Skin Structure and Function Quiz
Test your knowledge about the fascinating world of skin anatomy and physiology with our in-depth quiz! Designed for students, educators, and skin enthusiasts, this quiz covers various aspects of skin structure, layers, and fun
- 41 thought-provoking questions
- Multiple-choice format for engaging learning
- Enhance your understanding of skin derivatives and their roles
Statements regarding the dermis
Is divided into papillary and reticular layers
Dermis is poor in blood vessels
Both layers contains collagen and elastic fibers
Elastic fibers are present only in the reticular layer
Its thickness is the same in each region of the body
Ectodermal origin
Blood vessels
Sebaceous glands
Hair + hair follicles
Langerhans cells
Sweat glands
Which of the statements regarding skin derivatives are true?
Apocrine sweat glands are limited to the axilla, areola and nipples, around the anus and external genitalia
Sweat glands are ectodermal in origin
The hair follicle is responsible for the production and growth of hair
Hairs are elongated keratinized structures derived from invaginations of the epidermal epithelium
Each hair is composed of a shaft of cornified cells and root
Hairs are mainly found on the palm and soles
Langerhans cells
Are derived from the bone marrow
Does not contain a nucles
Are absent in the stratum spinosum
Are bipolar neurons
Are present mainly in the stratum spinosum
Is located in the stratum lucidum in thick skin
Are located exclusively in the stratum corneum
Desmosomes are present in the highest number in
Stratum basale
Stratum spinosum
Stratum granulosum
There are no desmosomes in the epidermis
There is the same number of desmosomes in each layer
Skin contains the SALT system
Keratinocytes of malpighian layer is responsible for the renewal of the epidermis
The malphigian layer is the stratum basale and spinosum
Arrector pili muscle is formed by skeletal muscle cells
Sebaceous glands secrete sebum through the holocrine process
Sebaceous glands are branched multicellular saccular glands
Dermal reticular layer is composed of irregular dense CT
Cells of stratum basale has low mitotic activity
There is no stratum lucidum in thin skin
Stratum basale is also called the stratum germinativum
Stratum lucidum is rich in discontinuous capillaries
Melanocytes are only present in thin skin
SALT system includes keratinocytes, T-lymphocytes and langerhans cells
Mammary glands are modified sebaceous glands
Mammary glands are modified sweat glands
Stratum basale is also called the stratum germinativum
The reticular layer of the dermis is composed of loose CT
Thick skin
Typically found on palms and soles
Found on most body surfaces
Contains stratum lucidum
Is five layered
Is four layered
Main function of langerhans cells
Binding and presenting antigens
Renewal of cells in the epidermis
Production of melanin
True about skin
SALT system includes keratinocytes, T-lymphocytes and langerhans cells
The thickness of the dermis is the same in every region of the body
The bulb region of the hair contains stem cells
Arrector pili muscles are composed of smooth muscle cells
Cells of the stratum basale has low mitotic activity
Sebaceous glands are branched multicellular saccular glands
Papillary layer of the dermis is composed of irregular dense CT
Langerhans cells can bind, process and present antigens to T-lymphocytes
Dermis supports epidermis and binds to the hypodermis
In which layer of the epidermis does desmosomes have the highest presence
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale
Both layers contain collagen and elastic fibers
Is divided into papillary and reticular layer
Secretory parts of eccrine sweat glands are located in the deeper dermis
Secretory parts of eccrine sweat glands are located in the superficial dermis
Dermis supports the epidermis and binds it to the hypodermis
A basal lamina is found between the stratum germinativum and papillary layer of the dermis
Bulb region of hair follicle contains stem cells
The thickness of the dermis is the same in every region of the body
Skin derivatives
Hairs are elongated, keratinized structures derived from invaginations of epidermal epithelium
The hair follicle is responsible for the production and growth of hair
Sebaceous glands secrete sebum which coats hair and skin surfaces
Eccrine sweat glands are limited to the axilla, areola and nipple, anus and external genitalia
Sweat glands are ectodermal in origin
Apocrine sweat glands are distributed over the entire body surface
Each hair is composed of a shaft and cornified cells and root
Langerhans cells
Are derived from the mesoderm
Are derived from the bone marrow
Are macrophages
Are mesenchymal in origin
Are absent in the stratum spinosum
Can be found in the stratum corneum
Mainly presents in the stratum spinsum
Are present exclusively in the stratum corneum
Belongs to the APC system
Binds and process + presents antigens to T-lymphocytes
Produce and secrete sweat
Composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Keratinocytes produce melanin
