Real News VS Fake News: Headline Edition

Woman Sues for Paternity Test on Goats
Real News
Fake News
Scientists Create World's Tiniest 3-D Glasses to Show Bugs 3-D Movies
Real News
Fake News
Florida Man Builds a Tree House for his Pet Monkey
Real News
Fake News
Stray Chihuahuas Terrorize Arizona Town
Real News
Fake News
Study Shows: 1 in 3 People Don't Enjoy Coffee
Real News
Fake News
Last Two Speakers of Dying Language Refuse to Talk to Each Other
Real News
Fake News
Man Sues Wife for Being Ugly . . . And Wins
Real News
Fake News
Man Wearing 'I Have Drugs' Shirt Arrested at Kmart for Drugs
Real News
Fake News
Breaking: Man Wearing Mask is Mistaken for Bank Robber
Real News
Fake News
Florida Woman Pulls Gator from Yoga Pants During Stop
Real News
Fake News
Florida man calls 911 Several Time to Report Roommate 'Stole His Weed'
Real News
Fake News
Missing Woman Unwittingly joins Search Party Looking for Herself
Real News
Fake News
{"name":"Real News VS Fake News: Headline Edition", "url":"","txt":"Woman Sues for Paternity Test on Goats, Scientists Create World's Tiniest 3-D Glasses to Show Bugs 3-D Movies, Florida Man Builds a Tree House for his Pet Monkey","img":""}
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