(Some of the questions have more than one answer and for those questions that do, every wrong answer you select attracts a -1 point deduction. This is to stop you from selecting all of the options)

Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is the third person of the God head
He is God himself
He is the second person of the Godhead
All of the above
Who is a new creation?
Power Rangers
A Muslim
A Christian
Every Man
The Holy Spirit is a Dove, True or False?
What would one do to activate the power of the Holy Ghost?
Shake oneself
Cry to God
Connect the Holy Ghost to the power socket
Speak in Tongues
Why do we go to Church?
To Worship God
To learn God's word
Jesus went to Church and so should we
Because God has a register and is marking our attendance
If an Uncle gives you £20.00 pounds as a gift, which of the following would you do?
Give to God £2.00 pounds which would be my tithe
Give God £1.00 which would be my tithe
Keep the 20.00 pounds since it is a gift for me
Give God 50p and spend the rest of it
What does BLW Mean?
Blessed With Wisdom
Bless Loveworld
Believers Loveworld
Bob Marley and the Wailers
Which of the following is not a partnership arm of Christ Embassy?
Rhapsody of Realities (RoR)
Inner City Mission for Children (IMM)
Healing School
Labour Party
Which of the following must be done to get born again?
Confess all your sins
Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead
Confess Jesus as Lord of your life
Dance for the Lord with all your might.
What does it mean to be born again?
It means you go back into your mum's tummy and are born a second time
It means you are born of God
It means your Spirit is recreated
It means when you die, you are born again to start life again
The Number one commision from God is?
Feed all the hungry people in the world
Evangelise and win souls to Christ
Build shelters for the homeless
All of the above
{"name":"UK ZONE 3 CHILDRENS FOUNDATION SCHOOL (Some of the questions have more than one answer and for those questions that do, every wrong answer you select attracts a -1 point deduction. This is to stop you from selecting all of the options)", "url":"","txt":"Who is the Holy Spirit, Who is a new creation?, The Holy Spirit is a Dove, True or False","img":""}
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