Data on the CDs is stored
Physically in the same order as they appeared
With uniform density
Von Neumann contributed in
The design of Eniac
Defining the phases of instruction execution
Novatory design of external memory
What makes different programming a Turing machine and today's computers?
Lack of memory limitations
The number of instructions not exceeding 5
Today's machines are real, Turing machine is an abstract model
Processors use registers to
Transfer data to and from RAM
Optimize for -loops
Store partial results of complex arithmetic operations
Store directly the values read from hard disks
The Turk - von Kempelen's chess machine
Was demonstrated in Europe and in America
Played with Napoleon
Was able to win automatically the game king+queen versus king alone
The role of Fibonacci numbers in proving quadratic complexity of Euclid2 algorithm was:
To show that in order to enforce large complexity, one must use exponentially big numbers
To construct the pessimistic case data resulting in the greatest numbers of loop turns within a given range
To make the biggest possible number of loops in the given range of arguments
Floating point addition
Can accumulate errors to big values, when many operations are performed
Is distributive with respect to multiplication
Can result in a positive number when two negative numbers are added
If we represent real numbers in the two's complement 1-byte exponent and 15-bytes mantissa, with one bit hidden, then
The largest represented positive number is over 10^60 times the smallest positive number
Adding a number with an exponent lower by 50 to any number will not change it
When we add two numbers x and y, and the difference of exponents of x and y is 60, then the result will always be equal to x.
Independent compilation of modules
Needs to be followed by the linking phase to make executable code
Leaves the calls to external functions open
Creates an executable file for each of the modules
In the two's complement code an overfull-error can occur at the execution of an instruction
Is allowed only in the most modern computer systems
Is associated with time-sharing
Is present in Windows 10
Drivers are
Programs to communicate with dvices
Logical circuits that choose paths for signals
Procedures for routing the packets in the networks
Floating point multiplication is
Excact if the arguments are given without a rounding error
A program for the Turing machine has a form of:
A graph where vertices are states and edges are labeled with the instructions
Punched tape
Turing machine could not be programmed. It could only perform operations set by the operator
Punched cards
Assembly language statements
In activation records one can find
Arguments of the called function
Return address of the callee
Dynamic link to the previous record on the stack
In sign-and-magnitude code for integers
We have more negative than positive numbers represented
Adding is associative
You can negate any number by flipping the first bit to the opposite value(complement to one)
For the 3-bit exponent 4 biut significand processor from the lecture the following inequalities hold:
101 1000 < 101 1011
010 1001 > 011 1010
111 0111 < 000 0100
Among the constructors of calculators of the 17th century were
Blaise Pascal
Abraham Stern
Wilhelm Schickard
The analytical engine of Charles Babbage
Introduced the concept of arithmometer, registers,bus, internal memory and external memory
Was programmed by a women
Had a programming language equivalent in terms of expressibility to modern programming language
When you save one file on the CD-R
All its bits are stored in one cylinder
All the written bits constitute one compact segment on the surface
You will be able to update the content of the file later on disk
The Turk - von Kempelen's chess machine
Was able to win automatically the game king+queen versus king alone
Had a library of chess openings installed
Was demonstrated in Europe and in America
The following operations are correct for two's complement 1-byte integers
01111111 + 01111111 = 10000000
10000000 + 10000000 = 00000000
10101010 + 01010101 = 11111111
Virtual memory is a concept that
Is used in Windows
Requires external storage media to expand the operating memory
Can be implemented entirely in RAM
If we represent real numbers in the two's complement 1-byte exponent and 15-bytes mantissa, with one bit hidden,then
Biggest gaps between two consecutive represented numbers do not exceed 1000
The largest represented positive number is over 10^60 times smallest positive number
All integers in the range of representability are represented
Virtual memory is a concept that
Increases the size of a hard disk
Simulates additional RAM on a disk
Is a notion from the virtual reality world
The Turk - von Kempelen's chess machine
Required a human player hidden inside
Was making moves on a chessboard by moving pieces
Had a pointing device and the operator standing next to the machine did the moves on the chessboard
Drivers are
Programs to communicate with devices
Logical circuits that choose paths for signals
Devices used for taking control over programs
You use high-level programming language to write programs
Directly in the processor code
Which after compilation and linking are ready to be loaded
Allowing seperate compilation of modules
Charles Babbage, while using his difference engines was able to tabulate values of polynomial of m'th degree for n arguments performing in total:
Constant number of multiplications, depending only on the degree of the polynomial, no matter how big n was
At least quadratic number of multiplications with respect to n
At most n additions
Charles Babbage, while using his difference engines was able to tabulate values of polynomial of m'th degree for n arguments performing in total:
Constant number of multiplications, depending only on the degree of the polynomial, no matter how big n was
At least quadratic number of multiplications with respect to n
At most n additions
{"name":"TAK", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Data on the CDs is stored, Von Neumann contributed in, What makes different programming a Turing machine and today's computers?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}