
A medical illustration depicting the anatomy of the ear and common ear diseases, with a focus on areas affected by chronic infections and perforations, vividly colored and informative for a healthcare audience.

Ear Health & Hearing Quiz

Test your knowledge on chronic ear diseases and their management with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals in the medical field, this quiz covers a range of topics including diagnosis, treatment options, and common complications related to ear conditions.

Key features of the quiz:

  • 30 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Enhance your understanding of otolaryngology
  • Perfect for revision before exams
109 Questions27 MinutesCreated by HealingEar101
A 17-year-old boy presents with off and on bilateral discharge from both ear and deafness since childhoo Examination showed bilateral large central perforation in both ear. Tuning fork test showed bilateral conductive hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry showed a conductive hearing loss of 30dB in right ear and 40dB in left ear. What is the most probable diagnosis:
All of the above
A 17-year-old boy presents with off and on bilateral discharge from both ear and deafness since childhoo Examination showed bilateral large central perforation in both ear. Tuning fork test showed bilateral conductive hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry showed a conductive hearing loss of 30dB in right ear and 40dB in left ear. What is the most probable diagnosis Commonest ossicles involved in CSOM is:
Malleus and incus
All of the above
A 17-year-old boy presents with off and on bilateral discharge from both ear and deafness since childhoo Examination showed bilateral large central perforation in both ear. Tuning fork test showed bilateral conductive hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry showed a conductive hearing loss of 30dB in right ear and 40dB in left ear. What is the most probable diagnosis Foul smelling scanty blood stained discharge is characteristic of:
Otitis externa
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis:
CSOM with aural polyp
Aural polyp
Foreign body in the ear canal
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Cholesteatoma is:
Benign tumour of middle ear
Malignant tumour of middle ear
Keratinising stratified squamous epithelium of middle ear cleft
Non keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium of middle ear cleft
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane is called as:
Primary acquired cholesteatoma
Secondary acquired cholesteatoma
Congenital cholesteatoma
None of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Cortical mastoidectomy is required as an access in:
Endolymphatic sac decompression
Facial nerve decompression
Translabyrinthine approach for removal of small acoustic neuroma
Cochlear implant
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Commonest cause of CSOM is:
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: The treatment of choice in CSOM AAD is:
Antibiotics (topical and systemic)
Modified radical mastoidectomy
Tympanoplasty + ear drops
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Most common graft material used in myringoplasty is:
Dural graft
Temporalis fascia
Vein graft
Fat graft
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Myringoplasty is reconstruction of:
External ear
Tympanic membrane
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Perforation of tympanic membrane causes hearing loss of:
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Radical mastoidectomy involves all of the following except:
Stapes foot plate
Stapes suprastructure
Posterior wall of ear canal
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Radical mastoidectomy is indicated in:
CSOM AAD with history of intracranial complication
Acute coalescent mastoiditis
ASOM with complication mastoiditis
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Commonest semicircular canal eroded in CSOM AAD is:
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: A known case of CSOM AAD presents with high fever, headache and vomiting for last two days. Most possible diagnosis is:
Acute pyogenic meningitis
Acute otitis media
Brain abscess
Acute mastoiditis
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Treatment of choice for residual cholesteatoma is:
Cortical mastoidectomy
Modified radical mastoidectomy
Radical mastoidectomy
Radical mastoidectomy+myringoplasty
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Untreated case of CSOM TTD can progress to:
Primary acquired cholesteatoma
Hearing loss
Secondary acquired cholesteatoma
None of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: CSOM AAD is characterized by:
Profuse ear discharge
Scanty ear discharge
Blood stained discharge
Ear discharge with pain and fever
Scanty, foul smelling, painless, blood stained ear discharge
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Myringoplasty:
Reconstruction of tympanic membrane
Reconstruction of ossicles
Reconstruction of tympanic membrane and ossicles
Exantration of mastoid air cells
Reconstruction of ear drum and tympanic cavity
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: All of the following are canal wall up procedures except:
Simple mastoidectomy
Cortical mastoidectomy
Intact canal wall mastoidectomy
Radical mastoidectomy
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Facial bridge is removed in:
Cortical mastoidectomy
Modified radical mastoidectomy
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Which of the following is called as unsafe CSOM:
CSOM Atticoantral disease
CSOM Posterosuperior marginal cholesteatoma
Secondary acquired cholesteatoma
Congenital cholesteatoma
All of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Stapes footplate covers?
