Instantly See if you Qualify for the HomeSTAR
Homebuyer Grant of up to $10,000

Zip Code Where you Want to Purchase?
Great! What type of property are you purchasing?
Single Family Home
Multi-Family Home (duplex, triplex, etc)
Is this your first property purchase?
What is your home buying timing?
Signed a Purchase Agreement
Offer Pending / Found Property
Buying in 2-6 Months
Buying in 7-12 Months
Just Researching Options and Learning
How will this property be used?
Primary Home
Secondary/Vacation Home
Investment Property
What is the purchase price of the new property? (or estimated range)
What is your estimated down payment percentage?
Zero Down50%+
What is your gross annual household income?
What is your employment status?
Employed W-2
Self Employed
Current Military OR VA Benefits
Retired/SSI Income
Not Employed/No Income
Bankruptcy, short sale, or foreclosure in the last 3 years?
Estimate Your Credit Score
Excellent (740+)
Good (700-739)
Average (640-699)
Working on it (580-639)
Poor (Under 580)
Are you working with a Real Estate Agent?
First Name:
Last Name
Your Mobile Phone Number
I agree to send my quiz results to the HomeSTAR grant coordinator and the affiliated Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Lender. You agree we may contact you in any way, including SMS messages (including text messages), calls using prerecorded messages or artificial voice, and calls and messages delivered using auto telephone dialing system or an automatic texting system. 
You certify, warrant and represent that the telephone numbers that you have provided to us are your contact numbers. You represent that you are permitted to receive calls at each of the telephone numbers you have provided
{"name":"Instantly See if you Qualify for the HomeSTAR Homebuyer Grant of up to $10,000", "url":"","txt":"Homeowners can qualify for a grant to help make homeownership more affordable. There is NO income cap, NO limits on house price, and NO limits on the house location! See if you qualify and reserve your funds NOW.","img":""}
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