Which orkney brother are you?

A whimsical illustration of two cartoon brothers playfully engaging in mischievous activities, surrounded by a colorful landscape of the Orkney Islands, highlighting elements like the sea, cliffs, and a castle in the background.

Which Orkney Brother Are You?

Take this fun and quirky quiz to discover which Orkney brother you resemble the most! Answer a series of lighthearted questions about sibling dynamics, ethical dilemmas, and gaming preferences.

  • Uncover your inner Orkney brother!
  • Engage with intriguing and humorous questions!
  • No prior knowledge about Orkney brothers needed!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by FightingSibling21
Do you have siblings?
No but I wish I did
Thank god no
One or two
A lot
Not for much longer
I used to
Yes, and tragically im the middle child
I think...
I will cause problems on purpose
I will solve problems on purpose
I will cause problems on accident
I will solve problems on accident
No thoughts, head empty
Is stabbing someone immoral?
Depends on who youre stabbing
Not if they consent to it
Assuming you had a brother, why would you hate him?
I dont hate my brother!! I love him very very much, I love him more than anything and I would NEVer dream of hating him, thats terrible and goes against ev
He sucks
You would too
Even my brother hates my brother
He promised to keep my tamagotchi alive when I went to summer camp but then he didnt
I actually have crippling self doubt and a huge inferiority complex that causes me to be jealous of my brother because hes better than me in every way
Your brother punches you. you...
Punch them back
Tell on them
Dont do anything but steal their halloween candy later
Start a change.org petition to have him put down
Dont do anything but pray to god to render divine judgement
We arent related anymore.
Youre about to commit murder on some guy who honestly deserves it and your sword is raised when the brothers you TOTALLY love more than anyone else ask you to stop. you...
Murder the guy anyway
Stab them just a little bit to scare them
I would never try to commit murder in the first place
Tag what you're majoring in/intending on majoring in
Respecting Women
Bat man
Fuckin weed
Criminal justice and psychology
I'm terrified that i'll lock myself into an interest that i'll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study i've pursued over my life!
Minecraft as well
Favorite family friendly game to play with your brothers
Knife monopoly
We arm ourselves and every month we draw straws and whoever gets the short straw is the one who will be ruthlessly hunted for sport for the rest of the month
I'd _______ for one corn chip
Fight god
Sell you to satan
Kill my mom
I hate corn chips!!!!
Words to live by
If ur a 9 or above ur above the law
If at first you dont succeed, live in crippling self doubt until the day you die
Hoes mad
Do unto others what others do unto you
I never learned to read.
See choices
Pick a relatable out of context arthurian quote
"Tell me, my friend, what if you met/a knight who gave you a hard thwack:/what would you do?" "I'd hit him back."/"What if you broke your lance in two?"/"There would be nothing else to do/but fall upon him with my fist."
And in the evening King Arthur and Sir Launcelot departed unto their lodging; but wit ye well Sir Palomides had envy heartily, for all that night he had never rest in his bed, but wailed and wept out of measure. So on the morn Sir Tristram, Gareth, and Dinadan arose early, and then they went unto Sir Palomides’ chamber, and there they found him fast asleep, for he had all night watched, and it was seen upon his cheeks that he had wept full sore.
Sir Lucan fell in a swoon with the lift, that the part of his guts fell out of his body, and therewith the noble knight’s heart brast. And when the king awoke, he beheld Sir Lucan, how he lay foaming at the mouth, and part of his guts lay at his feet.
In this plain there was a ford, on the other side of which a knight stood armed, who guarded it, and in his company there was a damsel who had come on a palfrey. By this time the afternoon was well advanced, and yet the knight, unchanged and unwearied, pursued his thoughts. The horse, being very thirsty, sees clearly the ford, and as soon as he sees it, hastens toward it. Then he on the other side cries out: "Knight, I am guarding the ford, and forbid you to cross." He neither gives him heed, nor hears his words, being still deep in thought. In the meantime, his horse advanced rapidly toward the water. The knight calls out to him that he will do wisely to keep at a distance from the ford, for there is no passage that way; and he swears by the heart within his breast that he will smite him if he enters the water. But his threats are not heard, and he calls out to him a third time: "Knight, do not enter the ford against my will and prohibition; for, by my head, I shall strike you as soon as I see you in the ford." But he is so deep in thought that he does not hear him. And the horse, quickly leaving the bank, leaps into the ford and greedily begins to drink. And the knight says he shall pay for this, that his shield and the hauberk he wears upon his back shall afford him no protection. First, he puts his horse at a gallop, and from a gallop he urges him to a run, and he strikes the knight so hard that he knocks him down flat in the ford which he had forbidden him to cross. His lance flew from his hand and the shield from his neck. When he feels the water, he shivers, and though stunned, he jumps to his feet, like one aroused from sleep, listening and looking about him with astonishment, to see who it can be who has struck him.
She was so fowlle and horyble./She had two tethe on every syde/As borys tuskes, I wolle nott hyde,/Of lengthe a large handfulle./The one tusk went up and the other doun./A mowthe fulle wyde and fowlle igrown,/With grey herys many on./Her lyppes laye lumpryd on her chyn;/Nek forsothe on her was none iseen - /She was a lothly on!
So what did you think about this quiz :) :) :) :) :) :) this isnt a cringey question at all that I just included so there would be 13 questions :)
It was funney
F*ck off
Im genuinely kind of concerned???
{"name":"Which orkney brother are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Take this fun and quirky quiz to discover which Orkney brother you resemble the most! Answer a series of lighthearted questions about sibling dynamics, ethical dilemmas, and gaming preferences.Uncover your inner Orkney brother!Engage with intriguing and humorous questions!No prior knowledge about Orkney brothers needed!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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