Round window
Oval window
Nterior sinus tympani
Facial nerve
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Which among the following is an absolute indication for cortical mastoidectomy?
Acute Coalescent Mastoiditis
Serous Otitis Media
Acute Suppurative Otitis Media
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media with Safe type
Serous otitis media with effusion
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Commonest complication of CSOM is?
Subperiosteal abscess
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Brain abscess
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Which of the following is not a safe perforation?
Subtotal perforation
Moderate central perforation
Attic perforation
Tubal perforation
None of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: Bullous myringitis is caused by:
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: The most common intracranial complication of Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM) is?
Bezold's abscess
Brain abscess
None of the above
A 7-year-old child presents with off and on discharge from left ear for last 2 year. Otoscopy showed a polypoidal mass in left external auditory canal. Tuning fork test showed conductive hearing loss. What is the most probable diagnosis: The postero superior retraction pocket, if allowed to progress, will lead to?
Sensori-neural hearing loss
Secondary Cholesteatoma
Acute mastoiditis
Chronic suppurative otitis media
A 30-year-old male is having Attic cholesteatoma of left ear. The operation of choice is?
Intact canal wall mastoidectomy (simple mastoidectomy)
Simple mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty
Canal wall down mastoidectomy
Mastoidectomy with IV antibiotics
Cortical mastoidectomy
Which of the following is/are true about cholesteatoma?
It is a malignant tumour
Metastasises to lymph node
Contains cholesterol
Erodes bone
It is a malignant tumour without metastasis
An elderly man had long-standing ear discharge with facial palsy, pain in the ear and a friable polyp in the ear with tendency to blee The likely diagnosis is:
CSOM with polyp
Malignant otitis media
Carcinoma of middle ear
Glomus tumour
Tuberculous otitis media
For mastoidectomy following incisions may be used:
Endomeatal incision
Temporal bone incision
Postaural or Endaural incision
Postaural incision
All of the above
During mastoidectomy which one is not injured:
Facial nerve
Lateral sinus
Vagus nerve
Cholesteatoma is commonly caused by:
Attico-antral perforation
Tubotympanic disease
Central perforation of tympanic membrane
Meniere’s disease
Chronic suppurative otitis media
Cholesteatoma is usually present at:
Anterior quadrant of tympanic membrane
Posterior quadrant of tympanic membrane
Attic region
Central part
All of the above
Cholesteatoma is seen in:
σ� • CSOM
σ� • Secretory Otitis media
σ� • Otosclerosis
Meniere’s disease
Most accepted theory for the formation of cholesteatoma:
σ� • Congenital
σ� • Squamous metaplasia
σ� • Ingrowth of squamous epithelium
σ� • Retraction pocket
σ� • Congenital and Ingrowth of squamous epithelium
Perforation of tympanic membrane with destruction of tympanic annulus is called:
σ� • Attic
σ� • Marginal
σ� • Subtotal
σ� • Total
σ� • None of the above
What is true in case of perforation of pars flaccida:
σ� • CSOM is a rare case
σ� • Associated with cholesteatoma
σ� • Usually due to trauma
σ� • Foreign body in the ear
σ� • All of the above
Treatment of choice in central safe perforation is:
σ� • Modified mastoidectomy
σ� • Tympanoplasty
σ� • Myringoplasty
σ� • Conservative management
σ� • Cortical mastoidectomy
