Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 13 Jul 21
[2107.04598] Chiara Arina, Jan Heisig, Fabio Maltoni et al.: Indirect dark-matter detection with MadDM v3.2 -- Lines and Loops
[2107.04603] M. A. Arroyo-Ureña, G. Hernández-Tomé, G. López-Castro et al.: Radiative corrections to $τ\to π(K) ν_τ[γ]$: a reliable new physics test
[2107.04613] Maud Sarazin, Jordan Bernigaud, Björn Herrmann: Dark matter and lepton flavour phenomenology in a singlet-doublet scotogenic model
[2107.04716] Carlos Alvarado, Alfredo Aranda, Cesar Bonilla: Sub-GeV $U(1)_{R}$ gauge boson to address the proton radius discrepancy
[2107.04751] Xiu-Wu Wang, Zhi-Gang Wang, Guo-liang Yu: Study of $Λ_c$$Λ_c$ dibaryon and $Λ_c$$\barΛ_c$ baryonium states via QCD sum rules
[2107.04858] Zi-Qiang Chen, Qi-Ming Feng, Cong-Feng Qiao: Higgs boson decays to a lepton pair and a $Z$ boson
[2107.04860] Zhi Yang, Guang-Juan Wang, Jia-Jun Wu et al.: Novel coupled channel framework connecting quark model and lattice QCD: an investigation on near-threshold $D_s$ states
[2107.04905] M.K. Volkov, K. Nurlan, A.A. Pivovarov: The second-class current decays $τ\to πη(η') ν_τ$ in the NJL model including the interaction of mesons in the final state
[2107.04915] Marek Karliner, Jonathan L. Rosner: Configuration mixing in strange tetraquarks $Z_{cs}$
[2107.04927] P. De Fabritiis, P. C. Malta, M. J. Neves: Lorentz-symmetry violation in the electroweak sector: scattering processes in future $e^+ \, e^-$ colliders
[2107.04949] Xiang-Yu Wu, Guang-You Qin, Long-Gang Pang et al.: (3+1)-D viscous hydrodynamics CLVisc at finite net baryon density: identified particle spectra, anisotropic flows and flow fluctuations across BES energies
[2107.04957] Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng: Prediction of an $Ω_{bbb}Ω_{bbb}$ dibaryon in the extended one-boson exchange model
[2107.04962] Song Li, Yang Xiao, Jin Min Yang: Can electron and muon $g-2$ anomalies be jointly explained in SUSY?
[2107.05062] P. Pakhlov, V. Popov: Time-dependent study of $K_{S} \to π^{+} π^{-}$ decays for flavour physics measurements
[2107.05129] Sohyun Park, Urs Achim Wiedemann: Bremsstrahlung photons from stopping in heavy-ion collisions
[2107.05209] A. Türkan, G. Bozkır, K. Azizi: Properties of Spin-1/2 Heavy Baryons at Non-Zero Temperature
[2107.05271] Hua-Xing Chen, Wei Chen, Shi-Lin Zhu: Two- and three-gluon glueballs of $C=+$
[2107.05301] Marcel Algueró, Paula Alvarez Cartelle, Alexander Mclean Marshall et al.: A complete description of P- and S-wave contributions to the $B^0\to K^{+}π^{-}\ell^{+}\ell^{-}$ decay
[2107.05311] R. Aleksan, L. Oliver, E. Perez: Study of CP violation in $B^\pm$ decays to $\overline{D^0}(D^0) K^\pm$ at FCCee
[2107.05352] Gernot Eichmann, Jan M. Pawlowski, João M. Silva: On mass generation in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory
[2107.05420] José Bordes, Hong-Mo Chan, Sheung Tsun Tsou: $δ_{CP}$ for leptons and a new take on CP physics with the FSM
[2107.05421] Alfredo Aranda, Francisco J. de Anda, António P. Morais et al.: A Different Take on $E_8$ Unification
[2107.05459] R. Bruschini, P. González: Coupled-channel meson-meson scattering in the diabatic framework
[2107.05495] Alfredo Aranda, Francisco J. de Anda, António P. Morais et al.: Sculpting the Standard Model from low-scale Gauge-Higgs-Matter $E_8$ Grand Unification in ten dimensions
[2107.05503] Tisa Biswas, Anindya Datta, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya: Following the trail of new physics via VBF Higgs signal at the Large Hadron Collider
[2107.05504] Julian Bernhardt, Christian S. Fischer, Philipp Isserstedt et al.: The critical endpoint of QCD in a finite volume
[2107.05505] David M. Jacobs: Defect Theory of Positronium and Non-trivial QED Relations
[2107.05521] Pok Man Lo, Michal Szymanski, Krzysztof Redlich et al.: Polarization effects at finite temperature and magnetic field
[2107.05590] Manjunath Omana Kuttan, Kai Zhou, Jan Steinheimer et al.: An equation-of-state-meter for CBM using PointNet
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 13 Jul 21","img":""}