Fundamentals QUIZ - WNT - Ahmad ALbedawi

Create an image of a nurse engaging with a patient in a hospital setting, with educational materials and assessment tools in the background, showcasing a warm and professional atmosphere.

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz! This interactive quiz has been thoughtfully designed to test your understanding of core concepts in nursing practice, assessment techniques, and patient-centered care. Whether you are a student, educator, or healthcare professional, this quiz will serve as an excellent tool for self-assessment and knowledge reinforcement.

Key Areas Covered:

  • Nursing Assessment Techniques
  • Data Collection Methods
  • Subjective vs. Objective Data
  • Interviewing Skills
121 Questions30 MinutesCreated by CaringNurse47
أنا زميلكم أحمد البداوي الأغلب بعرٝني حبيت أٝيدكم بالكويز هاذ
و بتمنى دعمكم لأنه تعبت عليه جد 
و ٝالكم الٝل يارب ❤︝🤞
أنا زميلكم أحمد البداوي الأغلب بعرٝني حبيت أٝيدكم بالكويز هاذ
و بتمنى دعمكم لأنه تعبت عليه جد 
و ٝالكم الٝل يارب ❤︝🤞
Questions about assessment
Questions about assessment
Client centered : plan of care based on client’s problems rather than nursing goals .
Data from each phase provides input into the next phase
Nursing process : Isn't a systematic, rational method of planning and providing individualized nursing care.
Process of Assessment:
A-Organizing data
B-Establishing client
Measurable verbs
........... : during any physiologic or psychological crisis of the client.
Initial assessment
Problem focused assessment
Timed-lapsed reassessment
Emergency assessment
Database: all information about a client. Includes :
Nursing health history
Physical assessment
All of the above
Results of laboratory
(symptoms or covert data) , (signs or overt data)
Subjective data , Objective data
Objective data , Subjective data
Data Collection Methods " Respectively "
Observing - Examining - Interviewing
Interviewing - Examining -Observing
Observing - Interviewing - Examining
The nurse allow the client to control the purpose, subject matter, and pacing
Directive interview
Nondirective interview
What medication did you take ?
Closed questions
Open-ended questions
What is the reason for your accident ?
Closed questions
Open-ended questions
When the problem occurred, what caused your injury ?
Closed questions
Open-ended questions
When I was at home, how much water do you drink daily ?
Closed questions
Open-ended questions
What brought you to the hospital?
Closed questions
Open-ended questions
You are stressed about the surgery tomorrow, aren’t you?
leading questions/ closed questions/ used in a directive interview
Neutral questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with nondirective interview
Neutral questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with directive interview
Leading questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with nondirective interview
How do you feel about that?
Leading questions/ closed questions/ used in a directive interview
Neutral questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with nondirective interview
Neutral questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with directive interview
Leading questions/ Open-ended questions/ used with nondirective interview
Each interview is influenced by time, place, seating only .
The nurse can sit at .... - degree angle to the bed.
............. : the client communicates what he or she think, feels, knows, and perceives in response to question from the nurse.
The opening
The body
The closing
Thank you for your time and help. It is considered a technique :
The second stage of the assessment
Organizing data
Collecting data
Documenting Data.
Validating Data
Red marks appear on the face
Subjective Data
Objective Data
When I was on my way to the hospital, I felt a headache
Subjective Data
Objective Data
The presence of pills on the person's hand
Subjective Data
Objective Data
Which of the following is not considered from Nursing conceptual models:
Gordon’ frame work
Body system model
Roy`s adaptation model
Wellness model
.......... : Is the act of “ Double-checking” or verifying data to confirm that is accurate and factual
Validating Data
Documenting Data
Organizing Data
Collecting data
Use references to explain phenomena . Considered from :
Validating Data
Documenting Data
Organizing Data
Collecting data
The nurse ask the patient what do you mean by on and off.
