Quiz: are you financially educated?
You are at the grocery shop; when the cashier tells you the amount to pay, this is less than you thought, and you suspect he has forgotten a few items. What do you do?
Ask him to recalculate together the total and pay what is due.
Don't tell him; if he made a mistake, this is his problem.
You have not calculated the total so the amount may sound right.
You are about to buy a new shirt.
You look for the cheapest shirt.
You buy 3 shirts for the price of 1.
You buy a good quality and more expensive shirt - it will last longer.
You check online the various brands and buy one shirt from the brand that seems fair.
You sit down at the bus stop and on the bench you find a wallet.
You keep it.
You go to the lost and found objects/ or the police and leave it there.
You open the wallet and try to find the name and contact details of her/his owner and call her/him.
You are at the grocery shop; when the cashier tells you the amount to pay, this is more than you thought, and you suspect he has overcharged you. What do you do?
Ask him to recalculate together the total and pay what is due.
Tell him; he has made a mistake, this is your money.
You have not calculated the total so the amount may sound right.
Tomatoes are on sale.
You don't think twice and buy a kilo.
You look at the label (or ask the grocerer) where they were grown before taking your decision.
You buy a few kilos and resell them to your neighbours at a normal price.
Your sister owns a restaurant.
When you go and eat there, you pay; she's got a business to run.
When you go and eat there, you don't want to pay - you are her guest!
When you go and eat there, you always give her something of the same value as the meal.
Your friend gives you English lessons. Sometimes you haven't got small change so you pay for today and next week's lessons. It is soon a bit confusing. You track all your expenses and you re-count what you have paid and realise that you have not paid a lesson two months ago.
From now on, you decide to get the exact cash and pay one lesson each time.
Two months are too far away, you just don't mention it. Your friend may not trust you after this.
You write the list of classes and payments to show your friend and pay him the missing amount.
You have been saving for a long term project and decide to invest. You look at the various possible investment offers.
You buy shares in a fund investing in various sectors.
Crystal Holding, a company investing in various companies (water treatment, solar panels, pharmaceuticals, food, weapons, etc...) has been steadily growing for years and investors forecast a growing demand in all these industries. You decide to invest in Crystal Holding.
Pop Beverage (a soda drink manufacturer) has been expanding its market and offers a 9% return. You decide to invest in Pop Beverage.
Guns and co offers a solid long term record of 10% share value growth and a robust demand; you decide to invest in Guns and co.
You keep looking for other industries and companies to invest in.
You don't put all your eggs in the same basket and decide to invest in Pop Beverage, Guns and Co and Crystal Holding.
Your neighbour has just lost her job and she is struggling making ends meet. Your children often play with hers and you know her situation.
This is none of your business, and you just act as before.
You invite her children more often.
You offer to lend her money with a small interest.
You invite her and after a while discuss with her what help she would need.
You need to buy a computer but you don't have enough money. You know your brother could help you.
You don't ask him for anything.
You calculate the various options (including not buying one) and discuss them with your brother and let him decide if and how much he could help.
You ask your brother to give you the total amount you need.
You ask your brother to lend you the total amount you need.
You have received an email saying you have won $1,999 !
You think of the family and friends you could share the amount with.
You think of how much you want to keep for you and how much you would like to share.
You think of all you can do with such an amount.
You delete the email, this is not really your money.
You delete the email - this is obviously a scam.
You have just lost your job and you are struggling making ends meet. Your children often play with your neighbour's and she knows your situation.
You keep life as before, your financial situation is none of your neighbour's business.
You stop inviting her children - you can't afford extras.
You ask your neighbour if she can look after your children once in a while when you have a job interview.
You offer to look after her children every day after school on a paid basis.
You often take a motorbike taxi to go to work.
You always negotiate the price as low as possible.
You never negotiate the price as long as it is reasonable.
You always take the same taxi and have negotiated the price once for all.
You are on a business trip and your company pays your transportation. You have to take a local taxi.
You negotiate the price as low as possible.
You don't negotiate the price as long as it is reasonable.
You take a higher standard taxi than the one you usually take.
Every week, you give English lessons and earn money . It is the end of the year and you are filling your income tax return.
You include the income from the English lessons.
You include part of the income earned from the lessons.
There is no proof; you don't include the income from the lessons.
You have been saving for a year to buy a fridge. Tomorrow you are going to buy it. Your brother calls you- he needs money for a medical emergency.
You give your brother the total amount he needs and delay buying your fridge
You lend your brother the total amount he needs and delay buying your fridge.
You discuss with your brother to better understand the various possibilities and decide what to do.
You just say no and explain to him how to save on a regular basis.
{"name":"Quiz: are you financially educated?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You are at the grocery shop; when the cashier tells you the amount to pay, this is less than you thought, and you suspect he has forgotten a few items. What do you do?, You are about to buy a new shirt.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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