What's Your PI Factor (Entrepreneur)?

As a service-based business owner or solopreneur you want, need and crave that consistent stream of PERFECT clients!

But with a bazillion other people doing what you do (or something annoyingly similar) being great at your job doesn't guarantee you'll STAND OUT from the crowd.

The plain old truth is you’ve got to be great at selling yourself too *UGH*. And useful though a shiny new website, perfect lead-generating freebie, or mastery of Instagram is...what you REALLY need is Personal Impact.

Take this quiz to see:

>>Your overall PI (Personal Impact) factor.

>>Individual analysis & tips on how you can increase your PI to start booking more clients.

>>Your score broken down into my Face Forward Formula for maximum Personal Impact (the 4 things that every single super-successful, entrepreneur and leader uses to draw people to them like a MAGNET!)

This quiz has 20 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Answer as honestly as you can...and click NEXT to begin!

As a service-based business owner or solopreneur you want, need and crave that consistent stream of PERFECT clients!

But with a bazillion other people doing what you do (or something annoyingly similar) being great at your job doesn't guarantee you'll STAND OUT from the crowd.

The plain old truth is you’ve got to be great at selling yourself too *UGH*. And useful though a shiny new website, perfect lead-generating freebie, or mastery of Instagram is...what you REALLY need is Personal Impact.

Take this quiz to see:

>>Your overall PI (Personal Impact) factor.

>>Individual analysis & tips on how you can increase your PI to start booking more clients.

>>Your score broken down into my Face Forward Formula for maximum Personal Impact (the 4 things that every single super-successful, entrepreneur and leader uses to draw people to them like a MAGNET!)

This quiz has 20 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Answer as honestly as you can...and click NEXT to begin!

When I have to do things out of my comfort zone (e.g. Delivering a presentation, networking, appearing on camera…or something else YOU find intimidating) I will…

 Really not want to do it and find an excuse to get out of it.
Really not want to do it, but land up doing it and feel really anxious the whole time (sweaty palms and all).
Not be comfortable, but I would make myself suck it up and go for it.
Know these things are never as bad as you think they'll be so I would take a breath and do it.
 Just go for it!
Sometimes I don’t speak up in meetings because I'm worried I might say the wrong thing and look like an idiot!
 Always (I’m pretty sure people forget I'm even there I can be so quiet).
Often (I usually wait until after the meeting and tell people my thoughts privately or via email).
 Sometimes (it depends on who else is there).
Hardly (I'll speak up with my ideas as much as possible even though I might not be entirely confident on the inside).
 Never (I'll always speak up with my ideas).
I am really comfortable receiving compliments and positive feedback…
 No way. It makes me really uncomfortable.
 I like getting positive feedback but compliments can sometimes make me uncomfortable.
Mostly… although I do sometimes say ‘what...this old thing?!’ or ‘it was nothing’.
It depends on who it’s from, but it’s mostly ok.
I love it. Bring it on.

I share my opinions in online forums like Facebook Groups / LinkedIn - AND actively put out my own content on my subject…

I read what other people have said and don’t contribute even if I think of something I might want to add. I’d hate to write a response and have someone else contradict me…so I definitely don’t put my own content out there.
I occasionally hit like, or maybe make a comment, but I’m more of a lurker than a contributor. I haven’t got round to putting my own content out there yet.
I’m happy sharing and liking other people’s stuff but generally I feel safer saving my own comments and content for my OWN page / groups.
I’ll comment and share my thoughts in online forums on subjects I’m comfortable with, and I’m quite consistent in putting out my own content (although I tend to stick to a medium that feels safe for me, like a written blog).
I know I have lots of value to add so I ALWAYS look for ways to contribute. And I share my own content very clearly, confidently and frequently (and in more than one medium, e.g. Written blog & FB live).
When I meet other people who do what I do I feel…
Intimidated - I automatically assume they must know more than me, have more experience or be more successful.
A real pang of frustration and think ‘not another one’.
I feel a little self-doubt but talk myself out of it.
I used to feel really anxious about it, but now I realise there’s enough business for everyone and my people will like me and their people will like them.
Absolutely nothing! I know that I’m awesome at what I do and I really don’t care at all how many other people do it, because no one will be like me!
I love my style and I know exactly what suits me...
 What style? I don’t have a clue and I hate all things clothes. It’s so stressful.
 I have a couple things I'm comfortable in, but apart from those items I'm clueless.
I sometimes feel great and sometimes feel really confused.
I mostly know what works for me, but there’s the odd thing I'm unsure of.
I know exactly what looks good on me and I rock it every day.
I dress consistently – particularly professionally. I always make the same level of effort no matter how I feel that day…
I hardly make any effort at all anymore: I'm just too busy or too tired to bother.
I’ll occasionally make an effort if there’s an important meeting, but other than that not really.
Sometimes I make an effort…and sometimes I just can’t be bothered.
I generally make an effort to look the part, but not every single day.
I always make an effort to look good, no matter what.
My personality shows through what I wear. I feel like there's a synergy between my inside and my outside...
 I don’t even know what this means. I just wear whatever fits or whatever is clean.
 I know there are some things I feel good in but have no idea why.
 I sometimes feel like I’m wearing something that’s ‘me’.
I mostly feel that my clothes are ‘me’.
I always feel like me in my clothes because I know exactly what works for ‘me’.