Open ended question
Closed questions
Patient took one egg, drink 200ml of orange juice at 10am. It is considered an example of :
Validating Data
Documenting Data
Organizing Data
Collecting data
Questions about Diagnosis
Questions about Diagnosis
......... : is a statement or conclusion regarding the nature of a phenomenon
Ineffective heartbeat model , Example for :
Actual diagnosis
health promotion diagnosis
Risk nursing diagnosis
Syndrome diagnosis
Readiness for Enhanced Fitness , example for :
Actual diagnosis
Health promotion diagnosis
Risk nursing diagnosis
Syndrome diagnosis
A client with diabetes, compromised immune system are at high risk for infection , example for :
Actual diagnosis
Health promotion diagnosis
Risk nursing diagnosis
Syndrome diagnosis
Diagnosis of a group of risks indicates :
Actual diagnosis
Health promotion diagnosis
Risk nursing diagnosis
Syndrome diagnosis
Associated with a cluster of other diagnoses
Actual diagnosis
Health promotion diagnosis
Risk nursing diagnosis
Syndrome diagnosis
Diagnostic label need to be :
.............. : Inadequate in amount, quality, or degree, not sufficient, incomplete
........... : lesser in size, amount, or degree
Possible causes should be differentiated because each may require different nursing intervention
Factors that cause the client to be more vulnerable to the problem
Actual diagnoses
Risk diagnoses
Imbalance between oxygen supply and demand , example of :
Diagnosis and definition
Etiology/related factors
Defining characteristics
Insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required daily activity , example :
Diagnosis and definition
Etiology/related factors
Defining characteristics
Abnormal heart rate or blood pressure , example of :
Diagnosis and definition
Etiology/related factors
Defining characteristics
Defining characteristics/for actual nursing diagnosis :
no subjective or objective data are present
Subjective or Objective data
Defining characteristics/for risk nursing diagnosis:
no subjective or objective data are present
Subjective or Objective data
Oriented to Pathophysiology , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Potential problem that nurses manage using independent and physician-prescribed intervention , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Oriented to the client , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Nurse implements orders and monitors client status, Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Well-developed and accepted classification , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Physician orders definitive treatment , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Myocardial infarction , example of :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
Nursing focus treat and prevent , Considered from :
Nursing Diagnoses
Medical Diagnoses
Collaborative Problems
............... :is the opposite, putting together of parts into the whole
Deductive reasoning , inductive reasoning " Respectively " :
Synthesis , Analysis
Analysis , Synthesis
The synthesis includes analysis .
Data can be found in nursing assessment, patient history , Considered from :
Comparing data with standards
Clustering Cues
Identifying gaps and inconsistencies in data
Constipation related to prolonged laxative use , Etiology?
Prolonged laxative use
Constipation related to insufficient fluid intake , Problem?
Insufficient fluid intake
Noncompliance (diabetic diet) related to denial of having disease , Qualifiers ?
Diabetic diet
Denial of having disease
Noncompliance (diabetic diet) related to unresolved anger about diagnosis as manifested by (a.m.b) “I forget to take my pills” “ I can’t live without sugar in my food”, weight 98 kg (gain of 5 kg) , As manifested by ?
Unresolved anger about diagnosis
€�I forget to take my pills”
Weight 98 kg (gain of 5 kg)
Noncompliance (diabetic diet) related to unresolved anger about diagnosis as manifested by (a.m.b) “I forget to take my pills” “ I can’t live without sugar in my food”, weight 98 kg (gain of 5 kg) , O ?
Unresolved anger about diagnosis
€�I forget to take my pills”
Weight 98 kg (gain of 5 kg)
Ineffective Breathing Patterns related to Immobility and chest pain Secondary to abdominal surgery as manifested by (a.m.b)  in respiratory rate from 12 to 22 pulse rate  from 88 to 104 and irregular , S ?
Ineffective Breathing Patterns
ς� in respiratory rate from 12 to 22 pulse rate  88 to 104 and irregular
Immobility and chest pain
Readiness for enhanced effective breastfeeding , example of :
One-part statements
Two-part statements
Three-part statements
None of the above
One part statement :
It is not considered from Taxonomy II :
Seven axes
Questions about planning
Questions about planning
Planning is a ......... Of the nursing process that involves decision making & problem solving
First phase
Second phase
Third phase
Fourth phase
Done by all nurses who work with the client.
Initial planning
Ongoing planning
Discharge planning
Ongoing planning : It occurs at the end of the shif .
Life-threatening problems have ........
High priority
medium priority
low priority
Normal developmental needs have .........
High priority
medium priority
low priority
Acute illness, decrease coping ability , EXAMPLE OF :
Life-threatening problems
Health-threatening problems
Normal developmental needs
“Client will raise right arm to shoulder height by Sunday.” Considered from :
Long-Term Goals
Short-Term Goals
“client will regain full use of right arm in 6 wks” Considered from :
Long-Term Goals
Short-Term Goals
Client will drink 100 cc of water per hour (client behavior) . Conditions or modifiers ?
100cc of water
Per hour
Client will drink 100 cc of water per hour (client behavior) . Desired performance ?
