Iran, or Spanish Inquisition?

Welcome to this quiz! Its objective is for you to realize, in a fun and entertaining way, the atrocities perpetrated by the Iranian Government -very much like Persepolis! Ideally, you will notice how hard it is to differenciate an archaic, tyrannic religious fundamentalism from the XVI century, to one which is taking place nowadays. Hopefully you will have fun, and reflect upon the effects of fundamentalism in the world, and its roots in human nature.
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make the quiz harder, all statements are in past tense. Don't let this distract you from the fact that the Iranian Regime still exists and has full authority over Iran.
Welcome to this quiz! Its objective is for you to realize, in a fun and entertaining way, the atrocities perpetrated by the Iranian Government -very much like Persepolis! Ideally, you will notice how hard it is to differenciate an archaic, tyrannic religious fundamentalism from the XVI century, to one which is taking place nowadays. Hopefully you will have fun, and reflect upon the effects of fundamentalism in the world, and its roots in human nature.
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make the quiz harder, all statements are in past tense. Don't let this distract you from the fact that the Iranian Regime still exists and has full authority over Iran.
Had to make sure dissidents who weren't exiled were being properly religious.
Spanish Inquisition
After the royal decrees in 1492 and 1502, which forced Jewish and Muslim inhabitants to either convert to Catholicism or leave Spain, it was the Inquisition's job to make sure these newly converted people were being orthodox. Worked well, judging from the picture.
After the royal decrees in 1492 and 1502, which forced Jewish and Muslim inhabitants to either convert to Catholicism or leave Spain, it was the Inquisition's job to make sure these newly converted people were being orthodox. Worked well, judging from the picture.
Its insitutional fundamentalism arose from a minoritarian group within the religion.
Spanish Inquisition
The Islamic Republic of Iran is Shia, a group within Islam to which 10-15% of muslims belong. Along with Syria Azerbaijan and Bahrain, Iran is the only Shia majority country in the world.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is Shia, a group within Islam to which 10-15% of muslims belong. Along with Syria Azerbaijan and Bahrain, Iran is the only Shia majority country in the world.
The establishment of its ideology was promoted by the government before it started
Spanish Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 by King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile. The Islamic Revolution that led to the Republic of Iran, on the other hand, arose from an opposition to Reza Shah's government. Another difference is that Iranian people don't wear cool neck thingies. That's the technical term, by the way.
The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 by King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile. The Islamic Revolution that led to the Republic of Iran, on the other hand, arose from an opposition to Reza Shah's government. Another difference is that Iranian people don't wear cool neck thingies. That's the technical term, by the way.
Its religious mission was international.
Spanish Inquisition
Iranian authorities have often expressed their desire to promote other Islamic, anti-imperialistic revolutions around the world.
Though there were many Inquisitions, the Spanish Inquisition was limited to the territories of the Kingdom of Spain. This included the newly conquered Americas. Which explains a lot, actually.
Iranian authorities have often expressed their desire to promote other Islamic, anti-imperialistic revolutions around the world.
Though there were many Inquisitions, the Spanish Inquisition was limited to the territories of the Kingdom of Spain. This included the newly conquered Americas. Which explains a lot, actually.
Executed 700 prisoners within the span of 6 months.
Spanish Inquisition
Between January 1, 2015-July 16, 2015, 694 people were executed in Iran. This is staggering considering that the Spanish Inquisition, in around 260 years (1478-1834), executed 3000-10000.
Between January 1, 2015-July 16, 2015, 694 people were executed in Iran. This is staggering considering that the Spanish Inquisition, in around 260 years (1478-1834), executed 3000-10000.
Denied religious freedom.
Spanish Inquisition
Both the Spanish Inquisition and the Republic of Iran have represented severe threats to other religions living in the country, with religion often influencing judicial determinations.
(In Chile we're luckier, and only see judges influenced by media.)
Both the Spanish Inquisition and the Republic of Iran have represented severe threats to other religions living in the country, with religion often influencing judicial determinations.
(In Chile we're luckier, and only see judges influenced by media.)
Imposed terrible punishments for those who insulted religious figures.
Spanish Inquisition
Heresy was punishable by death in the times of the Inquisition.
Iran issued a Fatwa, or death order, towards writer Salman Rushdie after the publication of his book "The Satanic Verses", because of considering it heretic. He also looks like the last guy you would ever want to sentence to death.
Heresy was punishable by death in the times of the Inquisition.
Iran issued a Fatwa, or death order, towards writer Salman Rushdie after the publication of his book "The Satanic Verses", because of considering it heretic. He also looks like the last guy you would ever want to sentence to death.
Forced women to use a specific kind of clothing.
Spanish Inquisition
In Iran, the use of a veil is mandatory for women. While the Inquisition was also repressive against women, their way of prohibiting "sexual" display was somewhat more, umm... abstract.
In Iran, the use of a veil is mandatory for women. While the Inquisition was also repressive against women, their way of prohibiting "sexual" display was somewhat more, umm... abstract.
Had the aid of intellectuals of the time.
Spanish Inquisition
As the main sources of knowledge from the Middle Ages had been monasteries -and continued to be for a long time-, many Inquisitors, or judges, were also intellectuals.
The Iranian Revolution also counted with intellectuals' aid when it started, and was admired by its anti-imperialistic principles. Yeah, I know.
As the main sources of knowledge from the Middle Ages had been monasteries -and continued to be for a long time-, many Inquisitors, or judges, were also intellectuals.
