/lock doors
All of the above
It is very important to be careful working around people’s personal items.
When detailing an area, I should always dust working from the bottom up?
High dusting includes which of the following?
A. Baseboards
B. Chair bases
C. Vents, lights, fans
D. Tops of cabinets, high sills and ledges
C and D
Mid range dusting includes?
A. Blinds and window sills
B. Tops of cubicles, counter tops and cabinets
A and B
C. Elevator Tracks
Low dusting includes?
A. A/C Vents
B. Blinds
C. Low partition and ledges
D. Baseboards and chair bases
C and D
What equipment do I need when I squeegee glass partitions?
Bio Glass cleaner or Dawn soap and water
Squeegee and bucket
Step ladder
Blue microfiber rag
All of the above
What chemical can I use to remove calcium deposits?
Tribase 17
Peroxy 15
Bio Glass 18
What is the first thing I should do when cleaning elevator tracks?
Polish them
Have security shut down the elevator
Make sure they have been vacuumed
When cleaning blinds I should always?
Be very careful not to force the “tilt gear, bend or break them
Return them to the exact position I found them in
Dust both sides
All of the above
When dusting, I will most often use this tool?
A blue rag
A squeegee
A lambs will duster
I may be asked to use the following when vacuuming
A backpack vacuum
An upright vacuum
A variety of attachments
All of the above
The first thing I do before I vacuum is?
Hurry up and start vacuuming
Open the vacuum and check the bag and filter
Look at the bottom of the vacuum and clean out any hair or debris
C and D
I should empty the vacuum bag when?
It is completely full
It is ½ full
When my supervisor tells me to
The next thing I should inspect before vacuuming is?
Inspect the carpet to see if it needs vacuuming
The extension cord has no rips, tears, exposed wires and has three prongs
The vacuum harness has no rips or tears
B and C
The extension cord should NEVER remain attached in any way to the vacuum when I’m finished with it.
The extension cord should ALWAYS have the following:
A loose, neat loop with no knots
No exposed wires
All three prongs
No rips
All of the above
The backpack vacuum should fit tightly where?
Around my shoulders
Around my waist
It should not be tight anywhere
I should yank the cord out of the outlet when it reaches as far as it should go?
False, I should never yank the extension cord. This damages the outlet and the cord.
When working in a small area?
Drop the vacuum cord in the middle of the area and work forward through each section
Go to the end of the hallway, drop the cord there and work backward
Drop the vacuum cord in the beginning of the area and work forward
When working in a large area such as a hallway or open office space I should?
Go to the end of the hallway, drop the cord there and work backward
Drop the vacuum cord in the beginning of the area and work forward
I should NEVER
Yank the cord from the wall
Pull the cord around furniture and walls
Bump into furniture and walls
All of the above
If I pull out chairs and trashcans to vacuum I should always put things back exactly how I found them.
It’s OK to connect two extension cords to each other.
On an upright vacuum, if I open the front, the white filter should be changed?
Whenever it’s dirty
Approximately every two month
It doesn't need to be changed
A and B
On an upright vacuum, before and after each use I should check?
The bottom to make sure no hair or strings have collected around the brushes
The vacuum bag is not more than ½ full
The filters are clean
All of the above
I should NEVER unplug a person’s cords from an outlet in their workstation.
I am responsible for picking up paperclips and larger trash that can’t be vacuumed.
I should NEVER prop doors open.
I should always unplug my extension cord from the vacuum and neatly wrap it up after each use.
The most common backpack vacuum attachment I will use is?
Edging tool
Scalping tool
Hard floor tool
Round brush tool
The edging tool, which is a long straight attachment, is used for what?
Corners, crevices and edges
I should never use the Scalping tool on hard floors because?
It won’t pick up the dirt very well
It will scratch the hard floors
A and B
A common duty that the vacuum technician usually helps with is?
Cleaning kitchens
Mopping floors
Taking out the trash in the gondola
If I break something I should?
Immediately report it to my supervisor, just be honest.
Lie about it, it’s probably not a big deal
Try to fix it and hope nobody notices.
I should never prop doors open with anything except a doorstop.
I should work low to high when dusting.
When dusting I should make sure to clean the following:
Tops and sides of partition doors and walls
Vents and lights
Corners for cobwebs
All of the above
The first task I do when entering the restroom is:
Counter and mirror
The second task I do when entering a restroom is:
A. Disinfect the toilets and urinals
B. Put chemical in the toilet bowl and “Plunge”
C. Mop the floor
D. Clean the mirror
A and B
To disinfect anything the chemical must be given enough “dwell time”.
While the toilets are given dwell time, I should do the following:
Clean the mirror, sink and counter
Mop the floor
Do my dusting
I should use which color rag on the toilets?
I should use which color rag to clean glass?
I should always dust mop or sweep the floor before mopping.
I should change toilet paper if it is less than ¼ empty.
I should mop the floor with which chemical?
Tribase 17
HQD2 Disinfectant
Bio Glass 18
Peroxy 15
I should always change sanitary bags.
14. I should always check dispensers, lights, toilets and air fresheners to make sure they are working properly.
True, I will report anything broken to my supervisor.
False, this is the job of my supervisor
How often should I pour water down the restroom drain?
Whenever it is needed
I should ALWAYS spray stainless steel polish directly on the dispensers.
I should NEVER use the “bottle fill” dispenser setting, only the “mop fill” setting when filling my mop bucket.
The last thing I do after cleaning is?
Take out the trash
Mop the floor
Check my work and make sure I didn’t leave any supplies
It’s OK to use paper towels to clean.
Everything in a tenant entryway/lobby area should be cleaned nightly.
If I have time
I am not responsible for wiping down the reception desk.
What color rag should be used to wipe down surfaces?
I should do the following to make sure I leave the area organized.
A. Neatly arrange magazines
B. Push in/straighten chairs
C. Place trash cans neatly
D. I’m not responsible for this, I only need to clean
A, B and C
I am responsible for mopping the floor with which chemical?
If I encounter shiny tile I should use which chemical?
Mop with clean water only and dry with a flat mop
Mop with a lot of chemical
Sweep only
What chemical should I use for wiping off glass shelves or ledges?
Bio Glass 18
Tribase 17
HQD2 Disinfectant
What chemical should I use for wiping off tables and counters?
Tribase 17
Peroxy 15
HQD2 Disinfectant
Cleaning glass entrance doors should be the last thing I do before I lock the office doors?
{"name":"Cleaning Procedures - English 8\/29", "url":"","txt":"When I empty the trash it’s OK to leave the old trash liner, It doesn’t matter where I put the person’s trashcan as long as I don’t miss any trash., It’s OK to put a bag of trash bag on the carpet….","img":""}
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