Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 21 Apr 22
[2204.09060] Peter B. Denton, Julia Gehrlein: New reactor data improves robustness of neutrino mass ordering determination
[2204.09091] Martin Beneke, Philipp Böer, Jan-Niklas Toelstede et al.: Light-cone distribution amplitudes of heavy mesons with QED effects
[2204.09130] André de Gouvêa, Giancarlo Jusino Sánchez, Kevin J. Kelly: Very Light Sterile Neutrinos at NOvA and T2K
[2204.09198] Chu Wang, Jun-Quan Tao, M. Aamir Shahzad et al.: Search for a lighter neutral custodial fiveplet scalar in the Georgi-Machacek model
[2204.09201] Shao-Ping Li, Xin-Qiang Li, Xin-Shuai Yan et al.: Scotogenic Dirac neutrino model embedded with leptoquarks: one pathway to addressing all
[2204.09217] Christoph Herold, Ayut Limphirat, Poramin Saikham et al.: Cumulants of the chiral order parameter at lower RHIC energies
[2204.09256] Zhiqing Zhang: Dispersive approach to HVP for muon g-2
[2204.09257] Juhi Oudichhya, Keval Gandhi, Ajay Kumar Rai: Spectroscopy of light baryons with strangeness -1, -2, and -3
[2204.09299] Min He, Hendrik van Hees, Ralf Rapp: Heavy-Quark Diffusion in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
[2204.09376] Aditya Batra, ShivaSankar K.A, Sanjoy Mandal et al.: W boson mass in Singlet-Triplet Scotogenic dark matter model
[2204.09384] Xin Zhu, De-Min Li, En Wang et al.: Theoretical study of the process $D^+_s \to π^+ K^0_S K^0_S$ and the isovector partner of $f_0(1710)$
[2204.09459] Daniel Baranowski, Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov et al.: Same-hemisphere three-gluon-emission contribution to the zero-jettiness soft function at N3LO QCD
[2204.09477] Junjie Cao, Lei Meng, Liangliang Shang et al.: Interpreting the $W$ mass anomaly in the vectorlike quark models
[2204.09487] Yu-Pan Zeng, Chengfeng Cai, Yu-Hang Su et al.: Extra boson mix with Z boson explaining the mass of W boson
[2204.09528] A. Kaewsnod, K. Xu, Z. Zhao et al.: Study of $N(1520)$ and $N(1535)$ structures via $γ^*p\to N^*$ transitions
[2204.09569] Eligio Lisi, Antonio Marrone: Majorana neutrino mass constraints in the landscape of nuclear matrix elements
[2204.09585] Seungwon Baek: Implications of CDF $W$-mass and $(g-2)_μ$ on $U(1)_{L_μ-L_τ}$ model
[2204.09646] Bithika Karmakar, Ritesh Ghosh, Arghya Mukherjee: Collective modes of gluons in an anisotropic thermo-magnetic medium
[2204.09650] Jose Alonso Carpio, Ali Kheirandish, Kohta Murase: Time-delayed neutrino emission from supernovae as a probe of dark matter-neutrino interactions
[2204.09671] Debasish Borah, Satyabrata Mahapatra, Narendra Sahu: Singlet-Doublet Fermion Origin of Dark Matter, Neutrino Mass and W-Mass Anomaly
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 21 Apr 22","img":""}
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