Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 16 Mar 21
[2103.07469] Martin Plávala: General probabilistic theories: An introduction
[2103.07480] D. Villaseñor, S. Pilatowsky-Cameo, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani et al.: Quantum Localization Measures in Phase Space
[2103.07481] Salvatore F.E. Oliviero, Lorenzo Leone, Alioscia Hamma: Transitions in entanglement complexity in random quantum circuits by measurements
[2103.07485] Martin Claassen: Flow Renormalization and Emergent Prethermal Regimes of Periodically-Driven Quantum Systems
[2103.07504] Rutvij Bhavsar, Sammy Ragy, Roger Colbeck: Calculation and application of various von Neumann entropies in CHSH-based device-independent randomness expansion
[2103.07510] Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill: Efficient estimation of Pauli observables by derandomization
[2103.07526] Matteo Lostaglio, Alessandro Ciani: Error mitigation and quantum-assisted simulation in the error corrected regime
[2103.07571] Kevin C. Smith, Aniruddha Bhattacharya, David J. Masiello: Exact $k$-body representation of the Jaynes-Cummings interaction in the dressed basis: Insight into many-body phenomena with light
[2103.07580] A. T. K. Kurkjian, D. B. Higginbottom, C. Chartrand et al.: Optical observation of single spins in silicon
[2103.07585] Thomas Fösel, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Florian Marquardt et al.: Quantum circuit optimization with deep reinforcement learning
[2103.07586] Fei Zhuang, Junkai Zeng, Sophia E. Economou et al.: Noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps from geometrical curves
[2103.07591] Xian Shi, Lin Chen: The entropy of quantum causal networks
[2103.07617] Chengyu Yan, Juha Hassel, Visa Vesterinen et al.: Low-noise on-chip coherent microwave source
[2103.07623] Kevin C. Chen, Wenhan Dai, Carlos Errando-Herranz et al.: Scalable and High-Fidelity Quantum Random Access Memory in Spin-Photon Networks
[2103.07671] Meiyu Wang, Fengli Yan, Ting Gao: Remote preparation for single-photon state in two degrees of freedom with hyper-entangled states
[2103.07711] Sunmi Kim, Hirotaka Terai, Taro Yamashita et al.: Enhanced-coherence all-nitride superconducting qubit epitaxially grown on Si Substrate
[2103.07712] Ryszard Horodecki: Quantum information
[2103.07715] Matthias Kizmann, Andrey S. Moskalenko, Alfred Leitenstorfer et al.: Quantum susceptibilities in time-domain sampling of electric field fluctuations
[2103.07740] Dongning Liu, Jingyuan Zheng, Lingjie Yu et al.: Generation and dynamical manipulation of polarization entangled Bell states by a silicon quantum photonic circuit
[2103.07744] M. Ondra, B. C. Hiesmayr: Single particle entanglement in the mid-and ultra-relativistic regime
[2103.07752] Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. Plyushchay: Conformal generation of an exotic rotationally invariant anisotropic oscillator
[2103.07784] Markus Johansson: Candidate entanglement invariants for two Dirac spinors
[2103.07791] Alex Arash Sand Kalaee, Andreas Wacker, Patrick P. Potts: Violating the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in the Three-Level Maser
[2103.07793] Mahdi Naghiloo, Kaidong Peng, Yufeng Ye et al.: Broadband Microwave Isolation with Adiabatic Mode Conversion in Coupled Superconducting Transmission Lines
[2103.07796] Edson C. M. Nogueira, Lucas Queiroz, Danilo T. Alves: Peak, valley and intermediate regimes in the lateral nonretarded Casimir-Polder force
[2103.07819] Jason Phoenix, Marek Korkusinski, Dan Dalacu et al.: Magnetic tuning of tunnel coupling between InAsP double quantum dots in InP nanowires
[2103.07821] Liyun Hu, Luping Zhang, Xiaoting Chen et al.: Operator transpose within normal ordering and its applications for quantifying entanglement
[2103.07827] Ryan O'Donnell, Ramgopal Venkateswaran: The Quantum Union Bound made easy
[2103.07828] Li Peng, Wen-Bin He, Stefano Chesi et al.: Lower and upper bounds of quantum battery power in multiple central spin systems
[2103.07844] Shoukang Chang, Wei Ye, Huan Zhang et al.: Improvement of phase sensitivity in SU(1,1) interferometer via a Kerr nonlinear
[2103.07865] D.V. Karlovets, A.M. Pupasov-Maksimov: Reply to Comment on "Nonlinear quantum effects in electromagnetic radiation of a vortex electron" by A. Karnieli, R. Remez, I. Kaminer, et al
[2103.07907] Dongni Chen, Si Luo, Ying-Dan Wang et al.: Geometric Manipulation of a Decoherence-Free Subspace in Atomic Ensembles
[2103.07934] Debajyoti Bera, Tharrmashastha Sapv: Quantum and Randomised Algorithms for Non-linearity Estimation
[2103.07960] Alexis Toumi, Richie Yeung, Giovanni de Felice: Diagrammatic Differentiation for Quantum Machine Learning
[2103.07961] H. P. Bartling, M. H. Abobeih, B. Pingault et al.: Coherence and entanglement of inherently long-lived spin pairs in diamond
[2103.07970] M. Mergenthaler, C. Müller, M. Ganzhorn et al.: Effects of surface treatments on flux tunable transmon qubits
