DoTERRA CANADA Getting Started—Daily Health Habits Challenge

How are you feeling about starting the challenge?
So ready! I'm already starting to feel better.
Excited, but nervous!
Good, but I'm not sure what to expect if I'm being honest!
Let's do this.
How often do you use the products included in the Daily Health Habits Kit?
Every six months
Which products have you never used that are included in the Daily Health Habits Kit? Select all that apply.
ZenGest® TerraZyme®
All of the supplements in the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®
XEO Mega®
Alpha CRS®+
Microplex VMz®
Deep Blue® Rub
DoTERRA On Guard®
DoTERRA Balance®
I've used them all!
What is the main reason you decided to participate in the Daily Health Habits Challenge?
I want to feel healthier, have more energy, and get better sleep.
I want to win a prize.
It's a team activity, so I'm doing it with my group.
I haven't tried all of the products, so I'm looking forward to testing them out during this Challenge.
How is your current overall health?
Good; no complaints
It's okay; could be better
Not great; I'm hoping this Challenge will support my lifestyle change
Poor; I am really hoping this Challenge will change how I feel
How often do you get a restful night's sleep?
Every night
Every other night
Maybe once a week
Once every couple weeks
I don't feel like I ever get a restful night's sleep
Select all symptoms you may be experiencing:
Anxious feelings
Join discomfort
Low energy
Poor hair health
Poor skin health
Frequent stomach upset
Digestive discomfort
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