True about CSOM:
σ� • Etiology is multiple bacteria
σ� • Oral antibiotics are not affected
σ� • Ear drops are best
σ� • Ottic hydrocephalus is a known complication
σ� • Common in females than males
Scanty, foul smelling, painless discharge from the ear is characteristic feature of which of the following lesions:
σ� • ASOM
σ� • Cholesteatoma
σ� • Central perforation
σ� • Otitis externa
σ� • All of the above
Cholesteatoma commonly perforates:
σ� • Lateral semicircular canal
σ� • Superior semicircular canal
σ� • Promontory
σ� • Oval window
σ� • Stapes
163. •The treatment of choice for atticoantral variety of chronic suppurative otitis media is:
σ� • Mastoidectomy
σ� • Medical management
σ� • Underlay myringoplasty
σ� • Insertion of ventilation tube
σ� • All of the above
Treatment of choice for perforation in pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane with cholesteatoma is:
σ� • Myringoplasty
σ� • Modified radical mastoidectomy
σ� • Antibiotics
σ� • Radical mastoidectomy
Most difficult site to remove cholesteatoma in sinus tympani is related with:
σ� • Anterior facial ridge
σ� • Posterior facial ridge
σ� • Epitympanum
σ� • Hypotympanum
σ� • Ossicles
A child presents with ear infection with foul smelling discharg On further exploration a small perforation is found in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membran Most appropriate next step in the management would be:
σ� • Topical antibiotics and decongestants for 4 weeks
σ� • IV antibiotics and follow up after a month
σ� • Tympanoplasty
σ� • Tympano-mastoid exploration
σ� • Clean the ear and antibiotic ear drop for 3 weeks
Les caractéristique audiometrique suivantes constituent un faisceau d’arguments en faveur d’un neurinome acoustique du nerf auditif .indiquer la proposition qui n’est pas évocatrice du neurinome du VIII:
σ� o surdité de perception unilatérale
σ� o pas de recrutement
σ� o fatiguabilité
σ� o vocale mediocre par rapport à la tonale
σ� o conduction osseuse meilleure que la conduction aérienne
Le neurinome de l’acoustique :
σ� o s’accompagne, au cours de son évolution, d’une surdité de perception unilaterale
σ� o est frequent au cours de la neurofibromatose de Recklingshausen
σ� o peut être dépisté précocement par l’enregistrement des potentiels évoquers auditifs du tronc cerebral
σ� o S’accompagne habituellement d’une hypertension intracranienne très précoce
σ� o souvent présente des signe neurologique dès le début de son evolution
Le vertige positionnel paroxystique bénin (VPPB) s’accompagne :
σ� • d’acouphènes
σ� • de surdité
σ� • d’acouphène et de surdité
σ� • d’aucun de ces signes
σ� • Céphalée
Les causes déclanchante d’une maladie de Ménière typique est liée à un seul de ces mécanismes .Lequel?
σ� o labyrinthine inflammatoire
σ� o hydrops labyrinthique
σ� o traumatisme labyrintique
σ� o Accident vaculaire cerebral
σ� o tumeur du tronc cerebral
Un vertige qui survient sur une otite moyenne aigue est en rapport avec :
σ� o (cochez la réponse juste)
σ� • une méningit
σ� • un abcès intracérébral.
σ� • une sinusite maxillair
σ� • une labyrinthit
σ� • une perforation tympaniqu
Parmi ces pathologies responsables de vertiges, laquelle n'entraîne pas une surdité ?
σ� • maladie de ménièr
σ� • Vertige paroxystique positionnel bénin.
σ� • Névrite vestibulair
σ� • Fracture du Rocher.
σ� • Neurinome de l'acoustique
Quelle est la maladie dont l ’étiologies du vertige d'origine périphérique ?
σ� o (cochez la ou les réponses justes)
σ� o la maladie de ménièr
σ� o la névrite vestibulair
σ� o le syndrome de Wallenberg.
σ� o le neurinome de l'acoustiqu
σ� o le vertige paroxystique positionnel bénin.
