Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Thu, 23 Dec 21
[2112.11497] Anna Klünker, Kathrin Padberg-Gehle, Jean-Luc Thiffeault: Open-flow mixing and transfer operators
[2112.11498] Lorenz S. Cederbaum: Cooperative molecular structure in polaritonic and dark states
[2112.11503] Laia Humbert-Vidan, Vinod Patel, Robin Andlauer et al.: Prediction of mandibular ORN incidence from 3D radiation dose distribution maps using deep learning
[2112.11511] Max Schammer, Arnulf Latz, Birger Horstmann: The Role of Energy Scales for the Structure of Ionic Liquids at Electrified Interfaces -- A Theory-Based Approach
[2112.11525] Pawan J. K. Kurapothula, Sam Shepherd, David M. Wilkins: Hydrogen Bonding and Nuclear Quantum Effects in Clays
[2112.11534] Fabian Böhm, Diego Alonso-Urquijo, Guy Verschaffelt et al.: Noise-injected analog Ising machines enable ultrafast statistical sampling and machine learning
[2112.11538] N. S. Lagopoulos, G. D. Weymouth, B. Ganapathisubramani: Effect of aspect ratio on the propulsive performance of tandem flapping foils
[2112.11548] Li Quan, Dilhan M. Kalyon: Parallel-disk and cone-and-plate viscometry of a viscoplastic hydrogel with apparent wall slip
[2112.11551] J. Strucka, J. W. D. Halliday, T. Gheorghiu et al.: A portable X-pinch design for x-ray diagnostics of warm dense matter
[2112.11555] Kayn A. Forbes: Optical helicity of unpolarized light
[2112.11556] Quentin Lavigne, Thorsten Groh, Simon Stellmer: Magneto-optical trapping of mercury at high phase space density
[2112.11559] Thomas P. Ferrand: Garnet pyroxenites explain high electrical conductivity in the East African deep lithosphere
[2112.11575] Nils Krah, Denis Dauvergne, Jean Michel Létang et al.: Relative stopping power precision in time-of-flight proton CT
[2112.11581] E. Ellingwood, H. Benmansour, Q. Hars et al.: Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence of poly(methyl methacrylate) compared to 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl-1,3-butadiene down to 4 K
[2112.11583] Aaron J. Berliner, Jake Hecla: Nuclear History, Politics, and Futures from (A)toms-to(Z)oom: Design and Deployment of a Remote-Learning Special-Topics Course For Nuclear Engineering Education
[2112.11592] Ivan S. Maksymov, Andrey Pototsky, Sergey A. Suslov: Neural Echo State Network using oscillations of gas bubbles in water: Computational validation by Mackey-Glass time series forecasting
[2112.11609] Jinxiang Li, Kevin F. MacDonald, Nikolay I. Zheludev: Optical Control of Nanomechanical Eigenfrequencies and Brownian Motion in Metamaterials
[2112.11625] Theng-Loo Lim, Yaswant Vaddi, M. Saad Bin-Alam et al.: Fourier-Engineered Plasmonic Lattice Resonances
[2112.11630] Daohuai Jiang, Yifei Xu, Hengrong Lan et al.: Size-adjustable Ring-shape Photoacoustic Tomography System
[2112.11644] Sebastián Pinto, Marcos Trevisan, Pablo Balenzuela: Reconstructing public engagement from social media content volume
[2112.11678] Blake C. Stacey: On Feynman's Discussion of Classical Physics Failing at Specific Heat
[2112.11683] Shanmukha Shetty, Sauvik Banerjee, Siddharth Tallur et al.: Effectiveness of Multi-Physics Numerical Model in Simulating Accelerated Corrosion with Spatial and Temporal Non Uniformity
[2112.11688] M. Clark, F. Froborg, P.C.F. Di Stefano et al.: Investigation of the cryogenic scintillation of pure and doped sodium-iodine
[2112.11702] Sebastian Ziegler, Ana-Sunčana Smith: Hydrodynamic particle interactions in linear and radial viscosity gradients
[2112.11724] Xia Zhang, A. Louise Bradley: Polaritonic Critical Coupling in a Hybrid Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum Cavity-WS$_2$ Monolayer System
[2112.11727] R. Geertsema, K. Akiba, M. van Beuzekom et al.: Charge and temporal characterisation of silicon sensors using a two-photon absorption laser
[2112.11733] Michele Celli, Antonio Barletta: Effects of anisotropy on the transition to absolute instability in a porous medium heated from below
[2112.11746] Xifei Ma, Lu Xing, Xiaoqian Yao et al.: The effects of halide anions on the electroreduction of CO2 to C2H4: a density functional theory study
[2112.11754] SHiP Collaboration: Track reconstruction and matching between emulsion and silicon pixel detectors for the SHiP-charm experiment
[2112.11759] H. Lattaud, Q. Arnaud, J. Billard et al.: Phonon and charge signals from IR and X excitation in the SELENDIS Ge cryogenic detector
[2112.11762] S.M. Rezaei Niya, S. Naghshbandi, A.P.S. Selvadurai: On non-uniqueness issues related to the permeability of a porous medium with a random porous structure
[2112.11785] Kunhe Li, Nestor Norio Oiwa, Sujeet Kumar Mishra et al.: Intra-Chromosomal Potentials from Nucleosomal Positioning Data
[2112.11803] Natalia E. Koval, Peter Koval, Fabiana Da Pieve et al.: Inelastic scattering of electrons in water from first-principles: cross sections and inelastic mean free path for use in Monte Carlo trac...
