Pathophysiology exam 3

A medical-themed illustration featuring anatomy diagrams, charts for pathophysiology, and nursing students studying together.

Pathophysiology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on Pathophysiology with our comprehensive quiz designed for nursing students and health professionals. Dive deep into topics such as liver failure, respiratory conditions, and gastrointestinal diseases.

  • 25 carefully curated questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Instant feedback on answers
25 Questions6 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingHealth101
Your client is diagnosed with hypoxemia. The nursing student understands this means...
The client has O2 toxicity
The client has inadequate O2
The client has inadequate CO2
The client has vitamin K anemia in the lungs
A nursing student is caring for a patient and wants to confirm the diagnosis of Crohn's disease. What test must the student use to find Occult blood in the stool.
Hemato-feces test
Guaiac test
PH test
Occult blood scan
Patient presents with ulcers throughout the mucosal layer of exclusively the colon and rectum. After the nursing student finds out they are having pain in the Lower Left Quadrant, the student understands the patient is experiencing _____
Peptic ulcer disease
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis
Little Timmy, 5 years old, is experiencing a fever, malaise, jaundice, and has not felt hungry for 36 hours. He has recently gone to a new daycare and has been surrounded by hundreds of kids his age. The nursing student can suspect Timmy is experiencing symptoms of _____.
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis A
Acute pancreatitis
Nothing, Timmy is probably overreacting
The Elevated serum enzyme test looks for ___ and ___ to determine if the patient is experiencing liver failure.
What is the first thing the student nurse must ask when assessing a client for Ulcerative Colitis
How many bowel movements are you having a day?
Are you experiencing a burn in your esophagus when you eat large meals?
Would you like a Colonoscopy?
Have you experienced a formation of a fistula?
A 8-year old child presents to the hospital with wheezing, ineffective cough, and tightness of the chest. Lab results show that they are undergoing a type I allergic reaction due to tobacco smoke. What can the nursing student assume the child is experiencing?
COPD: Emphysema
Pneumococcal Pneumonia
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
The nursing student understands that Hepatitis D is the delta strand of _____.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis E
A Patient with GERDS should...
Eat large meals
Eat small frequent meals
Take a short walk after eating
Get frequent exercise to lose weight
Wear tight clothing around the abdomin
Elevate head when sleeping
The UAP is explaining to the client the difference between Lobar Pneumonia and Bronchopneumonia. The student nurse knows intervention is necessary when they hear the UAP say..
Lobar Pneumonia refers to consolidation of a part or all of a lung's lobe.
Bronchopneumonia signifies a patchy consolidation involving more than one lobe.
Accute bacterial pneumonias can be classified as lobar pneumonia or bronchopneumonia.
Lobar pneumonia refers to hospital-acquired pneumonia exclusively
The nurse is giving report to the student nurse and explains the patient to be using pursed lip breathing, using accessory muscles, dyspnea and increased respiratory rate. The nurse also explains the patient to have a barrel like chest and called them a "pink puffer". What can the student nurse assume the patient is experiencing?
COPD: Emphysema
COPD: Chronic Bronchitis
A Male client, 67 years old, who is an alcoholic, is experiencing abdominal tenderness, hypotension, abdominal distension, abdominal pain in the epigastric region that is radiating to the back and chest. In his lab tests, there were lipase levels 3 times the normal amount. What can the nursing student assume?
Patient is experiencing Acute Pancreatitis
Patient is experiencing Cholecystitis
Patient is experiencing alcohol related cirrhosis
It is normal for alcohol to give you a stomach ache
Your patient vomits bright red blood. This is called..
Peptic ulcer disease
The nursing student understands that pneumonia is..
Inflammation of parenchymal structures of the lung in the lower respiratory tract
Obstruction of the bronchi
Break down of the alveolar walls decreasing surface area
Ulcers in the pleura of the lungs
Your patient arrives at the hospital with high levels of bilirubin in the blood causing yellow discoloration of the skin and tissues. The patient has been diagnosed with sickle cell disease causing excessive RBC destruction. You can infer that the patient's jaundiced is..
What hepatitis has the highest rate of developing chronic conditions and cirrhosis?
Postepatic Jaundice is can be caused by
Excessive RBC destruction
Drug-induced cholestasis
Your client admits to the emergency room with burning stomach pain and nausea. They show as positive for the urea breath test. With this information the nurse is able to conclude..
Peptic ulcer disease: NSAID
Peptic ulcer disease: H. Pylori
Ulcerative Colitis
The client is insisting to the nursing student that they have IBS because for 30 days they have had diarrhea 4-5 times a day and felt relief after defecation, but the nursing student knows
The client is correct, all symptoms align
The client is correct, they are experiencing 2-3 symptoms
The client is incorrect, IBS does not cause diarrhea
The client is incorrect, you must have 2-3 symptoms over a 12 week period
A nursing student is taking care of a client who has a gallstone. The client is feeling RUQ pain, fever, and nausea. What must the nursing student do to confirm Cholecystitis?
Order a guaiac test
Order a chest x-ray
Cholescintigraphy (nuclear scanning)
Order 0.09% saline 500mL/hr
A patient who is presenting with PaO2 63 mm Hg, pH of 6.9, and hyperventilation would present with..
A client arrives at the hospital with COPD and cannot properly exchange gasses in the alveoli. Lab results show that the clients blood pH is 6.89 and they are tachycardic. The nursing student can come to what conclusion?
The client has hypoxemia
The client has Hypercapnia
The client has Pneumonia
The client has Hypokalemia
A productive cough for at least 3-consecutive months in 2-consecutive years could be a cause of..
COPD: Emphysema
COPD: Chronic Bronchitis
Large Cell Carcinoma
When assessing a patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), it is expected that the patient..
Will have the SCLC metastasized to the brain
Will not have smoked
Will have no symptoms due to the slow growing nature of SCLC
Will have unexplained weight gain and hyperventilation
A patient is admitted to the hospital with concerns about developing Crohn's disease. What information would contribute to the likelihood of the patient developing Crohn's disease?
"My father had Crohn's disease"
"I am Lactose intolerant"
"I use NSAIDs multiple times a day"
"I was recently infected with H. Pylori"
{"name":"Pathophysiology exam 3", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on Pathophysiology with our comprehensive quiz designed for nursing students and health professionals. Dive deep into topics such as liver failure, respiratory conditions, and gastrointestinal diseases.25 carefully curated questionsMultiple choice formatInstant feedback on answers","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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