Probability and Statistics : TEST

If you roll a six sided dice, what is the probability of getting a 5 ?
If you flip a coin , what is the probability of getting a tails?
Flip a coin , what is the probability of getting a head or a tail ?
If you flip a coin, what is the probability of getting a head and a tail ?
If you roll a six sided dice , what is the probability of getting an odd number ?
What is the best estimate for the number of heads when you toss a coin 4 times ?
What is the best estimate of getting a 4 when you roll a 6 sided dice 12 times ?
Find median of 5,5,3,3
What is the range of following numbers : 30,40,60
{"name":"Probability and Statistics : TEST", "url":"","txt":"If you roll a six sided dice, what is the probability of getting a 5 ?, If you flip a coin , what is the probability of getting a tails?, flip a coin , what is the probability of getting a head or a tail ?","img":""}
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