
Can we loaded KII documents manually?
Do we load Launch FS? If so in which case we should load them?
List our Precision clients?
Mapping - mention the countries and Languages we should map and why?
If the identifier or document type in the file name and identifier or document type inside the document does not match what action we should take?
If the static url or CSV file columns are changed but url column remains same as per supplier setting, will the file run?
A fund is excluded based on Fund manager confirmation will this appear in our reports? If so when
What is the tolerance days for a fund to appear in due, overdue and KFR?
When the documents will appear in Factsheet universe?
What are the steps you follow if a file is in error folder?
{"name":"Basic-Documents", "url":"","txt":"Can we loaded KII documents manually?, Do we load Launch FS? if so what all the case we should load them?, List our Precision clients?","img":""}
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