Diversity at Google

A thought-provoking illustration showcasing a diverse group of people interacting in a modern tech office environment, with visual elements representing inclusion, dialogue, and collaboration. The atmosphere should feel inviting and open, with a blend of different cultures.

Diversity at Google: Understanding Inclusion

Explore the multifaceted culture of Google through this engaging quiz focused on diversity and inclusion. Reflect on key themes from the controversial memo and the importance of cultural differences in the workplace.

  • Assess your understanding of Google's culture.
  • Learn about the impact of diversity on company dynamics.
  • Share your personal perspective on gender and diversity issues.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EngagingVoice247
Part 1: Google's point of view
Part 1: Google's point of view
How would you define the Culture of Google after having watched the Video about diversity?
What is the processes of treating cultural differences used by Google?
Cultural separatism
Which arguments guide Google approach of managing diversity?
System Flexibility
All of them!!
Now go back to the presentation!
Come back after the explanation of Part 2!
Now go back to the presentation!
Come back after the explanation of Part 2!
Part 2: James Damore's point of view
Part 2: James Damore's point of view
According to James Damore, what is the rationale behind the Memo «Google's Ideological Echo Chamber»?
The idea of not being able to express personal opinions
Google creates stereotypes
Who is not aligned to the ideologies is silenced
Women are not as skilled as men
There are objective and scientific differences between women and men
Google treats people differently because of race and gender.
Memo‘s key Elements are:
Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture.
The workforce with a greater number of women is hurting the company. ​
Psychological differences between men and women are a result of their underlying biology
Women are more interested in people, while men in things
What is the definition of Echo Chamber?
It's an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced, and alternative ideas are not considered.
A social group or society might isolate or exclude members due to the members' opinions.
Is based on the finding according to which people tend to listen more often to information that confirms the beliefs they already have.
Now go back to the presentation!
Come back after the explanation of Part 3!
Now go back to the presentation!
Come back after the explanation of Part 3!
Part 3: Memo's implications
Part 3: Memo's implications
According to Hall (1996), differences:
Are natural
Are political constructs
Are historical constructs
Are economic constructs
After having listened to this story, do you feel attacked by the memo as a woman?
I'm a man
After having partecipated to the moderation and having listened the story of Damore, what is your personal opinion about Google's culture?
{"name":"Diversity at Google", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Explore the multifaceted culture of Google through this engaging quiz focused on diversity and inclusion. Reflect on key themes from the controversial memo and the importance of cultural differences in the workplace.Assess your understanding of Google's culture.Learn about the impact of diversity on company dynamics.Share your personal perspective on gender and diversity issues.","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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