Are you ready to tell him?

How long have you been wanting to tell him?
For several weeks.
Since I first saw his stupid face.
Why does this assume that I want to? I have to. It's unfair to him if I wouldn't.
What would be your favorable outcome if he rejected you?
Not talking to him again so we slowly drift apart and I can move on.
Forcing myself to ignore it but continuing to be the best friend possible.
There is no favorable outcome if he rejected me. I don't want to think about that.
How do you see your life in a year if you wouldn't tell him?
It would suck and I would regret every second I didn't do it when I had the perfect chance.
Just like now, nothing much would change. I'd still think about it, but I know it's not worth changing our relationship.
I can't think about that, because I'm sure Future-Me would've done it by then.
How would you react if he actually reciprocated your feelings?
Marry him right away because nothing can stop us.
Talk everything out with him, choosing to act on your feelings can be really complicated and might not have the perfect outcome you would wish for. Being with someone romantically can show you another side of them. But I am willing to be with him.
I would be excited, but I wouldn't know what to do and be awkward and wait until he makes a move.
What would you do if your friend came to you with a similar problem?
Convince them for days to do it already, because the person is so important to you, you would make sure it wouldn't be awkward forever.
Tell them they are not emotionally mature enough to handle a possible rejection and make sure they're aware of all the negatve consequences this might have.
Tell them to wait until they are sure the feeling is mutual and the person they like gives away a lot of signals that can be interpreted romantically.
What do you expect him to answer right away?
He would be insecure and would need time, and I would be patient but probably also hurt.
I would love for him to show me how much he appreciates my honesty and I'm sure he would have a lot to say as well.
I don't care what he answers. It wouldn't change anything about my feelings for him.
How would you react if he would know, chose to ignore it, and after a while of being friends normally started to become more and more distant. (Be honest.)
I would hate myself forever and regret my choice every single day. I could hardy move on.
As hard as it might be, I would have to move on. I want him to be happy, and maybe both of us are meant to be with a different person that fits to us perfectly.
I would shrug it off immediately because obviously he doesn't deserve my love. If he wants to be weird about it, and our friendship wouldn't be worth it to him, his loss!
What if he gets angry/frustrated at you for it?
I know him good enough to be 100% sure he wouldn't.
He probably wouldn't, but I can't look into his brain. I would just try and continue to b a friend for him, although it would deeply sadden me.
He can die. My feelings and mental health are way too important to me to try and change it. I care about him, but if he doesn't consider my pain he isn't worth it.
Would you do everything for him?
Yes. Everything.
If he reciprocates my feelings, yes.
There are limits to everything. As much as I like him.
What the hell, don't lie.
Fuck you, bitch.
Okay, no spiders.
Fuck you too.
That's my girl :')
Anyways, why haven't you told him so far?
I'm too sure about a negative outcome.
I had to accept myself before I feel like anyone else could.
I should have, and I regret every second of not doing it.
How many times do you imagine yourself telling him?
Every other hour.
I try to hold it back, and it's difficult. Especially when I'm around him.
Never, it's too painful.
How much does this test make you want to die?
I'm searching for the sleeping pills at this very second.
I don't care, as long as it helps me getting a clearer mind about things.
This test is shit, I actually hope you die.
Your mother should have aborted you.
It will help.
Sure, sweatie.
I trust you.
Anything else to add?
I love him so much, I sometimes imagine how our house would like and what color our couch would be.
I love him, but I'm trying to surpress it so much that I'm scared he will notice and I need to work on that.
I wish he knew and he would approach me about it.
{"name":"Are you ready to tell him?", "url":"","txt":"How long have you been wanting to tell him?, What would be your favorable outcome if he rejected you?, How do you see your life in a year if you wouldn't tell him?","img":""}
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