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New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 May 20
[2005.05969] Satoshi Takada, Hisao Hayakawa, Andrés Santos et al.: Enskog kinetic theory of rheology for a moderately dense inertial suspension
[2005.05973] Sarah Pinon, Vardan Kaladzhyan, Cristina Bena: Surface Green's functions and quasiparticle interference in Weyl semimetals
[2005.05984] Michele Fava, Brayden Ware, Sarang Gopalakrishnan et al.: Spin crossovers and superdiffusion in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
[2005.05986] Qiao-Ru Xu, Vincent P. Flynn, Abhijeet Alase et al.: Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes
[2005.05987] Madhuparna Karmakar: Pauli limited d-wave superconductors: Quantum breached pair phase and thermal transitions
[2005.06002] Brennan Sprinkle, Ernest B. Van der Wee, Yixiang Luo et al.: Active dynamics in dense suspensions of microrollers
[2005.06024] N. Caçoilo, S.Lequeux, N. Strelkov et al.: Magnetization reversal driven by spin-transfer-torque in perpendicular shape anisotropy magnetic tunnel junctions
[2005.06031] A. W. D. Leishman, R. M. Menezes, G. Longbons et al.: Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi
[2005.06071] Xiaoting Zhou, Chuang-Han Hsu, Cheng-Yi Huang et al.: Glide-Mirror Protected First- and Second-Order Topological Crystalline Insulator
[2005.06073] Michael E. Valentine, Tomoya Higo, Yusuke Nambu et al.: Impact of the lattice on magnetic properties and possible spin nematicity in the S=1 triangular antiferromagnet NiGa$_2$S$_4$
[2005.06096] Santosh Kumar Radha, Walter R. L. Lambrecht: Topological quantum switch and controllable quasi 1D wires in antimonene
[2005.06098] Lintao Li, Bing Zhu, Bo Lu et al.: Manipulation of heteronuclear spin dynamics with microwave and vector light shift
[2005.06104] Mingru Yang, Steven R. White: Time Dependent Variational Principle with Ancillary Krylov Subspace
[2005.06110] Evan J. Telford, Avalon H. Dismukes, Kihong Lee et al.: Layered Antiferromagnetism Induces Large Negative Magnetoresistance in the van der Waals Semiconductor CrSBr
[2005.06112] A.Chanda, R. Mahendiran: Sharp steps in magnetization, magnetoresistance and magnetostriction in Pr0.6Sr0.4Co1-yGayO3
[2005.06113] Gabriele Albertini, Simon Karrer, Mircea D. Grigoriu et al.: Stochastic Properties of Static Friction
[2005.06120] Cheng Peng, Xiaoling Cui: Few-body physics of one-dimensional ultracold atoms with spin-exchange interaction
[2005.06146] Wenshan Hong, Linxing Song, Bo Liu et al.: Neutron spin resonance in a quasi-two-dimensional iron-based superconductor
[2005.06172] Yu.P. Sukhorukov, A.V. Telegin, N.G. Bebenin et al.: Strain-magneto-optics in CoFe2O4: magneto-absorption in Voight geometry
[2005.06176] Fredrik Brange, Adrian Schmidt, Johannes C. Bayer et al.: Adiabatic-to-nonadiabatic crossover observed in the electron waiting times of a dynamically driven single-electron transistor
[2005.06197] Prasenjit Das, H. George E. Hentschel, Edan Lerner et al.: Robustness of Density of Low Frequency States in Amorphous Solids
[2005.06210] Simon Divilov, Wen Wan, Paul Dreher et al.: Interplay between magnetism and charge instabilities in layered NbSe$_{2}$
[2005.06212] F. L. M. Bernal, F. Lundvall, S. Kumar et al.: The Jahn-Teller active fluoroperovskites $A\mathrm{CrF_3}$ $A=\mathrm{Na^+},\mathrm{K^+}$: thermo- and magneto optical correlations as function ...
[2005.06214] A. Tiribocchi, A. Montessori, S. Miliani et al.: Micro-vorticity fluctuations affect the structure of thin fluid films
[2005.06215] Makoto Shimizu, Nayuta Takemori, Daniel Guterding et al.: Importance of Fermi surface and magnetic interactions for the superconducting dome in electron doped FeSe intercalates
[2005.06217] Martin James, Dominik Anton Suchla, Jörn Dunkel et al.: Emergence and melting of active vortex crystals
[2005.06218] J. A. Crosse, Naoto Nakatsuji, Mikito Koshino et al.: Hofstadter butterfly and the quantum Hall effect in twisted double bilayer graphenes
[2005.06242] Balázs Pozsgay: Algebraic construction of current operators in integrable spin chains
[2005.06281] Paolo Comaron, Vanik Shahnazaryan, Michał Matuszewski: Coherent transfer of topological domain walls
[2005.06283] Antti Karjalainen, Vera Prozheeva, Kristoffer Simula et al.: Split Ga vacancies and the colossal anisotropy of positron annihilation spectra in $\boldsymbolβ$-Ga$_2$O$_3$
[2005.06289] Matteo Polettini, Alberto Garilli: Sustaining a temperature difference
[2005.06300] G. Bastien, B. Rubrecht, E. Haeussler et al.: Long-range magnetic order in the ${\tilde S}=1/2$ triangular lattice antiferromagnet KCeS$_2$
[2005.06307] Gesualdo Delfino, Youness Diouane, Noel Lamsen: Absence of nematic quasi-long-range order in two-dimensional liquid crystals with three director components
[2005.06317] Gladys King'ori, Cecil N M Ouma, Abshiek Mishra et al.: Two-Dimensional graphene-HfS$_2$ van der Waals heterostructure as electrode material for Alkali-ion batteries
[2005.06328] Monique Combescot, Shiue-Yuan Shiau: Understanding Semiconductor Valence Mass
[2005.06346] Samuel Brem, Kai-Qiang Lin, Roland Gillen et al.: Hybridized intervalley moiré excitons and flat bands in twisted WSe$_2$ bilayers
[2005.06357] Peng He, Jia-Hao Fu, Dan-Wei Zhang et al.: Double exceptional links in a three-dimensional dissipative cold atomic gas
[2005.06379] Shoki Sugimoto, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Masahito Ueda: Test of Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis Based on Local Random Matrix Theory
[2005.06387] Lorenzo Palmieri, Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen: The Forest Fire Model: The subtleties of criticality and scale invariance
[2005.06391] Pei-En Chen, Wenxiang Xu, Yi Ren et al.: Information Content of Hierarchical n-Point Polytope Functions for Quantifying and Reconstructing Disordered Systems
[2005.06393] Piermarco Fonda, Sami C. Al-Izzi, Luca Giomi et al.: Measuring Gaussian rigidity using curved substrates
[2005.06414] A. F. Tzortzakakis, K. G. Makris, S. Rotter et al.: Shape-preserving beam transmission through non-Hermitian disordered lattices
[2005.06429] Na Zhu, Xufeng Zhang, Xu Han et al.: Waveguide cavity optomagnonics for broadband multimode microwave-to-optics conversion
[2005.06435] Vinícius S. U. A. Vargas, Antônio R. Moura: On the spin current injection at paramagnetic insulator/superconductor interfaces
[2005.06447] José Coutinho, Vladimir P. Markevich, Anthony R. Peaker: Characterisation of negative-U defects in semiconductors
[2005.06450] Kai Qian, Linghua Zhu, Keun Hyuk Ahn et al.: Observation of Flat Frequency Bands at Open Edges and Antiphase Boundary Seams in Topological Mechanical Metamaterials
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 May 20","img":""}
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