General Knowledge #1

Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should always be carried in your vehicle? *
Fire extinguishers(s)
Spare electrical fuses (if the vehicle uses them)
Warning devices for parked vehicles
All answers are correct
Which of these is not part of the pre-trip inspection of the engine compartment? *
Worn electrical wiring insulation
Engine oil level
Condition of hoses
Valve clearance
An en-route inspection should include checking for: *
Cargo securement
Tire overheating
All answers are correct
Brake overheating
You are checking your tires for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true? *
2/32-inch tread depth is safe for the front tires.
Radial and bias-ply tires can be used together on the same vehicle.
Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same axle.
Dual tires should be touching each other.
You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true? *
Brake pads should not have brake fluid on them.
One missing leaf in a leaf spring can be dangerous.
Brake shoes should not have oil, grease, or brake fluid on them.
All answers are true.
How do you test hydraulic brakes for leaks? *
Measure the freeplay in the pedal with a ruler
Move the vehicle slowly and see if it stops when you put on the brakes
Hydraulic brakes have no lag time, therefore they never need testing
Firmly push down the pedal for 5 seconds and see if it moves
Where or when should you test the stopping action of your service brakes? *
At a special Brake Testing Center
On a steep, downhill grade
When the truck is moving at about 5 mph
In a parking lot where the vehicle is not moving
You are checking your vehicle wheels and rims for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true? *
A vehicle can be safely driven with a missing lug nut on a wheel.
Cracked wheels or rims can be used if they have been welded.
Rust around wheel nuts may mean they are loose.
If you have aluminum wheels, they do not need to be checked.
The parking brake should be tested while the vehicle is: *
Going downhill
Fully loaded
Moving forward slowly
You wish to turn right from one two-lane, two-way street to another. Your vehicle is so long that you must swing wide to make the turn. Which of these figures shows how the turn should be made?*
Figure B
Figure C
Figure D
Figure A
The road you are driving on becomes very slippery due to glare ice. Which of these is a good thing to do in such a situation? *
Keep varying your speed by accelerating and braking
Apply the brakes often to keep the linings dry
Downshift to stop
Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so
Retarders: *
Cannot be used on interstate highways
Allow you to disconnect the steering axle brakes
Cause extra brake wear
Can cause the drive wheels to skid when they have poor traction
For this item, refer to the figure. You are driving a long vehicle that makes wide right turns. You want to make a left turn from Elm Street on to Oak Street. There are two left turn lanes (marked “A” and “B”) on Elm Street, and Oak Street is a four-lane street with two lanes in each direction. You should:*
Use left turn “A”
Start in left turn lane “A”and swing into left turn lane “B” just before entering the intersection
Use Left turn lane “B”
Start in left turn lane “B” and swing into left turn “A” just before entering the intersection
Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true? *
Helpers should be out of the driver’s sight and use only voice (spoken) signals to communicate with the driver.
You should avoid backing whenever you can.
All answers are true
It is safer to back toward the right side of the vehicle than toward the driver’s side.
You are driving a vehicle that could safely be driven at 55 mph on an open road. But traffic is now heavy, moving at 35 mph though the speed limit is 55. The safest speed for your vehicle is most likely: *
55 mph
45 mph
35 mph
25 mph
Which of these statements about using turn signals is true? *
When turning, you should cancel the signal just before you make the turn.
When turning, you should signal early.
You do not need to use your turn signal when changing lanes in traffic on a four-lane highway.
You should use your turn signal to mark your vehicle when it is pulled off on the side of the road.
Which of these statements about double-clutching and shifting is true? *
Double-clutching should not be used when the road is slippery.
Double-clutching should only be used with a heavy load.
If you miss a gear while upshifting, you must bring the vehicle to a stop.
You can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift.
Which of these best describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep downhill grade? *
Light, steady pressure
Light, pumping action
Repeated strong pressure, then release
With stronger pressure as the vehicle goes downhill
Which of these statements about speed management is true? *
You should always brake during curves.
You should choose a speed that lets you stop within the distance that you can see ahead.
Empty trucks always stop in a shorter distance than fully loaded ones.
When you double your speed (go twice as fast), it will take twice the distance to stop.
Which of these statements about marking a stopped vehicle is true? *
If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet, the rear reflective triangle should be moved back down the road to give adequate warning.
The vehicle’s taillights should be kept on to warn other drivers.
All answers are true.
You do not need to put out reflective triangles unless the vehicle will be stopped for 30 minutes or more.
You are driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 mph. The road is dry and visibility is good. What is the least amount of space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe? *
5 seconds
4 seconds
3 seconds
2 seconds
You can see a marking on a vehicle ahead of you. The marking is a red triangle with an orange center. What does the marking mean? *
It is being driven by a student driver.
It may be a slow-moving vehicle.
The vehicle is hauling hazardous materials.
It is a law enforcement vehicle.
{"name":"General Knowledge #1", "url":"","txt":"Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should always be carried in your vehicle? *, Which of these is not part of the pre-trip inspection of the engine compartment? *, An en-route inspection should include checking for: *","img":""}
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