Should you raise a CTF, Near Miss, or Safety Incident?

A modern workplace safety scene featuring diverse employees discussing safety protocols, with visible caution signs and safety equipment in the background.

Safety Incident Awareness Quiz

Test your knowledge on safety incidents, near misses, and at-risk behaviors with our interactive quiz. Understand when to raise a Concern Ticket Form (CTF), identify near misses, and effectively respond to safety incidents in the workplace.

Participate to enhance your safety awareness:

  • Learn through real-world scenarios
  • Promote a safer work environment
  • Engage with thought-provoking questions
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ObservantGuard237
A coworker leaves the Milk Carafe for a demo machine filled with old milk overnight. You talk to them about it and they say they "didn't think it was a big deal."
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You trip over a cable and fall hard onto your side. You don't require any first aid, but you have hurt your wrist a little.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You see a coworker close an open drawer which someone might have tripped over, and thank them for closing it.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
A customer spills their coffee in coffee room and another customer slips on the spillage before you have the chance to clean it. They hit their head on the counter on the way down, causing it to bleed.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
A customer's children are running around the store, bumping into tables and causing havok. One child accidentally knocks a glass off an impulse table and it shatters on the floor. Nobody is injured, but there is glass everywhere.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
A customer drops a bag of very old, mouldy capsules into the bin. You go to close and wrap them bin to contain the smell and mould dust, but a coworker says you should put a mask on first.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You use a stirrer to cut open a capsule to show a customer what is inside. While you peel back the tinfoil, you accidentally cut your finger on the edge of the foil. It hurts, but does not bleed.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You see that a coworker has brought in a carton of unsweetened almond milk to use in their coffees. They use one of the demo machines to heat it up and then add it to their coffee, before wiping the steam wand with a cloth. You remind them that we can't use unspecified allergens on the machines and ask them to swap out that demo machine for a different one.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
While placing a machine onto the top shelf of the machine wall, you accidentally drop it, landing on your own foot. It hurts a lot, but you don't know if it's injured or just bruised, and you don't want to cause trouble for management.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You see a short coworker stretching to reach a product on a high shelf. Instead of helping, you make a joke about their height. It's such a funny joke that they fall to the ground, stricken with hysterical laughter. As they compose themselves on the ground, you warn another coworker not to trip over their flailing limbs, as they are so completely overwhelmed by your funny that they have lost any semblance of control over their bodies.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You are working in coffee room, tired and not paying full attention to your surroundings. You place all of the drip trays, jugs and milk carafes onto the carry tray and head to the back room. You kick the door open (as your hands are full) and it slams into a coworker. They don't have any obvious cuts or scrapes that need attention, but they throw up and say they feel dizzy.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
An angry customer throws a travel mug at you from across the store. It glances off your shoulder and falls to the floor. Mall security comes and removes them from the store.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You accidentally put your hand under the hot water spout of the Creatista Pro, leaving your hand sore and rashy. It's badly burned, but there isn't a lot you can do to treat burns anyway, so you don't request any first aid help.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You accidentally throw out the lid to a fresh bottle of milk. You decide to place the bottle back in the fridge without a lid as it's better than leaving it out. A co-worker sees this bottle some time later and pours the milk down the drain. They tell you that we can't leave the lid off the milk for any reason, and suggests swapping the lid from an empty bottle next time.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
You'reserving in coffee room and notice that a coffee your CM is wanting to try is out of capsules in the drawer. You ask a colleague to grab it for you, and when they return with it, you ask them to empty it into the drawer. They are about to throw away the empty sleeve when you point out that they need to swap out the batch/lot tabs from the back of the sleeve, otherwise we cannot trace back any faults or defects to the appropriate source.
Raise a 'CTF (Safe)'
Raise a 'CTF (At-Risk)'
Raise a 'Near Miss'
Raise a 'Safety Incident'
{"name":"Should you raise a CTF, Near Miss, or Safety Incident?", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on safety incidents, near misses, and at-risk behaviors with our interactive quiz. Understand when to raise a Concern Ticket Form (CTF), identify near misses, and effectively respond to safety incidents in the workplace.Participate to enhance your safety awareness:Learn through real-world scenariosPromote a safer work environmentEngage with thought-provoking questions","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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