100cc of water
Per hour
Lists five out of six signs of diabetes ( )
Distance and time
Administers insulin using aseptic technique ( )
Distance and time
It is not considered from Non measurable verbs :
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements -- Goal :
The client will increase the amount of nutrients ingested
The client will show progress in the ability to feed self
Nursing interventions are identified and written during the implementing step of nursing process, they are actually performed during the planning step.
physical care, ongoing assessment , example of :
Independent interventions
Dependent interventions
“administer analgesic 30 minutes prior to physical therapy”. Example of :
Action verb
Content area
Time element
18/10/2018 : change patient’s position q 2hr’s, nursing student, Jordan university of science and technology, Ahmad . Action verb ?
Change patient’s position
Jordan university of science and technology,
Teach patient deep breathing and coughing exercise . The nurse wrote Intervention for .......
Treatment order
Health promotion order
NIC First published in ......
Level 2 of NIC :
More than 452 interventions (level 3) developed
.......... : is a written or computerized guide that organizes information about the client’s care .
Informal nursing care plan
Formal nursing care plan
all clients with myocardial infarction . Considered from :
Standardized care plan
Individualized care plan
........... : store a created NCP. It can be standardized and individualized
Student care plans
Concept maps
Computerized care plans
Questions about Implementation
Questions about Implementation
The phase where the nurse performs nursing care and assessment also:
Cognitive skills considered as :
Intellectual skills
Interpersonal skills
Technical skills
Cognitive skills include:
Manipulating equipment
Giving injections
Effectiveness depends largely on the ability to communicate.
Procedures. The name given to the skills :
How to reassessing the patient ?
A-To make sure the intervention is still needed
B-Change the priorities of care if new data indicated that
C-Supervising delegated care
If the nurse is unable to do nursing activity, she can seek help .
The nurse may record routine or recurring activities (mouth care) in the client record at the end of the shift, considered as :
Determining the Nurse’s need for assistance
Implementing the nursing interventions
Supervising delegated care
Documenting nursing activities
Questions about evaluation
Questions about evaluation
Determine the effectiveness of the nursing care plan , You are in a phase :
Evaluation continues until the client achieves the health goals or discharged.
Without implementation there will be nothing to evaluate .
Collecting subjective and objective data to help draw conclusion whether goals have been met or not , considered as :
Collecting data related to the desired outcome.
Compare the data with outcomes.
Relating nursing activities to outcomes.
Drawing conclusions about problem status.
......... means, either the short- term goal was met but the long-term goal was not, or the required outcome was only partially achieved.
The goal Was met
The goal Was partially met
The goal was not met
The evaluation statement consists of .......
One part ( conclusion)
Two parts (conclusion, supporting data)
Three parts (conclusion, supporting data, analysis)
None of the above
........ : is a statement that the goal was met, partially met, or not met.
The conclusion
The supporting data
Evaluation; Goal Met, client oral fluid intake was 2600 ml/24 hours.| Conclusion:
Goal met, client oral fluid intake
2600 ml/24 hours.
None of the above
The nurse will document that the goal has been met and discontinue the care for the problem , considered as :
Collecting data related to the desired outcome.
Compare the data with outcomes
Relating nursing activities to outcomes
Drawing conclusions about problem status
The nursing interventions must be continued even though this one goal was met.
The nurse need to review the entire nursing care plan process steps and critique them , considered as :
Collecting data related to the desired outcome
Compare the data with outcomes
Relating nursing activities to outcomes
Continuing, modifying, or termination the nursing care plan
....... : is an ongoing, systematic process designed to evaluate and promote.
Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality Improvement (QI)
Quality Assurance (QA) | outcome :
How care delivered (relevant to client’s needs)
Change in the client health
All of the above
Focus on process rather than individuals.
Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality Improvement (QI)
......... : evaluating client’s records after discharge.
Nursing Audit
Retrospective audit
Concurrent audit
Peer review
........... : nurses review and evaluate the quality of care provided by other nurses.
Nursing Audit
Retrospective audit
Concurrent audit
Peer review
{"name":"Fundamentals QUIZ - WNT - Ahmad ALbedawi", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz! This interactive quiz has been thoughtfully designed to test your understanding of core concepts in nursing practice, assessment techniques, and patient-centered care. Whether you are a student, educator, or healthcare professional, this quiz will serve as an excellent tool for self-assessment and knowledge reinforcement.Key Areas Covered:Nursing Assessment TechniquesData Collection MethodsSubjective vs. Objective DataInterviewing Skills","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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