Regular exam 2, Penta 2, Radius

01. Not a Content of rectus sheath -
A. Rectus abdominis muscle
B. Pyramidalis muscle
C. Superior and inferior epigastric arteries
D. Cremastaric muscle
2. Not a Primary retroperitoneal organ-
A. Kidney
B. Suprarenal gland
C. Bladder
D. Stomach
3. Tributaries of Portal vein include-
A. Superior mesenteric vein
B. Splenic vein
C. Right gastric vein
D. All
4. Not a Presenting part of Fallopian tube -
A. Infundibulum
B. Isthmus
C. Ampula
D. Intramesenteric part
5. Not a Content of spermatic cord:
A. Ductus deferens
B. Testicular artery
C. Cremasteric artery
D. Vasa eference
6. Prostate has _ lobes
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
7. Length of male urethra -
A. 12 cm
B. 14 cm
C. 18 cm
D. 24cm
8. Detrusor muscle present in-
A. Urinary bladder
B. Gall bladder
C. Scrotum
D. Abdominal wall
9. Constrictions of Ureter not present -
A. At the pelvi-ureteric junction
B. At the pelvic brim
C. At the uretero-vesical junction
D. At Mid ureteric point
10. The spleen is not suspended by following ligament-
A. Gastrosplenic ligament
B. Lienorenal ligament
C. Phrenicocolic ligament
D. Hepatospleinc ligament
11. False regarding The delta cell-
A. Accounts for four percent of the islet cells
B. Secretes the peptide hormone somatostatin
C. Secretes gucagon
D. All
12. Not a Muscle of rotator cuff-
A. Subscapularis
B. Supraspinatus
C. Infraspinatus
D. Teres major
13. Axillary nerve root value -
A. C5,C6
B. C7, C8
C. C8, T1
D. None
14. Claw hand is a condition seen in _ nerve injury
A. Ulnar
B. Radial
C. Median
D. Axillary
15. Not true -
A. Middle radio-ulnar joint : Syndesmosis
B. Inferior radio-ulnar joint : Saddle type
C. Wrist joint : Ellipsoid variety of synovial joint
D. Carpometacarpal joint: Saddle variety
16. Kidney contains sympathetic fibres from-
A. T10 - L1
B. T10-T12
C. T10- L3
D. None
17. Not a developmental anomaly of kidney-
A. Unilateral single kidney
B. Rosette kidney
C. Accessory renal arteries
D. Wilm's tumor
18. Capsules or coverings of kidneys-
A. The fibrous capsule
B. Perirenal or perinephric fat
C. Renal fascia
D. All
19. Each kidney is about - cm long
A. 11
B. 15
C. 9
D. 21
20. Which one is a false statement -
A. Renal cortex has renal column
B. Spleen weigh 7 gm
C. 85% of pancreatic weight is from exocrine part
D. Penile part of male urethra 15cm long
21. Not a covering of Testis-
A. Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
B. Tunica albuginea
C. Tunica vasculosa
D. Tunica media
22. False about inguinal ligament -
A. Length: 22-24 cm
B. Attached laterally: To the anterior superior iliac spine
C. Attached medially to the pubic tubercle
D. None
23. Not Fate of Paramesonephric Duct-
A. In male: Appendix of testis(vestigial)
B. In female: Uterine tubes
C. In female: Uterus
D. Lower vagina
24. Not true -
A. Ureter Length-10 inches
b. Functions of spleen -phagocytosis
C. Visceral surface of spleen has the duodenal impression
D. All
25. True regarding Lymphatic drainage of parenchyma of female breast -
A. 75% into axillary node
B. 20% into parasternal node
C. 5% into posterior intercostal nodes
D. All
{"name":"Regular exam 2, Penta 2, Radius", "url":"","txt":"01. Not a Content of rectus sheath -, 2. Not a Primary retroperitoneal organ-, 3. Tributaries of Portal vein include-","img":""}
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