Lab Research
Understanding Lab Research
Test your knowledge on lab research and its relationship to health. This quiz covers various aspects, including disease causation, health indicators, and statistical measures.
- Multiple choice questions
- Topics include epidemiology, health promotion, and statistics
- Ideal for students, teachers, and health professionals
1. Who among the following introduce the concept of relationship of environment with human health?
John Snow
2. Idea health indicator should be
All of the above
3. Sickness is a state of
Social dysfunction
Subjective state of a person feeling unwell
Impaired physiological function
Impaired psychological function
All of the above
4. Disease causation is best explained by
Theory of one to one relationship between causal agent and disease
Supernatural theory of disease
Empirical theory of disease causation
Multi factorial theory of disease causation
All of the above
5. Course of a disease process without any intervention is the definition of
Spectrum of disease
Epidemiology of disease
Natural history of disease
All of the above
Iceberg phenomenon
6, Morbidity in a community can best be estimated by
Active surveillance
Sentinel Surveillance
Passive surveillance
7. Which of prevention is applicable for implementation in a population without any risk factors?
Primordial prevention
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
All the above
8. All of the following are methods of health promotion except
Nutritional education
Behavioral changes
Healthful housing
All of the above
9. In a conimunity an increase in new cases of a particular diseaseis due to
Increase in incidence rate
Increasing in prevalence rate
Both of the above
None of the above
Increasing in mortality rate
10. The most effective tool for measuring incidence of a disease in a community is
Case control study
Cohort study
Cross sectional study
Cross over study
Experimental study
11. Prevalence of a disease depends upon the following
None of the above
All of the above are not correct
Both of the above
12. Prevalence is
13, Study of time, place and person distribution of health related events is known as
Descriptive epidemology
Experimental epidemiology
Analytical epidemi
Clinical epidemiology
Community epidemiology
14.The mean is
The best representation for every set of data
The middlemost score
The most frequently occurring score
The statistical or arithmetic average
All of the above
15. Given the following data set what is the value of the median?[2 4 3 6 1 8 9 2 5 7]
16, Given the following set of data, what is the range?[12 23 34 54 21 8 9 67]
17. Measure of central tendency are
Descriptive statistics that identify the spread of the scores in a data set
Inferential statistics that identify the spread of the scores in a data set
Inferential statistics that identify die best single value for representing a set data.
Descriptive statistics that identify the best value for representing a set of data
All of the above.
18. Descriptive statistics is
The number of objectives data.
The methods uses to describe the essential characteristics of the data.
About whether or not you can generalize from a sample.
All of these things.
All are not correct
19. Inferential statistics refers to
Thing like predicting one's next electricity bill.
How people can be differentiated from each other
Relying on philosophers
The confidence with which we can generalize from samples
All of the above
20. Numerical measurement is like
Category measurement
Physical measurement like height
The number of people with blonde hair
All of the above
21. A frequency is:
A set of cores
The number of individuals in a particular category
A score
A variable which occurs often.
A population
22, Nominal data are
A. Score
B. sampling
People's name
Small amounts of data
Categories with cannot be ordered from smallest to largest.
23. Ordinal data are like
The amount of time the fourth person in the race book
Ratio data
First , second, third, fourth,..., last
24, Temperature is most like
Interval data
Nomunal data
Ordinal data
25. The number of question members of a class get right on is multiple choice test is an that example of
Nominal data
Ranking Standard deviation
Ordinal data
A score
26. The need for inferential statistical methods derives from the need for...
27. Statistics is essential to psychologists because
People differ a lot and in many respects
It is compulsory
Experience are rare the same
By using statistics can claim to be the researchers
Experiences are much the same
28. A population in statistical terms, is the totality of thing under consideration. It is the collection of all values of the.........that ins under study.
Sampling in simply a process of learning about the on the basic or a sample drawn from it.
