New Features Guide 3/10/18

What is your name?
After the trial of 10 free minutes, the session auto-rolls into what?
A fluid session where the client needs to buy a bundle of hearts first (and use the hearts as credits)
A fluid session where the client pays per minute
The session does not auto-roll. A coach will manually have to continue it
After the 10 minute free trial the timer auto-stops after the 10 minute mark
Every client pays the same amount of dollars per minute for their first session (session after free trial).
You should let the client know when there 10 free minutes are over
Where can a coach find how much a session is per minute for the current user/client they are talking to?
By clicking the "hearts" icon at the top left of the page
By going into the user/clients "Account Settings"
Personalized questions should be designed to help amber do what?
Understand the situation
Create your ME message (Manage expectations message)
Get to know the user
If a user isn't comfortable putting their CC info up or say they dont want to..what should you do (as Amber)? Please Select the one(s) that apply
Ask what their main concern is
Maintain the idea that its a completely free trial and they can decide after 10 minutes if they want to continue
Send them to discord (our online public chat)
What should you tell a user if they say they don't have a CC?
Tell them its okay and that they can try our free public chat (Discord)
Tell them they can buy a prepaid card and/or can connect their bank account to paypal
Is there a script for when a client says they don't have a card?
If a user asks why they need to put their cc info for a free trial, whats should you do?
Tell them that this is how our system runs
Tell them that its because we need the info to activate the trial
Use script `//why payment`
It's okay to give explicit actionable coaching in a free trial
It's okay to suggest starting a No Contact period length in a free trial
If a client finishes a coaching session, and continue asking questions. How many questions can you respond to (as long as it doesn't require a long answer)?
None of the questions. You can only talk when in a session.
Can respond to 1-2 questions.
Can respond to as many questions as they have
Is the No Contact Rule always necessary?
If a client asks a question that deserves a long response (outside of a session), what should the coach do?
Not answer
Give a short answer
Give a short answer and say "Would you like to start a new session and discuss it more in depth?"
It's okay to not help a client reach a certain goal if you think it's hopeless
If you're helping a client with a goal you aren't necessarily fond of, its okay to explain the risks involved
If a client wants a certain plan to reach their goal, but you think it wont work, then its okay to deny them of the plan that they want and offer a new plan
It's okay to ask admin and/or other coaches for help if you're not sure how to move forward with a client
It's okay to ask a client something like "Does that make sense?" to make sure that they're not confused/misunderstanding
How should you always try to frame things?
If a client needs to buy more hearts..what is the best way to phrase it? (most positive)
"We cannot continue unless you buy a success bundle"
"I'm still here and avaialble to help with [XYZ] if you decide to purchase more hearts" (Success Bundles)
What does the "auto-funnel saver" do?
It sends a message to users who don't convert after 15 minutes (as the coach)
It sends a message to users who don't convert after 15 minutes (as amber)
It doesn't do anything for a few days
If you do a consultation where it's completely not worth an automatic funnel saver after 15 min inactivity, what command would you use? (Write it exactly as you would on the site)
We'll now be emailing users transcripts of missed messages that they haven't seen
If a client asks why they have a credit charge of $1, $5, or $10 (thats not in a session)..what should you tell the client?
That we charge them a fee
That it's a temporary authorization for their card
Within how long does it take for the authorization balance to be back on the card?
About 1 hour
About 1 day
We now have a team skype account
It's okay to call a user's phone number (with keypad) on skype with the company account
If a new user is entering their CC info and it gets declined, what should you do?
Let them know their card is declined by using the "//card declined" script
No need to do anything because its a new user and they get notified
When would you want to use the script "//card declined"
When a user is trying to put in their CC info
When a client is in their first session (PPM) and the card gets declined mid session
When a client's card information gets declined when trying to buy a Success Bundle
When a client clicks "Automatically Replenish When I'm Out" then the bundle they clicked on will automatically replenish
Once the first session is over, a green bar appears on the bottom of the screen to let users know about the Success Bundles
If a client/user asks what a bundle is, what should you do?
Explain that bundles are like credits we use to pay for coaching sessions
Use the //bundles script (but edit the script where its necessary)
When is it okay to use the "//bundles" script? Please select the one(s) that apply
If a user asks what a bundle is
If a user asks how to start a new session (after first session)
If a user asks how much they'll be paying per minute (for the first session [that goes straight into after the trial]) what should you do?
/pitch and tell them to read all of the information there
Use the //cost script
Tell them its 1$ per minute
If a user says they dont have a credit card, what should you do?
Tell them they can pay with paypal
You can use the "//why payment" script
Can let the user know they're welcome to come back later
You can use the "//no card" script
If you're hosting a consultation and there are many more coming in, you should juggle between multiple consultations.
How many consultations are you required to host?
When should you juggle multiple consultations?
When theres many consultations being tossed around
You should always host multiple consultations
When you are comfortable hosting multiple rooms
If you can't answer a consultation (because you're busy with something else)...what should you do?
Answer when you can
Toss the room so another coach can reach out when available
It's okay for a consultation to stay in a tossed state until a coach is available
When should you use the //hesitation script?
You don't need to use it anymore
Right after a user closes the payment wizard
Waiting a few seconds after the payment wizard closes
If you get tossed 3 rooms at once, you should host all 3 rooms
How well do you think you did on the quiz? Please leave a number 1-10 and then feel free to add any comments as well
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