Test quiz AX

Can we run Static InApp campaigns ?
Yes, always
Only for certain Advertisers
Only for certain Publishers
No, never
How de we track users in Apps ?
With a cookie
With MD5
With xd_id
What are the different ways to collect user events on Client Apps (Multiple choices possible) ?
One Tag
Criteo SDK
What is AppDeepLinking ?
It's a link for AppInstall
It's a link that opens an App on AppHomePage
It's a link that opens a App on a specific product page
It's a link that opens the AppStore from an email
What is web2app ?
It's a banner on mobile web that redirects to the client app
It's a DPA webview that opens the client App
It's a banner for iOS only
It's a display on a publisher app that redirects to the client web site
How can we identify user device on clieny app ?
What is the specificity of DPA in-App ?
It doesn't exist
It is for US only
We can't log the clicks as usual with CAT server
We have to create a specific campaign
How do we collect matching data (CRM_ID or Hashed email ?)(multiple choices possible)
From the advertiser's website
From the advertiser's newsletter
From Facebook sociodemo database
From third party providers
Why are hashed emails much better than CRMids to enable X Device ?
Because a given match between 2 users derived from an MD5 can be used for potentially all advertisers (and not just the ones providing the MD5), while CRM IDs can’t
Because MD5 hashed emails can be collected without the advertiser’s consent
Because MD5 hashed emails can be stored in a user’s cookie
Because hashed emails create a network effect leading to a much better coverage than CRM IDs.
With which table can I retrieve our whole Xdevice graph by only filtering on the last available day ?
Which clients are Eligible for XDevice ?
All those who are Deployed on InApp
All those who are Eligible to Email
Same clients as for XBorder
My current cookie has never visited advertiser A, but I'm matched to a cookie that's context 8 on advertiser A. What value will be logged in the context_id field of the bi_display log when I see a display for Advertiser A on my current device?
What are the Advertiser’s incentives to share hashed emails with Criteo? (multiple answers possible)
Higher coverage
Receive other advertisers’ hashed emails to enrich their own database
Solve their attribution issues
Improved performance
Without X Device enabled, how would Criteo performance be assessed on mobile, generally speaking? 
Under-estimated: Clicks on mobile ads bring many conversions on other devices
Neutral: Clicks on mobile ads rarely bring conversions on other devices
Over-estimated: Clicks on mobile ads bring very few conversions on other devices
Can’t tell yet: X Device has only been recently launched 
Without mobile-site tagging, what does the advertiser miss? (multiple answers possible)
A user visiting this dedicated mobile-site will not get a UID and has no chance of being matched by the cross-device solution
Criteo may lose the attribution after a click on a X Device display on Mobile
Criteo can’t track clicks on ads on mobile devices
The advertiser can’t be displayed on mobile
Which of the following assertions around Publishers and Universal Match are correct? 
We do not get any X-device display from our publishers
Facebook is sending us X-device displays requests matched on their side
All publishers are sending us X-device displays
Google is sending us X-device displays, when users are logged in their Google accounts on multiple devices
What happens when a partner is excluded from the X-device matching via TOP? 
Partner data is not used in the matching job to match users
Recommendations are still being computed based on the multiple devices that we matched for the user
 Campaign eligibility context is only computed on current device context
Facebook is stopping sending us displays requests matched on their side
{"name":"Test quiz AX", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Can we run Static InApp campaigns ?, How de we track users in Apps ?, What are the different ways to collect user events on Client Apps (Multiple choices possible) ?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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