Cause de vertige sans surdité
σ� • une otosclerome
σ� • La maladie de Meniere
σ� • Labyrinthite
σ� • La névrite vestibulaire
σ� • PFP
La tumeur de l'angle pontocerebelleux la plus fréquente est:
σ� o Neurinome acoustique
σ� o Meningiome
σ� o cholesteatome
σ� o les kystes epidermoide ou cholestéatome
σ� o tout ce qui précède
Dans le neurinome acoustique , le nerf crânien le plus atteint le premier est
σ� • 5 ème
σ� • 6ème
σ� • 7ème
σ� • 10ème
σ� • 9ème
La chirurgie de l’oreille moyenne vise selon les cas :
σ� • .A éradiquer des lésions évolutives et réhabiliter l’audition par la myringoplastie et/ou l’ossiculoplastie
σ� • .A réaliser l’otoplastie de l’oreille externe
σ� • .A faire l’implantation cochléaire
σ� • .A s’adresser aux lésions touchant le labyrinthe et/ou la cochée
σ� • .A s’adresser aux lésions rétro cochléaires
Comment aborder l’oreille moyenne pour la chirurgie :
σ� • La voie sus pétreuse
σ� • La voie transvestibulocochleaire
σ� • La voie translabyrinthique élargie
σ� • La voie trans- méatique, voie endurale, voie postéro-supérieure
σ� • La voie sous- occipitale rétro sigmoïdienne
Concernant les voies d’abord pour la chirurgie de l’oreille moyenne, laquelle est la plus utilisée pour la tympanoplastie et la stapédectomie ?
σ� • La voie endurale ou la voie trans-méatique
σ� • La voie postéro- supérieure
σ� • La voie sus- pétreuse
σ� • La voie translabyrinthique
σ� • La voie transvestibulochléaire
Contra indications to closure of a tympanic membrane perforation are below, but some conditions should be treated and brought under control prior to this procedure:
σ� • In a functionally dead ear
σ� • In threatened complications of ear diseaset
σ� • In uncooperative patient
σ� • In allergic rhinitis, in rhinosinusitis
σ� • In chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma
Complications of Myringoplasty are below, but one is false
σ� • Blunting of anterior tympanomeatal angle
σ� • Lateral displacement of graft
σ� • Inclusion or residual chaolesteatoma
σ� • Reperforation
σ� • Fixation of stapes
Techniques used in Myringoplasty are below. Tick it classically used in practic
σ� • Mastoidectomy
σ� • Myringotomy
σ� • Modified Radical Mastoidectomy
σ� • Overlay Technique or Underlay Technique
σ� • Posterior Tympanotomy
The conditions that lead to a good result of Myringoplasty are below. Tick one that is false:
σ� • Dry ear or Inactive disease
σ� • No symptoms of more advanced chronic ear pathology
σ� • In children, il wise to wait for the decision at age 8 years and there after
σ� • No squamous layer in the middle ear, or between the graft and tympanomeatal skin flap
σ� • Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)
L’otospongiose est due à :
σ� • Aux séquelles d’une infection de l’oreille
σ� • Une malformation de l’oreille interne
σ� • Une ostéopathie générale
σ� • Une séquelle de Traumatisme du rocher
σ� • Aucune de ces propositions n’est exacte
L’otospongiose présente un certain nombre de signes cliniques et audiométriques suivants. Parmi ceux- ci, le(s)quels est(sont) considéré(s) comme facteur(s) d’orientation diagnostique ?
σ� • Bourdonnements, plénitude de l’oreille, surdité de perception
σ� • Bourdonnements, Rinne négatif, bonne conduction osseuse
σ� • Bourdonnements, bouchon de cérumen, Rinne négatif
σ� • Sténose du conduit auditif externe
σ� • Otorrhée
L’otospongiose présente un ou plusieurs caractère (s). Parmi ceux-ci le(s)quels est (sont) considéré( s) comme facteur(s) étiopathogénique(s).
σ� • Séquelles d’une infection de l’oreille
σ� • Facteur héréditaire et classiquement aggravation avec les grossesses
σ� • Prédominance masculine
σ� • Débute dans l’enfance et l’adolescence
σ� • Evolue vers le blocage la trompe d’Eustache
Pour affirmer le blocage de l’étrier dans la fenêtre ovale, quel est l’examen le plus fiable ?
