Destination Quiz

How long are you looking to travel for?
Less than 1 week
1-2 weeks
2 weeks or more
What type of travel do you prefer?
Ocean and/or river cruising
Keeping active in the world's most stunning places
Exploring with an expert private guide
Food-and-wine focused experiences
What do you look for in a trip?
Once-in-a-lifetime wildlife sightings
Unique experiences that I couldn't easily organize myself
Immersion in the local culture and cuisine
Time to relax and indulge
When would you like to plan your next adventure?
Jan to Mar 2022
Apr to Jun 2022
Jul to Sept 2022
Oct to Dec 2022
What type of accommodations do you prefer?
Clean, comfortable hotels in a great location
Charming, local boutique hotels
Remote, experiential lodges
Sophisticated resort-style hotels
What type of view do you prefer to have from your hotel window?
The view form my room is not so important
What climate do you generally gravitate towards?
Warm and sunny
Comfortable and breeze
Cold and fresh
How do you prefer to travel?
With my significant other
With a group of my favorite travel companions
As a family with children under 15
All of the above
Where was the last place you travelled to?
South America
North America
{"name":"Destination Quiz", "url":"","txt":"How long are you looking to travel for?, What type of travel do you prefer?, What do you look for in a trip?","img":""}
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