PMS III Practice Quiz 1

Create an illustration depicting a classroom or study setting focused on maternal health topics, featuring diverse students engaged in learning with charts and diagrams of pregnancy and child development in the background.

PMS III Practice Quiz

Test your knowledge on key concepts related to pregnancy, maternal health, and childhood development with our comprehensive quiz. This practice tool is perfect for students, teachers, and professionals looking to enhance their understanding of these crucial topics.

  • True/False questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Covers a range of subjects in maternal and fetal health
  • Score your knowledge and review your answers
40 Questions10 MinutesCreated by StudyingMother200
T/F: a diastolic heart murmur may be a normal finding in a pregnant patient
Which of the following is a post-natal determinant of gestational age?
Ballard Score
Pregnancy milestones
US measurements
What hormone(s) does the placenta produce?
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
E. All of the above
F. Only a and b
How many weeks gestation do you see ossification of the fetal skeleton?
9-12 weeks
13-16 weeks
17-20 weeks
21-25 weeks
Which is true of blood pressure in pregnancy?
Decreases slighly from baseline in 1st trimester
Increases slightly from baseline in 1st trimester
Decreases slightly from baseline in 2nd trimester
Increases slightly from baseline in 2nd trimester
T/F: Maternal respiratory rate does not change.
The increase in cardiac output (CO) which happens during the first half of pregnancy can be attributed to an increase in:
Plasma volume
Maternal HR
Stroke volume
RBC mass
Estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest...
At the start of the menstrual cycle
During the follicular phase
At the end of the luteal phase
At the end of the follicular phase
Which of the following is not a CI to breastfeeding?
Active, untreated TB
Postpartum nipple/breast pain
Which of the following is not an indication for soy based formula?
Hereditary lactose deficiency
Premature infants
Vegetarian based diet
T/F: If a female fetus is born without an ovary, she is likely to have an abnormality in the fallopian tube as well.
Skin changes in pregnancy are likely due to:
Increased levels of estrogen
Decreased levels of estrogen
Increased levels of progesterone
Decreased levels of progesterone
Exposure to _____ in utero, would cause limb malformation
Which type of pregnancy is most dangerous to the twin fetuses?
Monoamniotic monochorionic
Diamniotic dichorionic
Diamnionic monochorionic
All are equally dangerous
Which is the precursor to the umbilical cord?
Embryonic body stalk
Chorionic plate
____ is often the first observable sign of puberty.
What diagnostic method is a way to determine between familial and constitutional growth delay?
Bone age study
At which phase of the menstrual cycle would it be most helpful to get a pelvic US in order to evaluate the ovarian function of a woman with infertility?
Mid luteal phase
After ovulation
Early follicular phase
Menstrual phase
Baby presents with microcephaly, mental retardation, distal phalangeal hypoplasia, and craniofacial dysmorphology. Which is the most likely substance the mother was taking while pregnant?
______ causes the theca and granulosa cells to convert to progesterone.
LH Surge
Estrogen decline
Anatomically, the _____ will increase in size, while functionally, the _____ will increase.
Thyroid; adrenal gland
Pituitary; hypothalamus
Adrenal gland; pituitary
Adrenal gland; thyroid
A baby with micromelia, chorioretinitis and microcephaly was most likely exposed to what in utero?
None of the above
Which is true of the function of the placenta?
It is maternal in origin
All gasses cross the placenta by facilitated diffusion
Allows the fetus to transfer waste products to mother
Interface between chorion and fetus
Which is true of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?
Trophoblasts produce hCG after development of the placenta
Stimulates the corpus luteum to grow
Directs development of gonads and adrenal glands in 2nd trimester
Levels double every 24 hours
A 36 yo F obese patient presents to your office. She has been trying to get pregnant for the past 8 months with no luck. She tells you she knows she is overweight, but she wonders if there isn't something else wrong. Her labs show increased testosterone and physical exam reveals facial hair and acne. What is the likely diagnosis?
Cushing's Syndrome
Which of the following is not significantly excreted in the urine during pregnancy?
Amino Acids
Water soluble vitamins
Baby presents with short palpebral fissures, maxillary hypoplasia, a smooth philtrum, and congenital heart disease. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Maternal use of nicotine
Maternal use of illicit drugs
What is considered a developmental delay?
Child falls below 65th percentile in one or more realms of development
Child falls below 80th percentile in one realm of development
Child falls below 70th percentile in one realm of development
Child falls below 75th percentile in one or more realms of development
Which of the following is NOT an example of an impairment in social orienting?
Reacts less to their own name
Have little imaginative play
Does not approach others spontaneously
Unable to wait in line or take a turn
Normal or advanced development in most areas of development with delayed development in one area is known as ___________.
Intellectual disability
Developmental delay
The LH surge occurs...
On Day 14 concurrently with ovulation
During the luteal phase
Approximately 36 hours before ovulation
1 week prior to ovulation
What hair changes would you expect to see 2-4 months postpartum?
More hair follicles in anagen phase (growth phase)
Fewer hair follicles in telogen phase (resting phase)
Hair growth
Hair loss
Which reflex helps develop head management and postural stability?
Trunk incurvation reflex
Positive support reflex
Rooting reflex
Moro Reflex
Which of the following is not a cause of tall stature?
Excess production of GH
Inborn errors of metabolism
Marfan syndrome
T/F: A child is half their predicted adult height at 2 years old.
Babies on anticonvulsants or steroids may need increased levels of ____?
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
____ can be used to stimulate ovulation because it mimics the LH surge.
Clomid (clomiphene)
Evista (raloxifene)
Subcutaneous hCG
Femara (letrozole)
At what age do infants start rolling over?
2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
When should the 1st Well-baby check occur?
1-3 days after discharge
1 week after discharge
5-7 days after discharge
3-5 days after discharge
At what age does a child develop gender identity?
12 months
18 months
2 years old
3 years old
{"name":"PMS III Practice Quiz 1", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on key concepts related to pregnancy, maternal health, and childhood development with our comprehensive quiz. This practice tool is perfect for students, teachers, and professionals looking to enhance their understanding of these crucial topics.True\/False questionsMultiple choice formatCovers a range of subjects in maternal and fetal healthScore your knowledge and review your answers","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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