Furniture Survey

How many years have you been on your current career path?
How would you classify your job at MIT Lincoln Laboratory?
Administrative Role
Engineer / Architect / Designer
Researcher / Scientist
Project Management Role
Personnel Management Role
Tenhnical Writer
Marketing / Graphics / Artist
IT / Software
Fabricator / Contracting Services
Please Specify:
What type of furniture / space do you currently use? Check all that apply
Free standing individual (Not attached to walls or to other furniture modules)
Free standing modular (Not attached to walls but attached to other furniture modules)
Old metal army desk
Cubicle Farm
Office with no more than 4 people
Private Office
How would you rate the physical environment of your workspace?
Awesome!!! I totally love it and it supports my workflow!!!
Meh...It functions fine, but I have no particular attachment to it.
Who cares, I'm barely at my desk anyways.
I hate it! It totally impedes my ability to do my job well and be happy at work.
In choosing between job opportunities, how important is the quality and aesthetic of the office space?
Physical environment and office culture are the main deciding factors for me.
It's a nice to have and could sway me if two opportunities are completely equal everywhere else.
It not important to me at all as long as I have somewhere to work.
How involved do you want to be in deciding on your physical workspace?
I want to pick my own color scheme and finishes right down to the nuts and bolts.
I want to choose between a few preselected color palletes and specify some special accessories such as keyboard trays, and other ergonomics.
I just want to have a say on the layout and some accessories
I don't care at all
How much flexibility / input do you feel you currently have on your environment?
None whatsoever and I'm afraid to ask!
I didn't know there were any customizable accessories available.
I have options to get ergonomic or job required accessories when I really need them.
I had a medium amount of input on how I wanted my workspace to be laid out
I completely customized my entire workspace!
What types of qualities / characteristics do you like in your space, or help you succeed in your job? (Select all that apply)
Aesthetics (ie: finishes, colors, etc)
Ergonomic Accessories (ie: key board trays, monitor mounts, foot rest, ergo chair)
Storage / Organization accessories (ie: slat walls, file storage, drawer storage, overhead shelving/cabinets)
Natural lighting
Artificial lighting
High privacy (ie: private office, high cubicle walls, quiet environment)
Highly collaborative space (ie: low cubicle walls, open office plan, energetic environment)
A good balance between private and collaborative spaces
Accessiblility requirements
Please Specify:
What types of qualities / characteristics do you dislike in your space, or hinder your success in your job? (Select all that apply)
Aesthetics (ie: finishes, colors, etc)
Ergonomic Accessories (ie: key board trays, monitor mounts, foot rest, ergo chair)
Storage / Organization accessories (ie: slat walls, file storage, drawer storage, overhead shelving/cabinets)
Natural lighting
Artificial lighting
High privacy (ie: private office, high cubicle walls, quiet environment)
Highly collaborative space (ie: low cubicle walls, open office plan, energetic environment)
A good balance between private and collaborative spaces
Accessiblility requirements
Please Specify:
{"name":"Furniture Survey", "url":"","txt":"What type of furniture \/ space do you currently use? Check all that apply, How would you rate the physical environment of your workspace?, In choosing between job opportunities, how important is the quality and aesthetic of the office space?","img":""}
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