The Iranian Revolution also counted with intellectuals' aid when it started, and was admired by its anti-imperialistic principles. Yeah, I know.
Was the inspiration of a very popular Monty Python sketch and catchphrase.
Spanish Inquisition
"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!", appearing in the TV show "Monty Python's Flying Circus", is one of the most famous catchpharses by the comedy group. If you don't know what Monty Python is, you should be ashamed of yourself.
"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!", appearing in the TV show "Monty Python's Flying Circus", is one of the most famous catchpharses by the comedy group. If you don't know what Monty Python is, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Constantly displayed public executions in solemn, religious acts.
Spanish Inquisition
The Inquisition had autos-da-fe, or acts of faith, which were massive, dyonisiac ceremonies were prisoners would be publically tortured and executed.
After the revolution, some towns in Iran started stoning perpetrators of moral offenses, to follow the religious tradition. Way to go, traditionalists.
The Inquisition had autos-da-fe, or acts of faith, which were massive, dyonisiac ceremonies were prisoners would be publically tortured and executed.
After the revolution, some towns in Iran started stoning perpetrators of moral offenses, to follow the religious tradition. Way to go, traditionalists.
Would torture prisoners to death in name of religion.
Spanish Inquisition
Most people who were killed by the Inquisition died while being tortured.
Many international media have denounced Iran's brutal torture methods, which often end in prisoners' death.
Actually, more people died in torture than in execution. So let's not forget that, apart from brutal, the Inquisition was stupidly inefficient.
Most people who were killed by the Inquisition died while being tortured.
Many international media have denounced Iran's brutal torture methods, which often end in prisoners' death.
Actually, more people died in torture than in execution. So let's not forget that, apart from brutal, the Inquisition was stupidly inefficient.
Offered a chance to reconcile with the religious institutions in case of heresy.
Spanish Inquisition
After the Inquisition arrived in a city, the nice Inquisitors would declare an "Edict of Grace". This was a period of around forty days in which people could go and confess heresy before being investigated. If they did, they could be reconciled with the Church, and get off without severe punishment.
After the Inquisition arrived in a city, the nice Inquisitors would declare an "Edict of Grace". This was a period of around forty days in which people could go and confess heresy before being investigated. If they did, they could be reconciled with the Church, and get off without severe punishment.
Believed to follow a divine cause
Spanish Inquisition
Both the Spanish Inquisition and the Republic of Iran are deeply rooted in religion, and believe to be following the word of God. Spoilers: it's the same God.
Both the Spanish Inquisition and the Republic of Iran are deeply rooted in religion, and believe to be following the word of God. Spoilers: it's the same God.
Leaders were not chosen democratically, and their power went beyond religion.
Spanish Inquisition
In Spain, the Head of the Inquisition, or Grand Inquisitor was appointed by the Pope, and was in charge of judicial processes.
In Iran, the main political and religious leader is the Supreme Leader, and he has been the same since 1989, and apparently hasn't shaved since.
In Spain, the Head of the Inquisition, or Grand Inquisitor was appointed by the Pope, and was in charge of judicial processes.
In Iran, the main political and religious leader is the Supreme Leader, and he has been the same since 1989, and apparently hasn't shaved since.
Received international rejection from fellow contries for their actions.
Spanish Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition happened in a period of time in which many other European countries were developing inquisitions; there was no one there to condemn them.
Iran's human rights violations, on the other hand, have received the concern of internatonal organizations such as the UN.
The Spanish Inquisition happened in a period of time in which many other European countries were developing inquisitions; there was no one there to condemn them.
Iran's human rights violations, on the other hand, have received the concern of internatonal organizations such as the UN.
Their Constitution imposed a specific religion.
The Iranian Constitution establishes it as an Islamic Republic. Spain did not have a Constitution in the XVI century! Duh.
The Iranian Constitution establishes it as an Islamic Republic. Spain did not have a Constitution in the XVI century! Duh.
They showed respect and devotion towards a powerful. international, central religious institution.
Spanish Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition pledged full devotion to the Pope, and the Church. Iran, being a Shia country, believes the last succesor of Muhammed disappeared in the X century, so they are not loyal to any religious organization -well, apart from the government, of course.
Yeah, popes looked way less adorable in the XVI century. Times have changed.
The Spanish Inquisition pledged full devotion to the Pope, and the Church. Iran, being a Shia country, believes the last succesor of Muhammed disappeared in the X century, so they are not loyal to any religious organization -well, apart from the government, of course.
Yeah, popes looked way less adorable in the XVI century. Times have changed.
{"name":"Iran, or Spanish Inquisition?", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to this quiz! Its objective is for you to realize, in a fun and entertaining way, the atrocities perpetrated by the Iranian Government -very much like Persepolis! Ideally, you will notice how hard it is to differenciate an archaic, tyrannic religious fundamentalism from the XVI century, to one which is taking place nowadays. Hopefully you will have fun, and reflect upon the effects of fundamentalism in the world, and its roots in human nature.IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make the quiz harder, all statements are in past tense. Don't let this distract you from the fact that the Iranian Regime still exists and has full authority over Iran., Had to make sure dissidents who weren't exiled were being properly religious., After the royal decrees in 1492 and 1502, which forced Jewish and Muslim inhabitants to either convert to Catholicism or leave Spain, it was the Inquisition's job to make sure these newly converted people were being orthodox. Worked well, judging from the picture.","img":""}
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