30. Which one of the following is the most accurate?
Interval data assumes research need a rest break
Experience are rare the same
Psychologists prefer category data
There is a subtle distinction between category and nominal data
There is a difference interval and ratio data
1. What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand ?
This is how most quantitative data analysis is done in “real research “ nowaday
It reduces the chance of making errors in your calculations
It equips you with a useful transferable skill
All of the above
2. InSPSS, what is the "Data Viewer”?
A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable
A spreadsheet into which data can be entered
A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test
A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled
3. What are the main points to write the literaturereview?
Literature review which responds to question of who, when, what, where
Literature review which responds to question of When, Where, Why
Literature review which responds to question of When, Why What, How
Literature review which responds to question of Who, when,what, why D2
Literature review which responds to question of When, What, Where, Why
4. How is a variable name different from a variable label?
It is shorter and less detailed
It is longer and more detailed
Lt is abstract and unspecific
It refers to codes rather than variables
5. What does the operation "Recode Into Different Variables" do to the data?
Replaces missing data with some random scores
Reverses the position of the independent and dependent variable on a graph
Redistributes a range of values into a new set of categories and creates a new variable
Represents the data in the form of pie chart
6. How would you use the drop-down menus in SPSS to generate a frequency table?
Open the output Viewer and click: Save As; Pie Chart
Click on: Analyze;Descriptive Statistics: Frequencies
Click on Graphs: Frequencies: Pearson
Open the Variable Viewer and recode the value labels
7. Why might you tell SPSS to represent the ‘‘slice’’of a pie chart in different patterns?
Because the program tens to crash if you ask it to use color
Because the patterns form symbolic visual images of different social groups
In order to make full use of the facilities that SPSS can offer
If you do no have a color printer,it makes the different between the slices cleare
8. When cross-tabulating two viiriables, it is conventional to
went the independent variable in row, and the dependent variable in columns
Assign both the Dependent and independent Variable in column
Represent the dependent variable row and the independent variable in column
Assign both the dependent and independent variables to rows
9. In which sub-dialog box can e Chi Square test be found?
Frequencies :Percentages
Crosstabs: Statistics
Bivariate: Pearson
Gender Female
10. To generate a Spearman's rho test, which set of instructions should you give SPSS?
Analyze; Crosstabs ; Descriptive Statistics Spearman;OK
Graphs; Frequencies; [select Variable];Spearman OK
Analyze; Compare Mean; Anova table; first layer, Spearman OK
Analyze ; Correlate; Bivariate;[select variables]; Speannan: OK
11. How would you print a bar chart that you have just produced in SPSS?
In output Viewer, click File, Print, select the bar chart and click OK
In Variable Viewer, open bar chart, click File, Print, OK
In Chad Editor k Descriptive Statistics, print, OK
In Data Editor, open Graphs dialog box, click Save, OK
12. What are does DMFT stand for:
Total mean of tooth and Total prevalence of tooth
Total prevalence of tooth
Decay, Missing, Filling and teeth
Missing Filling. Surface
Decay, Missing Filling, Surface and Total mean of tooth
13. For writing up your synthesis of the literature
To read, reflect (thinking with he title), identify (main themes), categorize by them categorize by sub-themes
To write, read identify reflect
To read, reflects ( thinking with title), categorize by them, categorize by sub-themes
Reference, thinking
Writing, identify and title
14. What the origin of a research question :
Mastering the literature
Being alert to new ideas and technique
Mastering the literature, Being alert to new ideas and technique, Keeping the imagination.
Keeping the imagination
Mastering the literature and being alert to new ideas and technique
15. What's FINER stand for?
Feasible, Interesting, Novel Ethical and Relevant
Favorite,Interesting, Novel, Ethical and Relevant
Feasible, Investigating, Need, Ethical and Relevant
Feasible, Inspariting, Novel, Ethical and Relevant
Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical and Realistic
16. How many style for written the references of research?
17. What are the 5 types for written the references of research?
Book or article of scientific
The Internet
Contact person and Journal
All are corrects
18. How many type of the study design?
19. You can choose fonts and font sizes with the___toolbar.
Auto Text
20. You can open the Font dialog box by choosing Font from the___manu
21. When a citation includes more than___ authors only the surname of the first author is cited followed by et al:
22. When referencing other works you have cited within the text of the report you should:
State the first and last name of the author
Use the author , date citations method
Use an asterisk and a footnote
Insert the complete citations in parenthesis
23. Which of the following abbreviations can be used in a research report?
DT for dental decay
Sec. For second
Yr. For you
Mo. For mouth
24. Editorial style specifies that____ should be used infrequently or sparingly.
Abbreviation and heading
25. The factor that should determine whether you decide to prepare a research report of you study for a conference or for publication
Whether the study free from flaws
Whether the study important enough to justify presentation or publication
Whether others would be interested the work
All of the above
26. Which of the following is not about the use of language in research reports?
You should choose accurate and clear word that are free from bias.
