
Post Hoc tests measure
The effect of IVa at each level of IVb
Which IV levels are significantly different
If the IV independently influences the DV
Main effects tests measure
The effect of IVa at each level of IVb
If the IV independently influences the DV
Which IV levels are significantly different
Simple effects measure
If the IV independently influences the DV
Which IV levels are significantly different
What the effect of IVa is at each level of IVb
How is the Bonferroni correction ran?
Number of tests performed/Desired P value
Desired P value/Number of tests performed
What is a bivariate correlation?
Relationship between 2 variables
Relationship between 2 variables when 3rd is held constant
Relationship between 2 or more variables
What is a partial correlation
Relationship between 2 variables
Relationship between 2 variables when 3rd is held constant
Relationship between 2 or more variables
What is a simple regression
Variance in outcome variable explained by multiple predictor variables
Variance in outcome variable explained by variance in predictor variable
Unique variance in y explained by xi
What is multiple regression
Variance in outcome variable explained by multiple predictor variables
Variance in outcome variable explained by variance in predictor variable
What is zero order squared?
Unique variance in y explained by xi
Total variance in y explained by xi
Proportion of the remaining variance in y explained by xi when other predictors are removed
What is part squared?
Unique variance in y explained by xi
Total variance in y explained by xi
Proportion of the remaining variance in y explained by xi when other predictors are removed
What is partial squared?
Unique variance in y explained by xi
Proportion of the remaining variance in y explained by xi when other predictors are removed
Total variance in y explained by xi
Cohen's D is the...
Proportion of variance in DV accounted for by the manipulation of the IV
Different between means, expressed in S.D units
Proportion of variance in outcome variable accounted for by predictor variables
Partial eta is..
Proportion of variance in DV accounted for by the manipulation of the IV
Different between means, expressed in S.D units
Proportion of variance in outcome variable accounted for by predictor variables
R2/R2 is the...
Different between means, expressed in S.D units
Proportion of variance in DV accounted for by the manipulation of the IV
Proportion of variance in outcome variable accounted for by predictor variables
Which of these do you report alongside for Cohen's D? (multiple)
T tests
Post Hoc analysis (one way anova)
Simple regression
Multiple regression
Tests of simple effects (2 way anova)
Main effect and interaction of 2 way anova
Which of these do you report alongside for Partial eta? (multiple)
T Tests
Post Hoc analysis (one way anova)
1 way anova
Simple regression
Main effect and interaction of 2 way anova
Multiple regression
Which of these do you report alongside for r2/R2?(multiple)
Multiple regression
1 way anova
T tests
Simple regression
Bivariate correlation
Partial correlation
R/R is the...
Strength of a relationship between variables
Proportion of variance shared/explained
R2/R2 is the...
Strength of a relationship between variables
Proportion of variance shared/explained
A is the...
Slope for each predictor variable
Predicted value of outcome variable
Value of x when regression line crosses x at 0
B is the...
Slope for each predictor variable
Predicted value of outcome variable
Value of x when regression line crosses x at 0
Y is the...
Slope for each predictor variable
Predicted value of outcome variable
Value of x when regression line crosses x at 0
An independent T test estimates whether...
The population means under the 2 levels of the IV are different
The population means under the 2 levels of the IV are the same
Which of these contributes to variance between IV levels in an independent t test
Manipulation of IV
Individual differences
Experimental error - random
Experimental error - constant
Sample size
Manipulation of DV
A t value close to 0 suggests...
Large variance between IV levels relative to within IV levels
Small variance between IV levels relative to within IV levels
The degrees of freedom is...
Number of parameters - sample size
Sample size - number of parameters
The effect size is...
Difference between sample means / mean standard deviation
Mean standard deviation / difference between sample means
Which of these do you NOT include in the design for an independent t test
IV (s) & levels
Participant design (for each IV)
Effect size
Steps taken to eliminate confounds
What is effect size?
The magnitude of difference between 2 IV levels means, expressed in S.D
The difference between the number of measurements made and number of parameters estimated.
If sample size is greater than ... Violations are unlikely to cause problems
Why do we use independent 1 way ANOVAs instead of T tests?
Because there is a higher chance of a type 2 error due to the familywise error rate
Because there is a higher chance of a type 1 error due to a familywise error rate
Which is the correct DF for between IV levels?
Df(model) = k-1
Df(residual) = n-k
What do post hoc tests assess?
Whether the population means under the different levels of the IV are different
Which IV level means differ
Which is the appropriate post hoc test for an independent one way anova?
Tukey HSD
Do you report post hoc comparisons all the time or only if the results of the ANOVA is significant?
Only if it is significant
All the time
What are some advantages of RM designs?
Error variance is reduced
Needs fewer participants to gain the same number of measurements
Needs more participants to gain power
Reduces the likelihood of type 1 error
Reduces the likelihood of type 2 error
More power with the same number of participants
What can you do when counterbalancing isn't always possible? (Multiple)
Extensive pre study research
Allow participants to have a practice run before study
Design short experiments
Give the participants an incentive
Allow long intervals between IVs.
What is a cell mean?
Mean scores for single IV levels
Mean scores for each condition
What is a marginal mean?
Mean scores for single IV levels
Mean scores for each condition
Post hoc tests are only relevant when...
When an IV has more than 1 level and the main effect of the IV is significant
When an IV has more than 2 levels and the main effect of the IV is significant
Simple effects are the interactions at...
Cell mean level
Marginal mean level
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