Emerald Randomizer Ability Selection

A vibrant and colorful illustration of various Pokémon from the Emerald version, showcasing their abilities like Intimidate and Synchronize in an engaging battle setting.

Emerald Ability Randomizer Quiz

Welcome to the Emerald Ability Randomizer Quiz! Test your knowledge of Pokémon abilities and make strategic choices for your favorite Pokémon. Will you choose the safer route or take a risk with randomization?

  • Engage with various Pokémon characters.
  • Learn about different abilities and their impacts.
  • Discover your optimal strategies.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by StrategicSnake321
Shed Skin: Every Turn Ekans/Arbok has a 1 in 3 chance of healing from a Status Condition
Intimidate: Upon Ekans'/Arbok's Entry in Battle, all opponent's Attacks are lowered
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Synchronize: When Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam is inflicted with Poison, Paralysis or Burn, the Opponent is inflicted with the same Condition
Inner Focus: Prevents Flinching
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Damp: No Pokémon in battle can use Self Destruct or Explosion
Cloud Nine: No Weather Effects can work in battle
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Flash Fire: Prevents Growlithe/Arcanine from being attacked by Fire type moves, and also boosts the Fire type moves.
Intimidate: Upon Growlithe's/Arcanine's Entry in Battle, all opponent's Attack Stats are lowered
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Keen Eye: Farfetch'd's Accuracy cannot be Lowered by Opponent
Inner Focus: Prevents Flinching
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Hyper Cutter: Krabby's/Kingler's Attack cannot be Lowered by Opponent
Shell Armor: The Opponent's Moves cannot Critically Hit
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Shell Armor: The Opponent's Moves cannot Critically Hit
Water Absorb: Lapras is healed by up to 25% of Max HP when hit by Water Attacks.
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Speed Boost: Increases Yanma's Speed by One Level each turn
Compoundeyes: Raises Yanma's Accuracy by 30%
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Keen Eye: Sneasel's Accuracy cannot be Lowered by Opponent
Inner Focus: Prevents Flinching
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Hustle: Corsola's Attack Damage is Multiplied by 1.5 but average Accuracy is only 80%
Natural Cure: Status Conditions are healed when withdrawn from Battle
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Hyper Cutter: Corphish's/Crawdaunt's Attack cannot be Lowered by Opponent
Shell Armor: The Opponent's Moves cannot Critically Hit
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Thick Fat: Fire & Ice Type moves do 50% Damage on Makuhita/Hariyama
Guts: When Makuhita/Hariyama is inflicted with a status condition, it's attack is raised by 50%
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Thick Fat: Fire & Ice Type moves do 50% Damage on Spoink/Grumpig
Own Tempo: Prevents Spoink/Grumpig from being Confused
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Natural Cure: Status Conditions are healed when withdrawn from Battle
Poison Point: When a Pokémon makes contact with Roselia, it has a 30% chance of being Poisoned
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
Synchronize: When Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir is inflicted with Poison, Paralysis or Burn, the Opponent is inflicted with the same Condition
Trace: Copies Opponent's Ability when brought into Battle
Keep both (rng decides which ability it gets)
I don't care
{"name":"Emerald Randomizer Ability Selection", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Emerald Ability Randomizer Quiz! Test your knowledge of Pokémon abilities and make strategic choices for your favorite Pokémon. Will you choose the safer route or take a risk with randomization?Engage with various Pokémon characters.Learn about different abilities and their impacts.Discover your optimal strategies.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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