Keratinocytes produce keratins
Keratinocytes are the main population of the epidermis
Stratum granulosum contains keratohyalin granules
Stratum basale contains stem cells
There is no stratum lucidum in thick skin
Is derived from ectoderm
Melanocytes are antigen-presenting cells
Stratum basale is also called stratum germinativum
No bodies of the melanocytes are present in the hypodermis
There are zonula occludens between the stratum basale cells and basal lamina
Thick skin covers palms and soles
Langerhans cells binds, process and present antigens to T-cells
Melanin is synthesized in melanocytes
No bodies of melanocytes are present in the stratum corneum
Melanocytes are only present in stratum corneum
There is no basal lamina present in the epidermis
Keratinocytes of stratum lucidum can proliferate
Epidermis is composed of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Keratinocytes are the main population
Is derived from the ectoderm
Is derived from the mesoderm
Thick skin
Contains eccrine sweat glads
Contains sebaceous glands
Contains hair follicles
Has the layer: stratum lucidum
Is typically found on palms and soles
Has a five-layered epidermis
Thin skin
Has a four-layered epidermis
Are found on almost all body surfaces
Contains hair follicles
Stratum basale is the thickest layer
Stratum corneum is the thickest layer
Stratum spinosum is the thickest layer
Is the largest organ
Consists only of the dermis and hypodermis
Consists of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis
Consists only of the epidermis and dermis
Sweat glands
Are present in thick skin
Are absent in thick skin
Tubular glands; merocrine secretion
Can be unicellular or multicellular
Lamellar bodies
Excrete substances
Are found in the stratum lucidum
Are found in the stratum spinosum
Are found in the stratum granulosum
Sebaceous glands
Holocrine multicellular saccular glands
Found in the thick skin
Found in the thin skin
Secretory portion is in the dermis
Excretory duct found on surface of skin
Excretory duct opens into hair follicle
Excretory duct is lined by pseudostratified epithelium
Excretory duct is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
Stratum granulosum
Consists of 3-5 layers of flattened polygonal cells filled with basophilic granules - keratohyalin granules
Has no granules
Has granules
Granules contains: profilaggrin, involucrin, small proline rich proteins and loricrin
True regarding skin
Sweat glands play a role in the regulation of body temperature
Sweat glands are associated with hair follicles
Epidermis is lined with stratified squamous epithelium
Epidermis is lined by connective tissue
Melanin is synthesized in melanocytes with tyrosinase
Consists of the malpighian layer
Are derived from the neural crest
Are derived from the mesoderm
Are rounded cell bodies with long, irregular extensions which branches into the epidermis between the stratum basale and spinosum
Contains mitocondria, golgi apparatus, cisternae of RER, intermediate filaments
Poorly developed organelles
Are bound to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes
Synthesizes melanin together with tyrosinase
Are not attached to adjacent keratinocytes by desmosomes
Are attached to adjacent keratinocytes by desmosomes
Melanocytes are present in the stratum corneum and in the hypodermis
Eccrine sweat glands
Are present everywhere
Are always functional
Plays a role in thermoregulation
Secretory portion is convoluted tube composed of clear, dark an myoepithelial cells
The fluid secreted is viscous and contains many proteins
The main components are water, sodium chloride, urea, ammonia and uric acid
Mucoid cells are pyramidal, which lines most of luminal surfaces
Clear cells contains many secretory granules in their basal plasmalemma
Functions of the skin
Prevention of water loss
Acts as a receptor organ
Protects agains gamma rays
Protects agains UV-rays
External layer is impermeable to water
Internal layer is impermeable to water
Mammary glands
Consists of 15-20 lobes of compound tubuloalveolar
Lobes are seperated by dense CT and adipose tissue and are embedded in intralobular loose CT
Each lobe has a lactiferous duct opening in the nipple that dilate to form lactiferous sinuses lined with stratum sinuses
Lymphocytes in the surrounding CT is responsible for the secretion of IgA for the newborn at the end of pregnancy
Sweat-associated lymphoid tissue
Skin-associated lymphoid tissue
Contains keratinocytes which produce thymopoietin
Contains T-lymphocytes and langerhans cells
Keratinocyts promote T-cells to mature
{"name":"Skin", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about the fascinating world of skin anatomy and physiology with our in-depth quiz! Designed for students, educators, and skin enthusiasts, this quiz covers various aspects of skin structure, layers, and functions.41 thought-provoking questionsMultiple-choice format for engaging learningEnhance your understanding of skin derivatives and their roles","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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