Csit 212
In an array-based implementation of a dictionary, you can store key-value pairs
In parallel arrays
Encapsulated in an object
The first 2
None of the above
In a linked list
In the unsorted array-based dictionary class ArrayDictionary, a new key-value entry is entered
Before the first entry
After the last entry
In sorted order
There is no such thing
In an array-based implementation of a dictionary, if you represent the entries as an array of objects that encapsulate each search key and corresponding value, how many pointers will you use per array entry
Write a statement to create an instance of a class Dictionary that implements DictionaryInterface. Your dictionary contain Word objects that are lists of synonyms for words. The key value is a String representing the word to look up. Call your dictionary thesaurus.
IteratorKeyIterator thesaurus.getKeyIterator
DictionaryInterface thesaurus ..
DictionaryThesaurus = new dictionary < String, Word>U;
None are correct
Write a statement to create a key iterator for a dictionary called thesaurus that is an instance of the class Dictionary and implements Dictionary Interface. The search keys are strings and the values stored are Word object
IteratorKeyIterator thesaurus.getKeyIterator
DictionaryThesaurus = new dictionary < String, Word>U;
DictionaryInterface thesaurus ..
None are correct
Malware files are often identified by hash values to uniquely identify the files. Create an instance of an empty dictionary called malware that is a class Dictionary that implements DictionaryInterface, Your dictionary will contain strings for the name of the malware. It will use MDHash objects that contain the hash value as search keys for the malware names.
DictionaryThesaurus = new dictionary < String, Word>U;
DictionaryInterface thesaurus ..
IteratorKeyIterator thesaurus.getKeyIterator
None are correct
The recommended size of a hash table is a
A number that is a power of 2
Prime number greater than 2
Fibanaci number
Any integer
16. A good hash function should
Minimize collisions
Fast to compute
Distribute entries uniformly
All are correct
Assume you have a hash table length of 53. Given the value 216, what index will the entry map to? Select the best answer (one or more could be correct)
216 % 53
A or c are correct
None are correct
An ___ maps each search key into a different integer that is suitable as an index to the hash table
Hash key
Function table
Hash index
None are cprrect
The technique for determining an array index using only a search key and not searching is called
Bin search
You can perform a binary search on this array: int[] list = [2,4,7,10,45,11,50,59,60,66,69,79,70]
Regarding the preceding question: to swap the values of first and second you could write this code and it would be correct: temp = first, first = second, second = temp
The Tower of Hanoi problem is often used as a classical problem to demonstrate recursion and recursive programming. This is so because a solution to the problem can not be done via an iterative algorithm
In the previous question, it was asserted that an iterative algorithm to solve the tower of Hanoi problem is not possible. Hopefully you answered that this statement was False. Given then, that an iterative solution is possible in this case, we can assert that an iteration algorithm is much less efficient that a recursive one. What do you say to that?
Consider the function f(x) = x^2 +C…. For C=1 the output of the first 3 iterations is
1,12, 1
None are correct
For small, (+) numbers such as 0.1 f(x) = x^2 + C
Approaches 1 in the limit
Is 0.112671196
Converges on number close to the input
All of the above
What number between -2(?) and 0 must be our input to get an output that alternates between 0 and -1?
No number exists
A correct array representation of the max heap would be
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
100 19 36 17 3 25 1 2 7
2 7 17 3 25 1 19 36 100
None are correct
In the unsorted linked dictionary, the worst case time efficiency of adding a key-value pair is
O(log n)
In the unsorted linked dictionary, the worst case time efficiency of removing a key-value pair is
O(log n)
In the unsorted linked dictionary, the worst case time efficiency of retrieving a key-value pair is
O(log n)
In the sorted linked dictionary, the worst case time efficiency of retrieving a key-value pair is
O(log n)
At the top of the code one would comment
// a method for finding key
// a method for sorting a key
// a binary search method
// a linear search method
Which image is the time domain and frequency domain
Frequency is left time, time is right
Frequency is right, time is left
None are correct
Both are time domain
Which statement is true
The spectrum could be stated as a function
It is a signal
The first one is partial true but it is not periodic
If the spectrum was created using a dispersive instrument then there is no fourier transformation
The use of Euler's formula fixes the problems above
The actual answe tht isnt these
Figure A is
Figure B is
Figure C is
Figure D is
Figure E is
{"name":"Csit 212", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In an array-based implementation of a dictionary, you can store key-value pairs, In the unsorted array-based dictionary class ArrayDictionary, a new key-value entry is entered, In an array-based implementation of a dictionary, if you represent the entries as an array of objects that encapsulate each search key and corresponding value, how many pointers will you use per array entry","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/24-932304/1200px-max-heap-svg.png?sz=1200"}
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