σ� • Audiométrie tonale
σ� • Audiométrie vocale
σ� • Recherche du réflexe stapédien
σ� • Epreuve de Rinne
σ� • Tympanométrie
Dans l’otospongiose :
σ� • L’infection est souvent retrouvée
σ� • La surdité est de type de perception
σ� • La seule thérapeutique est la prothèse
σ� • Les tympans sont normaux
La courbe tympanométrique est plate
Au cours d’une otospongiose, la surdité :
σ� • S’associe souvent à une atteinte du nerf facial
σ� • Apparait brusquement
σ� • S’accompagne d’une hypersensibilité aux bruits
σ� • Est due à une hypertension des liguides endolabyrinthiques
σ� • Est typiquement une surdité transmissionnelle
Parmi les affections suivantes concernant l’otospongiose, laquelle est exacte ?
σ� • Courbe plate à l’impédancemétrie
σ� • Perforation non marginale
σ� • Réflex stapédien ipsilatéral absent
σ� • Malformation de l’enclume
σ� • Obstruction de la trompe d’Eustache
Dans une otospongiose, le tympan est :
σ� • Perforé
σ� • Rétracté
σ� • Congestif
σ� • Normal
σ� • Bombant
Parmi les examens suivants, lequel est inutile au diagnostic d’otospongiose ?
σ� • Impédancemétrie
σ� • Audiométrie tonale
σ� • Audiométrie vocale
σ� • Étude des réflexes stapédiens
σ� • Étude des potentiels évoqués auditifs
Le traitement de l’otospongiose non compliquée chez une femme jeune est :
σ� • Médical par vasodilatateurs
σ� • Prothèse auditive
σ� • Médical par le calcium
σ� • Médical par le magnésium
σ� • Chirurgical
Une surdité de transmission peut être provoqué par :
σ� • Une maladie de Ménière
σ� • Un travail en atelier bruyant
σ� • Une otospongiose
σ� • Un neurinome de l’acoustique
σ� • Une rubéole maternelle pendant la grossesse
Laquelle des modalités thérapeutiques suivantes peut-on proposer à l’otospongiose ?
σ� • Tympanoplastie
σ� • Remplacement de l’étrier
σ� • Prothèse auditive
σ� • Remplacement de l’enclume
σ� • Aérateur transtympanique
Parmi les propositions concernant l’otospongiose, laquelle est inexacte ?
σ� • L’audiométrie tonale met en évidence une surdité de transmission
σ� • L’étude du réflexe stapédien est normal
σ� • Le scanner des rochers met en évidence des plages hypodenses autour de la fenêtre ovale
σ� • L’évolution naturelle de cette maladie s’effectue vers la libyrinthisation
σ� • Son traitement repose sur le remplacement de l’étrier par une prothèse
The goal of transtymanic aeration is:
σ� • pressure equalization between middle ear and atmosphere
σ� • drainage the secretion of the middle ear through tube
σ� • restoration of conductive hearing loss
σ� • prevention of cholesteatoma buildup
Eustachian tube communicate middle ear to:
σ� o nasal fossa
σ� o rhinopharynx
σ� o oropharynx
σ� o hypopharynx
σ� o Larygnx
Adult eustachian tube lenght average is approximately about
σ� • 15mm
σ� • 21mm
σ� • 36mm
σ� • 40mm
σ� • 35mm
In normal condition the orifice of eustachian tube is close Its opening is due to muscle:
Superior constrictor muscle
σ� • middle constrictor muscle
σ� • tensor veli palatani muscle
σ� • inferior constrictor muscle
σ� • levator veli palati muscle
What king of tymanogram in case of otitis media with effusion (OME):
σ� • tympanogram normal
σ� • tympanogram typeB
σ� • tymanogram typeD
σ� • tympanogram type As
σ� • tymapanogram typeD
What king of audiogram in case of otitis media with effusion (OME):
σ� • sensorineural hearing loss
σ� • mixed hearing loss
σ� • conductive hearing loss
σ� • sensorineural hearing loss typical of presbycusia
σ� • sensorineural hearing loss typical of sudden hearing loss
For the first instance of management of OME, what is the treatment of choice?
σ� • medical treatment
σ� • no treatment (wait and see)
σ� • transtympanic aeration
σ� • myringotomy
σ� • Valsalva maneuver
Which is the appropriate quadrant of tympanic membrane to be done with myringotomy in transtympanic aeration?