You should avoid labeling people when ever possible
You should avoid using the term “subject “whenever possible
All of the above are true according to the UHS Guidelines
27. Which of following is not one of the seven major parts to the research reports?
28. The abstracts should be about how many words?
29. It is in this section that you fully interpret and evaluate your results.Results
30. Where do you provide a step-by-step account or what e researcher and participants did during the research study?
31. Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true. An ordinal variable is one for which?
The data are discrete and can take one of many values.
The data are continuous and follow an ordered sequence
The data are categories
The categories of response are ordered
There can only be two categories of response.
32. Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true:?
A sample statistics is a Point estimate of a population parameter.
Random sampling implies a haphazard approach to die dada analysis
For a given data set, the standard deviation is always greater than the standard error of the mean
The inferential process involves drawing conclusions about the sample
All are corrects
33. A total 5000 patients of glaucoma are identified and surveyed by patient interviews regarding family history of glaucoma. Such a study design is called ?
Case series report
Case-control study
Clinical Trail
Cohort study
34. The analytical study where population is the unit of study is?
Cross sectional
Case control
Cohort study
35. System Study involves ?
Study of an existing system
Documenting the existing system
Identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goal
All of the above
36. The primary tool used in structured design is a ?
Structure chart
Data-flow diagram
Program flowchart
37. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called __?
An algorithm
A list
A plan
A sequential structure
38. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects ?
Size of the company
Inadequate user involvement
Failure of systems integration
Continuation of project that should have been cancelled
39. A problem's____will answer the question, "What information will the computer need to know in order to either print or display the output times?:
40. What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?
Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee
All of the above
41. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?
42. Which of the following should be included in a research proposal?
Your academic status and experience
The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on the topic
Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
All of the above
43. You can manage your time and resources best, by :?
Working out a timetable
Finding out what resources are readily available to you
Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
All of the above
44. Which of the following methods would you use to enter data on gender into SPSS so you could conduct statistical analyses?
Type male or female into the appropriate column of the data view
Type M into the appropriate column for male participants and F for female participants
Enter data for male participants into SPSS first, then data for female participants second
Enter the data from male and female participants into separate data sets
Numerically code male and female with different numbers
45. You have installed SPSS on your personal computer. In which of the following places will you ALWAYS find the SPSS icon?
In the Programs menu
On A CD room
On the desktop
On a floppy disk
On your USB stick
46. You select File from the across the top SPSS Data Editor. The three dots after procedures of the save as... Mean which of the following?
A further menu will appear when this option is chosen
A dialogue box will open when this option is chosen
There will be tare delay after selecting this option while the computer performs the procedure
This option cannot be chosen at present
There are three further steps after selecting this option
47. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
If they guide your literature search
If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
All of the above
48. A simple random sample is one in which:?
From a random starting point, every nth unit from the sampling frame is selected
A non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to generalize
The researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various social groups
Every unit the population has an equal chance of being selected
49. Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT ?
Health care
Government officer
50. All of the following are true statements about action research, EXCEPT?
Data are systematically analyzed
Data are collected systematically
Results are generalizable
Results are used to improve practice
51.How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
If they guide your literature search
If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
If they to the scope of your research narrow the scope of your research
All of the above
52. The Means... Procedure for computing the score of each of several groups is found in?
Mean The Reports menu
The Compare Means menu
The Tables menu
The Descriptive Statistics menu
{"name":"Lab Research", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on lab research and its relationship to health. This quiz covers various aspects, including disease causation, health indicators, and statistical measures.Multiple choice questionsTopics include epidemiology, health promotion, and statisticsIdeal for students, teachers, and health professionals","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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