[2112.11807] Yu He, Runqi Kang, Zhifu Shi et al.: A New Design of Resonant Cavity for the W-band EPR spectrometer
[2112.11820] Xiangdong Guo, Ning Li, Xiaoxia Yang et al.: Approaching the Purcell factor limit with whispering-gallery hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hBN nanotubes
[2112.11826] Krishna Kumar, Chadi El Mohtar, Robert Gilbert: Conductive and convective heat transfer in inductive heating of subsea buried pipelines
[2112.11830] Tobias Hülser, Felix Köster, Lina Jaurigue et al.: The role of delay-times in delay-based Photonic Reservoir Computing
[2112.11843] Marco Smarra, Evgeny L. Gurevich, Andreas Ostendorf: Theoretical simulation and experimental verification of dynamic caustic manipulation using a deformable mirror for laser material processing
[2112.11844] Fabian Kuger, Julia Dierle, Horst Fischer et al.: Prospects of charge signal analyses in liquid xenon TPCs with proportional scintillation in the liquid phase
[2112.11866] Kyle E. Ballantine, Janne Ruostekoski: Cooperative optical wavefront engineering with atomic arrays
[2112.11878] Alessio Golzio, Matteo Battisti, Mario Beratina et al.: A study on UV emission from clouds with Mini-EUSO
[2112.11912] Snehanshu Banerjee, Mohammadreza Jabehdari, Ross Turlington et al.: Wheres the Bus: Examining Factors Correlated with High and Low Public Transit On-Time Performance
[2112.11919] Miles Martinati, Wim Wenseleers, Lei Shi et al.: Electronic structure of confined carbyne from joint wavelength-dependent resonant Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory investigations
[2112.11938] R. Lensvelt, M.F.M Speetjens, H. Nijmeijer: Fast fluid heating by adaptive flow reorientation
[2112.11950] Saddam Hijazi, Melina Freitag, Niels Landwehr: POD-Galerkin reduced order models and physics-informed neural networks for solving inverse problems for the Navier-Stokes equations
[2112.11965] Mathieu Le Breton, Frédéric Liébault, Laurent Baillet et al.: Dense and longdterm monitoring of Earth surface processes with passive RFID -- a review
[2112.11976] Edward Bormashenko, Irina Legchenkova, Evgeny Shulzinger: Metamaterials Demonstrating Negative Thermal Capacity
[2112.11981] Hanno Kählert, Michael Bonitz: Dynamic structure factor of the magnetized one-component plasma: crossover from weak to strong coupling
[2112.12012] J. Zhou, N. Gaughan, F. D. Becchetti et al.: Light Output Quenching in Response to Deuterium-ions and Alpha Particles and Pulse Shape Discrimination in Deuterated Trans-stilbene
[2112.12016] Florian Herz, Svend-Age Biehs: Generalized coupled dipole method for thermal far-field radiation
[2112.12029] Ming Fu, Mónica P. dS. P. Mota, Xiaofei Xiao et al.: Near unity Raman $β$-factor of surface enhanced Raman scattering in a waveguide
[2112.12046] Kenneth Johnson, Samaneh Madanian, Roopak Sinha: Graph-Theoretic Models of Resource Distribution for Cyber-Physical Systems of Disaster-Affected Regions
[2112.12055] Jiawei Sun, Jiachen Wu, Song Wu et al.: Quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless fiber endoscope
[2112.12056] Valentina Zhelyazkova, Fernanda B. V. Martins, Josef A. Agner et al.: Ion-molecule reactions below 1~K: Observation of a strong enhancement of the reaction rate of the ion-dipole reaction He$^+...
[2112.12063] Mohammad Zarei, Mojtaba Maghrebi: Application of Opinion Dynamics Models in Energy Eco-Feedback Agent-Based Simulation
[2112.12069] B.M. Ovchinnikov, Yu.B. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Parusov: The arctic electric power stations are the decision of energy, environmental and climate problems
[2112.12071] Afshin Jafari, Dhirendra Singh, Alan Both et al.: Activity-based and agent-based Transport model of Melbourne (AToM): an open multi-modal transport simulation model for Greater Melbourne
[2112.12077] Mikhail V. Shubov: Possible Material Outcomes of Solar Power Revolution
[2112.12113] Jessie Mosso, Ting Yin, Carole Poitry-Yamate et al.: PET CMR$_{glc}$ mapping and $^{1}$H MRS show altered glucose uptake and neurometabolic profiles in BDL rats
[2112.12114] Brett D. Keenan, Ari Le, Dan Winske et al.: Hybrid Paricle-in-Cell Simulations of Electromagnetic Coupling and Waves From Streaming Burst Debris
[2112.12137] Max Falkenberg, Alessandro Galeazzi, Maddalena Torricelli et al.: Growing climate polarisation on social media
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 23 Dec 21","img":""}
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