Impossible to get a 10

A modern software development workspace with a laptop displaying code, a whiteboard with architectural diagrams, and digital tools like UML charts, emphasizing design principles such as SOLID and microservices

Master the Art of Software Design

Test your knowledge in software architecture and design principles with this challenging quiz! Dive into topics like SOLID principles, microservices, and scalability while uncovering the intricacies of effective software development.

  • Sharpen your skills in software engineering
  • Learn about best practices and design patterns
  • Challenge your understanding with tricky questions
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CodingNinja42
What is container-overload
Too many containers, project becomes bloated
Containers become too big, violate SRP
Overloads your IDE
What does the X-axis of the Scale Cube consist of
Running multiple copies of an application behind a load balancer
Splits the application into multiple different services
Which of the following applies to interfaces (one or many correct)
Interfaces can not be instantiated
Interfaces can not extend interfaces
Classes that use interfaces are not dependent on a particular implementation
Separate variations design principle states that:
Parts of a system unlikely to change should be seperated from those that will likely change
Subtypes must be substituable for their base types
A class should have one and only one reason to change
You have a class which contains moderate-business logic. Which Domain Layer pattern applies?
Transaction Script
Table Module
Domain Model
What is considered to be the riskiest part of software
Interfaces with external systems
Legacy code
Violating the SOLID principles
Maintainable data-source layers
Consider this fruit application example

What SOLID principle are we violating here?
Single Responibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Microservices should always be stateless
Testing Microservices tends to be difficult
Using fine-grained objects for remote calls is optimal
With distributed architecture, interfaces must be coarse-grained
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is poorly suited for write-centric applications
Scalability is a measure of how adding resource (usually software) affects the performance.
Who is this mans?
William Shatner
Michael Caine
Sean Bean
Gerardí retardí
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