Engleza partea a 4 a

Navy First Aid & Communication Quiz
Test your knowledge of essential first aid procedures and naval communication systems with our engaging quiz. Perfect for anyone interested in improving their skills in these critical areas.
- 40 carefully crafted questions
- Multiple choice format
- Immediate feedback on your answers
123. What is the first step of first aid?
Beginning CPR
Checking for a pulse
Immobilizing broken bones
Seeing if the victim is awake
124. What should you NOT do if the victim is unconscious? (pl, nu mai tin minte)
Look for signs of shock
Administer CPR
Use a defibrillator if available
Alternate check compressions and rescue breathing
125. Which of following is NOT a communication system?
Infrared light
Nancy system
Flashing light
126. Which system of communication can only function during the day?
Directional flashing light
Morse Code
Flag hoist
Non-directional flashing light
127. Which of the following describes moving to the front of the ship?
Moving to port
Moving to the bow
Moving to the stern
Moving to the centerline
128. Enlisted members of the crew ___________.
Start at the lowest rate in the Navy.
Start at the highest rate in the Navy.
Are officers in positions of authority.
Command units of lower officers.
129. A chevron is _______.
Someone in a position of command
A V-shaped badge showing rate
An enlisted member’s position
A level of naval responsibility
130. A pay grade is ___________. (intre a si c aici)
A particular job or specialty
An enlisted member’s position
A level of naval responsibility
A V-shaped badge showing rate
131. Staff corps includes _________.
A group of non commanding officers who have specialty professions within the Navy
All enlisted members of the Navy
Officers who command units of lower officers and enlisted sailors
Officers who are trained for unit command
133. The mast must be in working order to keep _________ on. (mast=catarg)
Safety lights
137. The front watchstander stood at the __________ to see what was ahead.
139. The advisor in matters of military law is the __________.
Executive officer
3-M coordinator
Legal officer
140. The person in charge of the watchstanders is the __________. (cred)
Senior watch officer
Officer of the deck
Safety officer
Personnel officer
141. The ________ keeps order and discipline on the ship.
Personnel officer
Chief master-at-arms
Officer of the deck
Safety officer
142. The new recruits are taught ship procedures by the ___________.
Officer of the deck
Safety officer
Training officer
Chief master-at-arms
143. The ________ represents the captain in maneuvering around the rocks.
Officer of the deck
Senior watch officer
Chief master-at-arms
Executive officer
144. The ________ monitors machinery, electric, and water systems.
Support department
Engineering department
Supply department
Navigation department
145. The ________ pilots the ship’s course.
Command department
Support department
Navigation department
Combat systems department
146. The _______ manages internal and outbound messages
Communications department
Engineering department
Supply department
Aviation department
147. The _______ repairs the ship’s guns.
Command department
Weapons department
Supply department
Support department
148. What department handles payroll issues?
The engineering department
The navigation department
The communications department
The supply department
150. The uniform worn only for industrial work is called ___________.
Full dress
Service dress
152. Troops in combat typically wear ____________.
Service uniform
Service dress
Full dress
154. The act of repairing and maintaining a ship is called ____________.
155. A group of sailors who work together at regular intervals form a ___________.
Watch section
Maintenance task
Watch station
Training exercise
156. What is the purpose of a unit bill? (cred)
To explain why rules are different on some ships
To orient new sailors to the areas of a ship
To instruct sailors on different types of orders
To give examples of administrative orders
157. What is the first bill a new sailor will probably read?
The berthing and locker bill
Jettison bill
EMCON bill
Special bill
158. A ______________ tells sailors when and how to throw things overboard the ship to improve its stability.
Operational bill
Station bill
Jettison bill
Administrative bill
159. Read the _______ to prepare for unexpected situations.
Emergency bills
Administrative bills
Operational bills
Unit bills
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