What Season Are You In?

I would describe my level of passion/motivation as:
A desire for stasis; I'm happy where things are
Strongly felt; sometimes comes across as extreme
Tied to my goals
Clear; I am aware of what I want and what I don't
A drive to overcome the mistakes of the past
Lacking; I generally feel drained
Rising; I feel a new ability to pursue what I want
How would you describe your current awareness of pain in your life?
The way things are right now is very satisfying; no complaints.
Things have happened that I wish I could change, but I'd rather focus on what I can control.
Painful things happen, but I seem to recognize them as a part of a larger story.
I am very aware of how others have done me wrong.
I don't experience much personal suffering; I'm passionate about moving forward.
I am all too often aware of the losses I have experienced.
I've been wronged and done wrong; I'm focused on forgiveness.
Mark the sentence that best describes your current boundaries/commitments.
I'm not really interested in rules and structures. Right now I'm doing my thing.
I have energy for new commitments; seasons are changing.
I want to have boundaries, but I find myself not able to stand up for myself.
I feel wide open; it's a world full of "yes."
I'm committed to my family and friends and don't spend a lot of time outside of my "tribe."
I'm very committed to my passion projects and/or my goals.
I have a few non-negotiables, but am not interested in being rigid about things I don't care about.
What currently gets your mind racing?
I like thinking about how different ideas affect each other.
Almost anything! I find myself easily inspired.
New topics are really peaking my interest. I want to grow.
I like to focus on familiar concepts and really understand them more deeply.
I'm very guarded. I've been duped too many times by other people's "knowledge."
I'm not really reading/learning new material as much. I'm kind of in task mode.
Not much. I feel a little mentally blank, if I'm honest.
Which emotional state feels most familiar right now?
Sad, maybe even depressed.
Animated, energetic.
Aware of a wide variety of emotions.
Frustrated, confrontational.
Calm, satisfied.
Cautiously optimistic.
Which declaration best exemplifies your religious/spiritual state?
My beliefs push me to be more active to make the world a better place.
My beliefs are open and I'm motivated to figure that out!
My faith/spirituality is expanding and growing.
I am working through apparent conflicts in different things I believe in.
Faith is hard for me right now, harder than it used to be.
My beliefs are really stable and clear to me right now.
I used to believe things very strongly that I don't believe anymore.
How would describe your sense of structure or personal rhythm in this season?
Don't have much structure right now; I'm very open.
I find structure oppressive; I don't want to feel obligated to anything.
I start with making sure I know what I need daily/weekly/monthly and then am flexible from there.
I have a pretty reliable rhythm that is working for me.
I set goals and then hold myself to tasks to reach those goals.
None of the habits/spiritual disciplines which used to work for me work anymore.
I'm building new rhythms and am so energized by it.
What do you worry about?
Various things, but nothing stays with me for long.
What my friends and family think.
Slipping back into old foolish patterns/ideas.
Whether I'm doing enough.
Not as much as in the past. I'm trending optimistic...
Everything seems to make me somewhat anxious.
Not much. I'm focused on the future.
What (if anything) brings you moments of peace right now?
Life is pretty comfortable right now.
I am able to be at peace in a wide variety of situations.
I'm comforted by the opportunity to keep growing.
I'm happiest making progress toward my goals.
Nothing seems to satisfy. I'm restless.
I find comfort in knowing I'm not where I was.
Honestly, zoning out to TV/games/social media is where I feel most at peace.
How would you describe your type of physical activity (compared to other seasons in your life)?
I find myself easily agitated and bored doing the kinds of things I used to do.
My physical activities are purposeful even though I don't always do the same thing.
I don't have the energy I'm accustomed to.
Diverse. I find myself energized and engaged by many things.
I have a few activities I like which I've been doing for a while.
I'm on the move more than normal; my whole life is pretty active.
I've been recently more motivated than I have been in a long time.
In terms of my social awareness, people might describe me lately as:
Withdrawn, non-interactive.
In my own world.
Only interested in the familiar.
Selective of what I want to engage in.
Looking for control/drama.
Focused on mistakes/opportunities.
Observant, interested, engaged.
Select the best respsonse to this word: WORK:
I'm intentional about what I put my time and energy into.
Let's get to it. There's plenty to do.
I really want to but I find myself daydreaming easily.
I'm trying, but nothing seems to be working.
I'm very focused on getting better at what's right in front of me.
Meh. I'll work on what I care about, not what someone else tells me to.
I'm more motivated than I've been in awhile. It's refreshing.
Which sentence best describes your concept of God?
God is silent.
With God, all things are possible.
God is actively leading me each day.
I want to honor God with my efforts.
I'm grateful to God for what I've been given.
God is not what I was told.
I am being transformed by God.
What in life currently makes you feel comfortable in your own skin?
I'm finding new/renewed aspects to my personality; this gives me energy.
I need challenge; I feel most alive when I'm questioning the status quo.
I feel as if I've lost a piece of myself and am struggling to find it back.
I'm attentive to not finding my worth in things which won't satisfy.
The people who've invested in me give me a great deal of confidence in myself.
It's very hard to feel at peace with myself or my surroundings.
I find lately I feel most accomplished when I am complete a task.
Complete this sentence: Lately, I prefer to spend my time with people who...
Are familiar.
Inspire me.
Help me stay grounded and clear.
Challenge my thinking.
Are committed.
Are easy to be with.
Notice how far I've come.
Complete this sentence: In this season, I hope others notice...
How passionate I am.
Someone else. I'd rather not be the center of attention right now.
How much I've moved beyond the past.
My attentativeness to them and to my journey.
How committed I am to my friends and family.
How capable I am when I set my mind to it.
Growth in me.
In this season, who are you LEAST interested in spending time with?
People who disagree with me.
People who are disengaged.
People with narcissistic tendencies.
People who are stuck in the past.
People who are lazy.
People who have trite solutions.
People who don't want to grow.
How best can you make a difference in the world right now?
Action. Too many people are waiting on the sidelines for the perfect thing. Just do something.
I am most useful when I focus on things that I am uniquely suited for.
I've got to keep moving forward. The hard things in your life give you strength to help others.
By paying forward what's been given to me.
I don't know! So many options, I don't know where to start.
I don't want to just do things to make myself feel better like other people do.
With so many problems, it's hard to imagine that I could make a dent.
{"name":"What Season Are You In?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"I would describe my level of passion\/motivation as:, How would you describe your current awareness of pain in your life?, Mark the sentence that best describes your current boundaries\/commitments.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/8-398004/bugs-0031-heart--wants.png?sz=1200-000014100053"}
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