HubSpot Quiz

How do we use HubSpot?
File storage for deliverables
Track farmer Communicaitons
Track tasks driving us to AFE
Creating new contacts
Track tasks driving us to FID
Creating new deals
You can create and save specialized views for your Deals?
What are the ways we gather necessary information for the workbook?
Complete the farm Input Sheet
Interview the farmer
Ask Russell to dig around in HubSpot and figure it out
Create tasks in HubSpot to track information
Create notes in HubSpot with details (using @ mentions)
All of the above
We use tasks to track to track necessary next steps to drive a project to AFE?
You can see all of your tasks in one place and group them by what is late and upcoming?
The "Qualitative Staus" field on a Deal is used to detail the latest status of a project (one of 2 ways)?
When do we move a Deal into Teams?
When we have a workbook
When we make the deal in HubSpot
When we have a deliverable or presentation
{"name":"HubSpot Quiz", "url":"","txt":"How do we use HubSpot?, You can create and save specialized views for your Deals?, What are the ways we gather necessary information for the workbook?","img":""}
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