Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 21 May 21
[2105.09317] Hanbit Oh, Daniel Agterberg, Eun-Gook Moon: Using disorder to identify of Bogoliubov Fermi-surface states
[2105.09320] M. Michiardi, F. Boschini, H.-H. Kung et al.: Optical manipulation of Rashba-split 2-Dimensional Electron Gas
[2105.09322] Johannes S. Hofmann, Debanjan Chowdhury, Steven A. Kivelson et al.: Superconductivity is boundless
[2105.09334] Giniyat Khaliullin, Derek Churchill, P. Peter Stavropoulos et al.: Exchange interactions, Jahn-Teller coupling, and multipole orders in pseudospin one-half $5\boldsymbol{d}^\mathbf{2}$ Mott ins...
[2105.09336] Lev Vidmar, Bartosz Krajewski, Janez Bonca et al.: Phenomenology of spectral functions in finite disordered spin chains
[2105.09345] Joel Hutchinson, Philipp W. Klein, Karyn Le Hur: Analytical approach for the Mott transition in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model
[2105.09349] Salvatore Butera, Iacopo Carusotto: Dynamical excitation of the Bogoliubov vacuum in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
[2105.09355] Melek Türksoy Öcal, Baha Sakar, İlker Öztoprak et al.: Structural and Morphological Effect of Ti underlayer on Pt/Co/Pt Magnetic Ultra-Thin Film
[2105.09360] Chiara Ricca, Danielle Berkowitz, Ulrich Aschauer: Ferroelectricity promoted by cation/anion divacancies in SrMnO$_3$
[2105.09363] Po-Shen Hsin, Kevin Slagle: Comments on Foliated Gauge Theories and Dualities in 3+1d
[2105.09393] Bingyu Cui, Alessio Zaccone, Eugene Terentjev: Sound attenuation derived from quenched disorder in solids
[2105.09412] Dragutin Jovkovic, Sanja Janicevic, Svetislav Mijatovic et al.: The effects of external noise on threshold induced correlations in ferromagnetic systems
[2105.09414] Hanna Terletska, Sergei Iskakov, Thomas Maier et al.: Dynamical Cluster Approximation Study of Electron Localization in the Extended Hubbard Model
[2105.09441] Tomohiro Yokoyama, Masayuki Iio, Takashi Kinoshita et al.: Comprehensive Microscopic Theory for Coupling of Longitudinal--Transverse Fields and Individual--Collective Excitations
[2105.09444] Satoru Hayami, Hiroaki Kusunose: Spin-orbital-momentum locking under odd-parity magnetic quadrupole ordering
[2105.09454] Po-Shen Hsin, Wenjie Ji, Chao-Ming Jian: Exotic Invertible Phases with Higher-Group Symmetries
[2105.09479] Gino Biondini, Antonio Moro, Barbara Prinari et al.: p-star models, mean field random networks and the heat hierarchy
[2105.09483] Srivatsa Chakravarthi, Christian Pederson, Zeeshawn Kazi et al.: Spectrally stable near-surface implanted nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond and the role of surface proximity
[2105.09499] Satoshi Yui, Hiromichi Kobayashi, Makoto Tsubota et al.: Quantum Turbulence Coupled with Externally Driven Normal-Fluid Turbulence in Superfluid $^4$He
[2105.09503] Nidhin Kurian Kalarickal, Andreas Fiedler, Sushovan Dhara et al.: Planar and 3-dimensional damage free etching of $β$-Ga2O3 using atomic gallium flux
[2105.09504] Zeying Zhang, Zhi-Ming Yu, Gui-Bin Liu et al.: MagneticTB: A package for tight-binding model of magnetic and non-magnetic materials
[2105.09521] Sujay Ray, Tanmoy Das: A hierarchy of multi-moment skyrmion phases in twisted magnetic bilayers
[2105.09531] Pankaj P, Saswata Bhattacharya, Subhradeep Chatterjee: Competition of Core-Shell and Janus Morphology in Alloy Nanoparticles: Insights From a Phase-Field Model
[2105.09555] Peter Zalom, Tomáš Novotný: Tunable reentrant Kondo effect in quantum dots coupled to metal-superconducting hybrid reservoirs
[2105.09556] Lisi Li, Xunwu He, Zengjia Liu et al.: Structure and magnetic properties of the $S=3/2$ zigzag spin chain antiferromagnet BaCoTe$_2$O$_7$
[2105.09568] Yuichi Otsuka, Tsuneya Yoshida, Koji Kudo et al.: Higher-Order Topological Mott Insulator on the Pyrochlore Lattice
[2105.09575] Vladislav Efremkin, Jean-Louis Barrat, Stefano Mossa et al.: Time correlation functions for quantum systems: the case of harmonic oscillators
[2105.09586] Si-Guo Wu, Ze-Yu Ruan, Jie-Yu Zheng et al.: Rectangle-like hysteresis in a Dysprosium Metallacrown Magnet with Linear F-Dy-F Anisotropic Moiety
[2105.09589] J. J. Gao, W. H. Zhang, J. G. Si et al.: Chiral charge density waves induced by Ti-doping in 1T-TaS2
[2105.09608] K. M. Fijalkowski, N. Liu, M. Hartl et al.: Any Axion Insulator Must be a Bulk Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator
[2105.09609] Haruto Ishikawa, Satoshi Takada: Impact of Softness of Particles on Rheology of Dilute Granular Gases
[2105.09617] Sangjun Park, Bo Han, Caroline Boule et al.: Imaging Seebeck drift of excitons and trions in MoSe2 monolayers
[2105.09633] Victor P. Ruban: Capillary flotation in a system of two immiscible Bose-Einstein condensates
[2105.09650] I. P. Rusinov, V. N. Men'shov, E. V. Chulkov: Spectral features of magnetic domain walls on surface of 3D topological insulators
[2105.09651] Baptiste Bienvenu, Chu Fu, Emmanuel Clouet: Impact of magnetism on screw dislocations in body-centered cubic chromium
[2105.09655] Aniello Pelella, Alessandro Grillo, Enver Faella et al.: Graphene-silicon device for visible and infrared photodetection
[2105.09659] Somnath Ghara, Korbinian Geirhos, Lukas Kuerten et al.: Magnetic avalanche of non-oxide conductive domain walls
[2105.09669] Fei-Ting Huang, Yanbin Li, Fei Xue et al.: Evolution of topological defects at two sequential phase transitions of Nd2SrFe2O7
[2105.09679] Shun Kimura, Keisuke Ota, Koujin Takeda: Improved Neuronal Ensemble Inference with Generative Model and MCMC
[2105.09692] David Dentelski, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre: Paring density waves as the origin of a ring-like RIXS profile in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+δ}$
[2105.09694] Thorsten B. Wahl, Bo Han, Benjamin Béri: Topologically ordered time crystals
[2105.09704] Pieter Schiettecatte, Deepika Poonia, Ivo Tanghe et al.: Unraveling the Photophysics of Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Two-Dimensional ReS2 Nanoflakes
[2105.09729] Arun Baskaran, Elizabeth J. Kautz, Aritra Chowdhary et al.: The Adoption of Image-Driven Machine Learning for Microstructure Characterization and Materials Design: A Perspective
[2105.09733] Bohayra Mortazavi, Fazel Shojaei, Xiaoying Zhuang: Ultrahigh stiffness and anisotropic Dirac cones in BeN4 and MgN4 monolayers: A first-principles study
[2105.09752] Zheng-Wei Zuo, Wladimir A. Benalcazar, Chao-Xing Liu: Topological phases of the dimerized Hofstadter butterfly
[2105.09781] Martin Hasenbusch: Restoring isotropy in a three-dimensional lattice model: The Ising universality class
[2105.09793] Yi-Bin Guo, Yi-Cong Yu, Rui-Zhen Huang et al.: Entanglement Entropy of Non-Hermitian Free Fermions
[2105.09794] K. Kwon, K. Mukherjee, S. Huh et al.: Spontaneous Formation of Star-Shaped Surface Patterns in a Driven Bose-Einstein Condensate
[2105.09808] Benjamin De Bruyne, Satya N. Majumdar, Gregory Schehr: Expected maximum of bridge random walks & Lévy flights
[2105.09817] E. Lhotel, L. Mangin-Thro, E. Ressouche et al.: Spin dynamics of the quantum dipolar magnet Yb$_3$Ga$_5$O$_{12}$ in an external field
[2105.09820] Hauke Biss, Lennart Sobirey, Niclas Luick et al.: Excitation Spectrum and Superfluid Gap of an Ultracold Fermi Gas
[2105.09823] Fulvio Paleari, Andrea Marini: Overscreening-free electron-phonon interaction in realistic materials
[2105.09828] Fulvio Paleari, Andrea Marini: Electron--phonon interaction without overscreening: a strategy for first--principles modelling
[2105.09846] C. Clavaud, M. Maza-Cuello, C. Frétigny et al.: Modification of the fluctuation dynamics of ultra-thin wetting films
[2105.09859] Victor Manuel Trejo Navas, Ante Buljac, François Hild et al.: An examination of local strain fields evolution in ductile cast iron through micromechanical simulations based on 3D imaging
[2105.09861] Luis Blanco-Cocom, Marcos A. Capistrán, J. Andrés Christen: Stochastic perturbation study for 2D brittle fractures: hybrid phase-field method and variational approach
[2105.09864] Henning Rave, Henning Heiming, Patrick Szumny et al.: Glass tube cutting with aberration-corrected non-diffracting ultrashort laser pulses
[2105.09874] Wei Jie Chan, Yee Sin Ang, L. K. Ang: Thermal-Field Electron Emission from Three-Dimensional Topological Semimetals
[2105.09885] Tushar Gupta, Nicole Rosza, Markus Sauer et al.: Sonochemical synthesis of large two-dimensional Bi2O2CO3 nanosheets for hydrogen evolution in photocatalytic water splitting
[2105.09887] Sabir Hussain, Rui Xu, Kunqi Xu et al.: Toplayer-Dependent Crystallographic Orientation Imaging in the Bilayer Two-Dimensional Materials with Transverse Shear Microscopy
[2105.09898] Yanpeng Song, Tianping Ying, Xu Chen et al.: Enhancement of superconductivity in hole-doped CsV3Sb5 thin films
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 21 May 21","img":""}
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