I have a distinct signature style / image that is part of my personal brand…

Does ‘just thrown together’ count as a style/image and what has this got to do with my brand?
I wear things that sort of blend into the background, I don’t like to stand out or think about what I wear very much. I didn't think about this as being a part of my brand.
I try to make an effort with my clothes but I don’t know if it’s a signature style or memorable. I never really thought about what I wear as part of my brand.
I like to wear things that I feel good in and I have thought about my own image as part of my branding.
I wear things that are in complete alignment with my overall brand. I have a distinct look and style.

I have clothes that make me feel really confident…

I just wear whatever is available. I haven’t felt good in my clothes for a long time.
I occasionally have something that I feel OK in - mostly not though.
I sometimes feel good in my clothes.
I mostly wear things that make me feel confident. I know what I wear changes how I feel for sure.
I feel REALLY confident in my clothes.

I'm conscious of my body language and posture when presenting, networking or on Facebook lives…

I don’t really think about it – I just sit how I sit and stand how I stand.
I occasionally think about it – I might notice if I’ve been slouching and sit up a bit.
I sometimes think about it – I.e. In some situations I'm more aware.
I think about it and often remind myself to stand up straight / make good eye contact.
I always think about it – I remind myself to stand up straight / have open body language all the time.
I'm really comfortable saying no to clients when I need to…
UGH! No way. I hate saying no, it makes me really uncomfortable so I very rarely do.
I really dislike saying no and I’ll avoid it unless I really have to.
I sometimes say no, even though it makes me uncomfortable.
I will frequently say no when I need to.
I always say no if I can’t or don’t want to do something.
I am confident explaining to new people what I do and how I add value…
No. I don’t know how to explain it confidently and I’m aware some people have more experience than me.
I find it hard to sell myself.
Sometimes I find this easy, it depends who I’m talking to and who else is present.
I’ve learnt to be much more confident about explaining what I do and how I add value.
Yes, I am a frikkin Rockstar at what I do and I love talking about it.
When I have to present or give a talk about my ideas / product / service…
Yeah, just reading this statement makes me feel queasy.
I do it reluctantly – often accompanied by any or all of the following: a red chest; a shaky voice; sweaty palms.
I do it and people tell me I seem quite confident – but to me it’s obvious I’m nervous and I’m sure I could do a better job.
I’m confident doing it but I wouldn’t say I own the room.
I LOVE these opportunities and see presenting and public speaking as one of my strengths.
When it comes to selling myself…
Even though I know it has to be done, I literally hate it.
I try to do it, but the whole process makes me a feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable to be honest.
I’m OK on email – but not so good in person or on the phone. I can talk about what I do – but the subject of fees is tricky and I often land up discounting my rates.
I’m mostly confident about what I do, the value I bring and how much it costs to work with me.
I never have any problems talking about what I do or how much it costs.
When I'm passionate about something, enthusiastic or excited, other people…
Can't really tell. I'm often told I'm hard to read. 
Would only notice occasionally, as I like to play it cool.
Can sometimes tell: with some things I show my enthusiasm, with other things I'm more reserved.
Definitely notice, because I am never afraid to show my enthusiasm for something.
Know immediately as I'm practically bouncing off the walls.
I find it easy to remain positive…
No - speaking honestly, this is a real struggle for me.
I am as positive as I can be, but it's just not realistic to be positive most of the time.
Sometimes I see the glass as half full...sometimes I see it as half empty.
I am upbeat most of the time and understand the benefits this brings me.
I am always positive and make a conscious effort to never let things get me down.
When someone is rude to me, I take it personally and get upset by it…
Always. When someone is rude to me, I really find it very hard to let go of it.
Eventually I let it go, but I can find myself thinking about it – and making myself upset – for a long while afterwards.
It depends on what is said - sometimes it’s like water off a duck’s back, other times I find it hard to let go of.
I have learnt to let things go and the majority of the time I don’t take things too personally.
I don’t get upset about things like this at all. I don’t care what others think!
When meeting new people I'll always introduce myself first…
The idea of that terrifies me! I always wait for others to approach me.
I’ll introduce myself if I have to, but I’m definitely more comfortable with other people approaching me.
Sometimes I introduce myself first – but I think I could be more proactive in introducing myself to new people.
I’m happy to introduce myself first and will do so often.
I always go and introduce myself first – there's nothing scary about this at all.
When I meet people at events / online I will follow up and initiate meetings…
No, I don’t want to be annoying.
Not really, I usually hope they will follow up.
I sometimes follow up, but only if they seemed very interested.
I usually follow up with people I thought were interested or interesting.
Yes, I always follow up after making new connections!
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