σ� • supero-anterior quadrant
σ� • supero-posterior quadrant
σ� • postero-inferior quadrant
σ� • antero-inferior quadrant
σ� • in the ombilic
How many appropriate time grommet tube may stay in place?
σ� • 1 week
σ� • 1 month
σ� • 3 months
σ� • 6 months
σ� • 3 years
What is the complication, which is the most seen after 6 months removal
σ� • bleeding
σ� • drained ear
σ� • permanent tympanic perforation
σ� • sensorineural hearing loss
σ� • vertigo
Is an acoustic neuroma/neurinoms a/an?
σ� • epithelioma
σ� • sarcoma
σ� • glioma
σ� • vestibular schwannoma
σ� • myoma
Which age an acoustic neurinoma is mostly affected?
σ� • 40 -50 years old
σ� • 60 -70 years old
σ� • 30 -40 years old
σ� • - > 70 years
σ� • - < 20 years old
What is the common site of an acoustic neurinoma?
σ� • external auditory canal (EAC)
σ� • middle ear cavity
σ� • internal ear canal (IAC)
σ� • Scarpa's ganglion
σ� • middle cranial fossa
An earlier symptom of acoustic neurinoma:
σ� • unilateral tinnitus and neural hearing loss
σ� • blurred vision and slurred speech
σ� • vertigo and hearing loss
σ� • nausea and vomiting
σ� • facial nimbness
In late stage of acoustic neurinoma, which combination of affected cranial nerves is seen?
σ� • 7th and 8th cranial nerves
σ� • 8th and 10th cranial nerves
σ� • 7th, 8th and 9th cranial nerves
σ� • 7th, 8th and 10 cranial nerves
σ� • 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th cranial nerves
Among the evaluations for diagnosing acoustic neurinoma, which one is the most reliable (gold standard)?
σ� • vestibular evaluation
σ� • neurologique evaluation
σ� • Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry
σ� • MRI with gadolinium
σ� • audiometric evaluation
What audiogram that may attract your attention on suspicion of acoustic neurinoma?
σ� • conductive hearing loss on low frequencies
σ� • mixed hearing loss on high frequencies
σ� • sensorineural (flat curve) loss on high frequencies
σ� • mixed hearing loss on low frequencies
σ� • audiogram normal
In the brainstem evoked response audiometry can be detected when the acoustic neurinoma is large as:
σ� • - < 1cm
σ� • - > 1cm
σ� • - > 2cm
σ� • - > 2.5 cm
σ� • - > 3cm
What size of acoustic neurinoma that can be detected clearly by CT scan?
σ� • 3 cm
σ� • 4cm
σ� • 1 cm
σ� • > 2 cm
σ� • 1.5 cm
What is the gold standard tool in the detection of acoustic neurinoma?
σ� • conventional radiography
σ� • CT scan with contrast
σ� • MRI with contrast
σ� • BERA (brainstem evoked response audiometry
σ� • Vestibular evaluation
Quell est l’indication pour faire la mastoïdectomie?
σ� • mastoïdite ou ostéite mastoïdien
σ� • trouver lesion inflammatoire mastoïdien
σ� • précisant l’etat de la muqueuse de la region antrale
σ� • antrotomie superficielles insuffiisante
σ� • vérifier la perméabilité antroatriale losque la mastoid est très pneumatisée
Quell est l’indication pour faire la mastoïdectomie?
σ� • mastoïdite ou ostéite mastoïdien
σ� • trouver lesion inflammatoire mastoïdien
σ� • précisant l’etat de la muqueuse de la region antrale
σ� • antrotomie superficielles insuffiisante
σ� • vérifier la perméabilité antroatriale losque la mastoid est très pneumatisée
{"name":"118-217", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on chronic ear diseases and their management with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals in the medical field, this quiz covers a range of topics including diagnosis, treatment options, and common complications related to ear conditions.Key features of the quiz:30 engaging questionsMultiple choice formatEnhance your understanding of otolaryngologyPerfect for revision before exams","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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