[2103.07988] Qi Zhao, Xiao Yuan: Exploiting anticommutation in Hamiltonian simulation
[2103.07996] Davi Geiger, Zvi M. Kedem: Quantum-Entropy Physics
[2103.08029] Wenzheng Dong, Fei Zhuang, Sophia E. Economou et al.: Doubly geometric quantum control
[2103.08049] Nicolas Delfosse, Vivien Londe, Michael Beverland: Toward a Union-Find decoder for quantum LDPC codes
[2103.08056] Chia Cheng Chang, Kenneth S. McElvain, Ermal Rrapaj et al.: Improving Schrödinger Equation Implementations with Gray Code for Adiabatic Quantum Computers
[2103.08066] Jamal Benbourenane: Solvable Schrodinger Equations of Shape Invariant Potentials with Superpotential $W(x,A,B)=A\tanh 3px-B\coth px$
[2103.08068] Wei-Ting Kuo, Daniel Arovas, Smitha Vishveshwara et al.: Decoherent Quench Dynamics across Quantum Phase Transitions
[2103.08123] Ming-Cheng Chen, Can Wang, Feng-Ming Liu et al.: Ruling out real-number description of quantum mechanics
[2103.08132] Hyeong-Chan Kim, Youngone Lee: First law of thermodynamics for thermalization
[2103.08169] Xiu-Hao Deng, Yong-Ju Hai, Jun-Ning Li et al.: Correcting correlated errors for quantum gates in multi-qubit systems using smooth pulse control
[2103.08184] Si-Yuan Bai, Jun-Hong An: Generating stable spin squeezing by squeezed-reservoir engineering
[2103.08194] Weidong Tang: Hardy-like Quantum Pigeonhole Effects and Projected-Coloring Graphs
[2103.08208] Akihito Soeda, Atsushi Shimbo, Mio Murao: Comparison protocol is optimal for quantum discrimination of single-qubit unitary gates--two candidates, one quantum sample per candidate
[2103.08215] Bryan O'Gorman, Sandy Irani, James Whitfield et al.: Electronic Structure in a Fixed Basis is QMA-complete
[2103.08226] Oleg Kabernik: Reductions in finite-dimensional quantum mechanics: from symmetries to operator algebras and beyond
[2103.08257] Soshun Ozaki, Hiromichi Nakazato: Analytic approach to dynamics of the resonant and off-resonant Jaynes-Cummings systems with cavity losses
[2103.08269] Michał Lipka, Mateusz Mazelanik, Adam Leszczyński et al.: Massively-multiplexed generation of Bell-type entanglement using a quantum memory
[2103.08281] Lukas Burgholzer, Rudy Raymond, Indranil Sengupta et al.: Efficient Construction of Functional Representations for Quantum Algorithms
[2103.08285] Oliver Kaestle, Alexander Carmele: Efficiency supremacy of bit-encoded neural networks for Fock states
[2103.08329] Guillermo González, Rahul Trivedi, J. Ignacio Cirac: Quantum algorithms for powering stable Hermitian matrices
[2103.08360] Stephan Weis, João Gouveia: Quantum marginals, faces, and coatoms
[2103.08381] Asmae Benhemou, Jiannis K. Pachos, Dan E. Browne: Non-Abelian statistics with mixed-boundary punctures on the toric code
[2103.08403] Weikang Li, Sirui Lu, Dong-Ling Deng: Quantum Private Distributed Learning Through Blind Quantum Computing
[2103.08452] Kai Wang, Ilaria Vagniluca, Jie Zhang et al.: Round-robin differential phase-time-shifting protocol for quantum key distribution: theory and experiment
[2103.08464] Matthew Kowalsky, Tameem Albash, Itay Hen et al.: 3-Regular 3-XORSAT Planted Solutions Benchmark of Classical and Quantum Heuristic Optimizers
[2103.08505] Dmitry A. Fedorov, Bo Peng, Niranjan Govind et al.: VQE Method: A Short Survey and Recent Developments
[2103.08506] Bikun Li, F. A. Calderon-Vargas, Junkai Zeng et al.: Designing arbitrary single-axis rotations robust against perpendicular time-dependent noise
[2103.08515] Grigori Amosov: On capacity of quantum channels generated by irreducible projective unitary representations of finite groups
[2103.08517] Joseph Szabo, Nandini Trivedi: Quantum Information Dynamics between Quantum Ising Spins and a Central Qudit
[2103.08532] Mankei Tsang: Quantum and classical Fisher information for weak thermal optical sources
[2103.08536] Justin L. Mallek, Donna-Ruth W. Yost, Danna Rosenberg et al.: Fabrication of superconducting through-silicon vias
[2103.08548] Jonathan A. Gross, Clément Godfrin, Alexandre Blais et al.: Hardware-efficient error-correcting codes for large nuclear spins
[2103.08563] Katherine Klymko, Carlos Mejuto-Zaera, Stephen J. Cotton et al.: Real time evolution for ultracompact Hamiltonian eigenstates on quantum hardware
[2103.08564] Danilo Triggiani, Paolo Facchi, Vincenzo Tamma: Heisenberg scaling precision in the estimation of functions of parameters
[2103.08567] Péter E. Frenkel, Mihály Weiner: On entanglement assistance to a noiseless classical channel
[2103.08572] Frederic Sauvage, Sukin Sim, Alexander A. Kunitsa et al.: FLIP: A flexible initializer for arbitrarily-sized parametrized quantum circuits
[2103.08578] Aaron Somoroff, Quentin Ficheux, Raymond A. Mencia et al.: Millisecond coherence in a superconducting qubit
[2103.08591] Miroslav Urbanek, Benjamin Nachman, Vincent R. Pascuzzi et al.: Mitigating depolarizing noise on quantum computers with noise-estimation circuits
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 16 Mar 21","img":""}
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